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knew Drew could see. With one hand he picked up his younger
brother and pinned him to a wall.  You stupid fuck! What the hell did
you do to him?
Possessed by Love 55
 I had no choice, Adam! Drew squeaked as Adam squeezed his
throat, lifting him off the ground so that his feet dangled. He rarely
saw Adam in such a raw state of anger, and the terror written all over
his face said that he was not enjoying the experience.  It wasn t
working! If I hadn t had the extra blood, it would ve killed you both!
Adam dropped him like a sack of potatoes.  So help me, if he
dies, Drew, there will be no place on their earth you can hide from
me. No rock you can crawl under that will afford you protection
enough. I will take your incorporeal form and rip it into so many
pieces you will never know rest.
Drew sputtered.  I m your brother!
Adam half turned back to his brother, the only family he had left
in the world.  And he is my lifemate. If he dies. You die. Period.
 He needs blood, Drew said from behind him as Adam scooped
up the unconscious vampire.
 Then he ll get it, Adam replied, climbing the stairs to the master
 You can t feed him yet. You re still weak from transition, Drew
said, ever the pragmatist. He was following them upstairs. Adam
could hear him clomping along behind them.
Adam snarled.  Then I suggest you start making a fucking plan
really quick, Drew. Because he needs it now.
Drew sighed heavily.  You start him on some high-octane spirit
blood, and I ll go for take-out.
Adam kissed Jason s forehead in apology.  All right. Hurry the
fuck up.
* * * *
He was drowning in blood. Thick and spicy. It filled his mouth,
choking him. He turned his head to the side and spat out a mouthful of
it. His lungs burned, and his limbs tingled.
56 Jana Downs
 Damn it, Jason! Drink it! a voice yelled at him from some
distance away. Who was it? The accent sounded familiar. It
comforted him as he slid deeper into the abyss.
 Vampire, drink the fucking blood already! You re being
stubborn! That damnable voice jerked him back to consciousness.
His head was pounding with every stuttering beat of his heart. It
stopped, and Jason listened with eerie fascination at the silence that
 Jason, please!
Someone shook him. Jason s eyes slid open uneasily, and he
blinked as spots of light danced across his vision. His heart began to
pound painfully as it restarted. The stranger above him was gorgeous
and familiar somehow. And, damn, he was bossy as hell.
 Thank God, the man whispered. Blue eyes regarded him, and a
bloodied wrist was put to his mouth again. The vampire felt his fangs
elongate as the blood rolled on his tongue.
Oh, yes! Jason thought gratefully. His instincts took over his
mouth naturally and began to draw on the open wound. His starving
cells screamed for more. He felt his venom glands swell, and the man
who was feeding him gasped. Jason growled and bit deeper, widening
his mouth to cover the entire wound. Adam. The man s name was
Adam. Jason remembered that much. He raised his eyes to look at
Adam s pleasure-soaked expression. Your brother tried to kill me, you
prick. And if I need it, your life is going to be forfeit.
* * * *
 Oh& Oh, God. Adam groaned. His head fell back, and his eyes
closed. His hips jerked forward as a hard erection swelled with every
subsequent pull of Jason s mouth. The vampire was an ancient, and
his venom was as orgasmic as Adam had imagined it would be from
Jason s memories of his prey s reactions. Adam groaned as his cock
jerked in near orgasm.  Holy shit! He bit hard on his lip to stifle the
Possessed by Love 57
moans of ecstasy. He could ve fucked through a brick wall at this
point, he was so hard. Jason s growls of approval lit him on fire.
Jason tugged hard on his wrist, sending Adam sprawling across his
 Jason. Adam whispered his name like a prayer. The vampire
wrapped his legs around his hips and bucked his own naked body
against the spirit. Jason slapped Adam s hand away and wrapped his
arms around his neck. Adam tilted his head obligingly. Whatever you
need, baby. I ll give it to you, Bram, mine. Jason s fangs sank into the
artery, causing another gush of blood to shoot into Jason s mouth as
he sucked greedily on the wound. Adam cried out again in pleasure.
He was about to shoot like he was a kid with his first backseat
The spirit s hips took on a life of their own, grinding their cocks
together in perfect unison. The fluid that spilled down both of their
lengths slicked the space between them, increasing the ease of
movement as well as the pleasure. Jason s head lifted from the
wound, and their eyes met.
 Fuck me, the vampire commanded, his eyes sparkling with dark
 Thank God, Adam moaned. Since they were both still naked, it
made things much easier. Feeling Jason skin to skin was the
equivalent of reaching nirvana in Adam s mind. The spirit spread the
vampire s ass cheeks with care, testing his willingness with several
gentle strokes of his fingers.
 Yes! Jason groaned, bucking his hips against Adam s seeking
 I m going to fuck you so damn good, Adam promised as
Jason s body relaxed against his invasion. Jason was still much too
tight, though. Several hundred years of no sex would do that. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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