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While they ate their meal of baguettes and croissants with jam and sipped Ianto s decadent
coffee, Jack reminded Ianto about the new band he and Owen played with a few nights
previously. Not that Ianto would forget; it was the night he d heard about Jack almost getting hit
by the car. After scolding him, Ianto had practically dragged him down the streets of the Left
Bank to his studio where he surprised Jack with bout after bout of passionate, rough sex that left
him deliciously sated and aching in the morning.
 We heard from them last night and they definitely want to make it a permanent thing!
 That s great, Jack! So, what does it mean exactly?
 More sets, maybe more gigs outside of the club and more money. That s the other good news. I
moved out of Owen s room.
 Really? Owen s okay with that?
Jack grinned. Ianto s perceptions of other people amazed him. The young artist barely knew the
pianist, but he could tell how such a change might not be as exciting for Owen.
 He is. I only moved down the hall, so I m still nearby. But, now, you and I have options as to
where we want to spend the night!
 Have you actually moved in or is your stuff just haphazardly tossed onto every surface?
 Well, it s not like I have many surfaces, just the bed, the side table and the top of the dresser.
Ianto licked the jam from his thumb and chewed the skin slightly in contemplation.  I m
guessing that if I have any hope of seeing your new home in any sorted state, I m going to have
to help you, aren t I?
Jack s smile glistened brighter than the sunlight.  I was hoping you d offer! Actually, I was
wondering if you wanted to do a bit of shopping with me today? I need bed linens. Jack
managed to creep every ounce of innuendo he could into those words, which was a feat.
Ianto again rolled his eyes at his insatiable lover.  Very well. I suppose I should get a say since
you ll want to christen them as soon as I m washed them.
 You know me so well! Jack licked a stray trickle of raspberry jam from the corner of Ianto s
mouth. Ianto turned and caught the retreating lips, sucking on the sweet tongue within. Jack
moaned and rose to his knees to deepen their kiss. Ianto grasped onto Jack s arms and pulled him
across the discarded breakfast supplies and on top of his body. There was a clattering sound as
the coffee cups were jostled and knocked to the wooden floor, but neither man cared. They
continued to taste each other, Ianto s raspberry flavored baguette and Jack s buttery croissants.
 We should stop, Jack said, moving his hips away from Ianto s.
 What?! Ianto asked in disbelief. He looked from the bulge in his jeans to Jack s own erection
and then to his handsome face.  You want to stop?
 Want? No. Should? Yes. We re going shopping and you don t have a shower here as we are
both very well aware.
 You can shower at my place. Use all the hot water. I don t care. Just get back here. Ianto
wrapped his arms around Jack s chest and brought their bodies together once more. He
immediately wrapped his longs legs around his waist, effectively trapping Jack and their arousals
 Fuck, Ianto. Jack groaned, his body automatically seeking delicious friction.
 Let me thank you for breakfast and then we ll go shopping.
 And showering?
 Sod the shower, just fuck me already! Ianto cried out.
 Always. Jack fused his mouth over Ianto s and sped up his movements. He didn t need telling
Later; or specifically two shags in two different places later, Ianto found himself at a table with
Rhys at the Bleu Allée. Owen and Jack were onstage performing with the new members of their
band. They hadn t decided on a name for the new group yet, but Jack said, to anyone who would
listen, that he thought The Jack Harkness Experience was catchy. Ianto vetoed it, saying he was
the only one who was entitled to that particular experience. Jack had laughed, kissed his
boyfriend and agreed whole-heartedly. Despite not having an official title, the audience
responded positively to their regular performers and the new, fuller sound they created with the
additions of drums, bass and trumpet. Even Rhys was smiling away, tapping his fingers on the
tabletop in time to the music.
Ianto was so glad Rhys had agreed to join him that evening. He didn t mind going to watch Jack
alone, but he really wanted Rhys to get to know his boyfriend. Jack wasn t going anywhere soon,
not if Ianto had a say in the matter, so he desperately needed his best mate and his lover to be
friendly with each other. He was forever grateful to Rhys for saving Jack s life; he didn t dare
think about what his life would be like without his boyfriend in it. And Rhys knew how
important Jack was to Ianto as well. Ianto smiled to himself. He was a lucky man. He had
friends, an exhibition to look forward to, and a man that he adored and who adored him as well.
Ianto blushed. If he ever had doubts about how Jack felt about him, all he had to do was be in his
line of sight while the singer was performing. Jack always looked to him for a smile or wink
throughout his set and made sure certain phrases were directed straight to him. Ianto quickly got
over his embarrassment; Jack meant well by it, just showing him in his own way that he was
happy the other man was there. Ianto was just one of many sitting in the dimly lit club, but the
only person Jack cared to see.
Currently, he was singing Cole Porter s  Begin the Beguine. He was clearly enjoying the
additional instruments, his hips swaying to the beat, his ready smile beaming out over the crowd.
Oh yes let them begin the beguine
Make them play
Till the stars that were there before
Return above you
 Your man is a bit of a showoff, Rhys mused, as Jack started to do a little fancy footwork on
stage, much to the delight of the patrons.
 Only a bit? Ianto asked, clearly amused by Rhys s statement.  When you re that good, you
might as well play it up for the crowd.
 It doesn t bother you, then? That all these people are looking at him? That he is constantly
flirting with everyone up there?
 It s just flirting, Rhys, and it s just part of the job.
 I m sure there are plenty of people that would like to take it beyond flirting, mate.
 Well, that s their problem isn t it? He s taken.
 He doesn t act taken, Ianto.
 Rhys, please. Don t try to make me doubt him. It won t work. I know Jack. He cares about me
and I trust him. He won t betray my trust as I would never betray his.
 As long as you re sure, mate. You know I only want what s best for you.
 I do know that, and I thank you for it, but I m all set. However, I think it s time we found
someone for you. Ianto sat up in his seat and took a look at the people around him.  There are
several good possibilities. Oh! There s that girl again!
Rhys turned to see whom Ianto had recognised.  What girl?
 That pretty one at the bar with the big eyes and the black fringe. She s here a lot. I ve seen her
talking to Owen once or twice.
 They an item?
 The little I know of Owen, I d say no. He doesn t seem like the kind of bloke to settle down, let
alone with a girl like that. I think she d figure him out too easily.
 You never know. Owen might like that.
Ianto shrugged.  Possibly. But, in case not, he could introduce you to her. What do you think?
Rhys looked back at woman. She was definitely Rhys s type of girl, petite, cute, stylish but not
too showy. She was staring intently at the stage, or more accurately, at Jack. Her full lips were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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