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wall as he rammed deeper into her wet heat.
Panting harshly, he tore his mouth away and demanded,  Look at me. Her lids
slowly lifted and her legs released, coming to rest in the bend of his elbows. He
supported her weight and lengthened his thrusts.  Mine. The word escaped with his
He hadn t expected her to respond and her acquiescence thrilled him.  Mine. His
tone was louder, more forceful.
 I am yours. She smiled and tightened her cunt around him.  And you are mine.
The unexpected exchange was too much. He thrust his entire length into her and
released his seed, shuddering violently with each blissful spasm.
He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, unwilling to separate their
bodies.  I am sorry. You should not be taken like this. I was rough and it was wrong
 You didn t do this to me, Theos. I encouraged you every step of the way.
They both groaned as he lifted her off his cock and set her on her feet.  Even so. I
am not a very good protector.
Aubrey Ross
She chuckled and adjusted the fall of her tunic.  You ll do better next time.
He righted his clothes and led her from the alley, pausing to make sure no one
noticed their emergence. The street was empty. The houses close together and
unremarkable.  Which way?
She shot him a playful smile.  I want to try every way possible.
They continued down the street in companionable silence, awareness flowing
between them. Knowing she wanted him as badly as he wanted her intoxicated and
unnerved him. I am yours& and you are mine. Her words echoed through his mind,
keeping his desire smoldering.
He was a slave! He had no claim to himself much less anyone else. She found him
amusing. If he allowed himself to feel anything but lust for this woman, he was the
worst kind of fool, one who deluded himself.
She turned down a side street and led him to a house slightly offset from the others.
It wasn t as large as the palatial villas perched on the hillsides, but it was inviting
nonetheless. The front door opened after a light beam passed over her body. Her
brother had a similar device separating the villa from the ludus. Theos had always
attributed the phenomenon to Venus. Was it possible these wonders were nothing more
than  technology ?
 Are you coming? She tossed the question over her shoulder as she moved farther
into the interior of the house.
Trepidation stalled his steps and made his heart pound. He didn t sense danger or
doom, more an overwhelming impression that everything was about to change.
She noticed his hesitation and turned around.  Are you all right? There s no one
here but me, I promise.
He didn t find her assurance comforting. His world had been steadily unraveling
ever since he was summoned to her bed. She challenged his fundamental beliefs and
promised freedom, a concept he had all but abandoned in his youth.  I am fine. He
made the assertion as much for himself as for her. Straightening his shoulders, he took a
deep breath and stepped into her world.
Aubrey Ross
Chapter Six
The door closed behind Theos and Elaina smiled. They were alone, truly alone for
the first time. There was no possibility of interruption and no overeager guards to
interfere. His stance was tense, his gaze watchful as he moved farther into the room.
They were still on his side of the barrier, but they were one step closer to her world.
She d only glanced around and tossed her bag on the bed when she d checked in
hours before. Though much smaller than her brother s villa, this house was every bit as
lavish. Sculpted marble and intricate mosaics, colorful wall murals and a sunken tub.
Running water and a high, curtained bed, the house boasted all of the expected
 If this is not about pleasure, Theos prompted,  why have you brought me here?
 Have you heard of the House of Morpheus?
He shrugged, his gaze moving around the room before returning to her face.  There
are temples all over the city. What is your interest in this one?
 It s not a temple. I m not even sure it s a physical place.
 Then how do you hope to find it? He glanced toward the covered window,
obviously curious about what lay beyond the house.  Is it your intention to find it?
She moved to the window and raised the shade, revealing a steep incline and the
energy barrier pulsing in the distance. The sun had started its daily descent but had not
yet surrendered its light.  It s my intention to expose what the proprietors are doing.
Visitors contact the House of Morpheus when they want to live out particularly violent
or depraved fantasies.
His dark gaze searched hers for a long moment before he asked,  Who decides
what is depraved? Fucking in public is considered depraved by many, and no one will
deny that the games are violent.
Pleasures [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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