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same time, I don t want to know anything else. The jealousy is eating away at me! Every woman
who calls, every woman that he has a meeting with, I watch closely. Is that her? Is she the one that
has him so entranced? If I see another woman touch him, I feel my anger rise. I actually get angry!
As though I have any rights to him. I need help!
k& i& k& i& k& i& k&
Still Delilah&
Charlie and I have been spending time together shopping after work once a week for a new sexy
dress and lingerie for my Saturday nights. She also still comes with me to Club M, searching for her
own Saturday night special. I love getting all dressed up for Nico. He truly makes me feel amazingly
sexy. So I decide that now is as good a time as any to revamp my entire closet  work, weekend, and
sexy playtime.
Delilah: Hey, lady! Up for a little lunchtime shopping Thursday?
Charlie: Sure! What for?
Delilah: Think it s time for that closet overhaul u been bugging me about
Charlie: Count me in. Will meet u at our spot. Thursday at noon. Woo hoo!
She always cracks me up. I make plans with Charlie to meet and shop a little during lunch. I have
been working for Nick for almost three months now, and I have not once left for lunch. Well, come
on, can you blame me? I am going to break this Thursday curse once and for all.
We spend my entire lunch hour trying on clothes and spending a lot of money. But I am okay with
that because I haven t bought myself anything in a long time; besides, with the money that I am making
at the Law Firm, and the money that I am saving by living alone and only having to support myself, I
am comfortable with splurging every now and then.
I look at my watch and realize that I am already ten minutes late. I know Nick is going to be
annoyed, so I stop at the café around the corner from our office and pick him up his favorite coffee
and a cannoli for good measure. This day so far has been wonderful - I spent time shopping with my
best friend buying great new clothes and shoes, I am going to see Nico in two days for another round
of mind-blowing sex, and I finally broke my bad Thursday juju  nothing can bring me down.
I finally get back to the office fifteen minutes later, no biggie. I have never been so much as a
minute late before, so if Nick has a problem, he can suck it. Well, not really, that wouldn t be very
professional, but you know what I mean. He can deal with it. I notice that Carmella isn t at her desk,
and that is odd. If she needed to use the restroom, she would have done it during her lunch hour. Nick
doesn t generally like the front desk unmanned. He doesn t like people getting back into our private
wing without going through Carmella first. I take a quick glance around, but don t see anybody, so I
head to my desk and plop down into my chair with a quick huff. I didn t realize how winded I am
simply from hustling back from the café. Maybe I should join Charlie in a run to get my ass back into
shape. I am brought back to reality when my phone intercom beeps. Shit!
 Hey there, Delilah. Can you come into my office, please? Nicks asks, much more politely than
I expect seeing as I am fifteen minutes late getting back from lunch.
 Sure, no problem, I respond suspiciously.
I enter Nick s office and am surprised to see Carmella sitting in a chair across from Nick s desk.
Why didn t I see her there when I got to my desk? I notice that she is crying, clutching a tissue in her
right hand. All different scenarios are running through my head, and I can t for the life of me figure
out what is going on. All I can think of is that Nick is firing her, but then why would he call me in
here? And I know he respects her greatly, and treats her like a mother figure, so that just can t be it.
 Nick? What s going on? Carmella are you all right? I spit out the questions without waiting for
I look back and forth between them, but no one is saying anything. I look back to Carmella, and
she begins to sob. I swing my head back to Nick, like I am watching a freaking tennis match, and he
just looks at me with pity in his eyes.
 What s going on here, guys? You are freaking me out. Carmella, you okay? I ask again, and my
question remains unanswered.
 Why don t you take a seat, Delilah, and we will explain everything to you, Nick says rather
patiently, his hands threaded tightly together in front of him, white knuckled.
This is not the Nick I know. He is usually blunt and straight to the point. He doesn t mince words,
and he certainly doesn t  explain things to people. I slowly plant myself into the twin chair next to
Carmella, across from Nick s expansive desk, never taking my eyes off him. The silence is
deafening, and panic begins to set in. All I can hear is Carmella s quiet hiccupping, her attempt to
stop crying.
 Someone tell me something, I demand, looking back and forth between them again.
Nick stands from behind his desk and takes his suit jacket off. He walks toward me and takes a
knee at my side. I am distracted momentarily by his gracefulness for such a large man, but then he
takes both of my hands in his, and a sole tear escapes my eyes.
 Delilah, your father called while you were at lunch. He said that he couldn t get a hold of you.
He also said that he tried calling your friend, Charlotte. It s& your mother& she s been in a terrible
accident, he says sympathetically, gripping my hands even tighter. All of a sudden Carmella lets out
a loud sob, and we both turn toward her as she breaks down, covering her face with both hands.  I am
so sorry, she wails. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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