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really enjoyed spending time with him tonight.
"How about I give you a hand with those pans?" Keithen
offered. For reasons unknown, he wasn't ready to call it a
Assessing eyes settled on him. "Sure, I'd appreciate the
assistance, although I can't imagine why you would want to
hang around here with me."
Keithen released a robust laugh. "Are you kidding? A
woman who can cook the way you do and swing a hammer is
someone I'd like to know better."
Simone playfully punched him in the arm. Her small fist
made contact with solid muscle. "Well, it's your evening." She
returned to the serving line and began removing the stainless
steel serving pans. Keithen followed her lead.
"So where are you bunking?"
Politics of Love
by Giselle Carmichael
"I pulled a trailer behind me this time when I came to the
Coast. I learned the first time about the shortage of housing
and hotel vacancies. It's parked around back," he answered,
motioning in the direction of the volunteer trailer park on the
grounds of the church. The constant rotation of volunteers
pulling trailers was a scene repeated all over the Coast.
Church grounds, city parks, and recreational facilities were all
being used to house volunteers. "My crew and I have been
moving around the city working different projects."
"I guess that explains why our paths never crossed."
"Well, now that they have, you'll definitely be seeing me."
* * * *
Simone arrived home a little after nine. Entering the
modest three bedroom home, she followed the path around
boxes into the bedroom. More boxes lined the wall in there as
well. She had purchased her home shortly after arriving in the
city. In the skyrocketing and desperate housing market after
Katrina, the older ranch style house had cost far more than it
was worth, but she needed somewhere to lay her head and
still have enough money for building supplies. Her parents
had taken in her grandmother after her home had been
washed from the foundation and destroyed, so space was
limited there. She walked into the bathroom and turned on
the water in the bathtub. Sprinkling in her favorite bubble
bath, she inhaled the melon scent and felt herself start to
relax. She brushed her teeth while the tub filled up. When it
was sufficiently filled, she turned the water off, removed her
clothes, and slid into the warm sudsy water, leaning back. A
Politics of Love
by Giselle Carmichael
sigh of sheer pleasure escaped her lips as she stretched out.
Each evening she came home exhausted from the hard
physical labor, but no longer were her muscles sore and achy.
When she got out of the tub, she stood before the
bathroom mirror admiring her new toned body. She suddenly
wondered what Keithen would think. What the devil are you
thinking? The man could be married with a family back in
California. She grabbed her nightgown and slid it over her
head. Turning out the bathroom light, she went to her
bedroom, pausing only to set the alarm on her clock before
climbing into bed. Then she switched the lamp off and lay in
the dark thinking about her day.
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  • littlewoman.keep.pl