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DiFalco in service dress blacks. (During the years on Terranova
they had gotten around to standardizing uniforms, and the Russians
wore the black too. At the same time, all the Marines wore dark-
green uniforms with Russian-style shoulder boards; it was one of
the concessions Thompson had had to make in exchange for calling
them  Marines. And the system of rank insignia showed historical
Raehaniv influence, courtesy of Miralann.)
 Well, as much as I hate to break this up, Levinson drawled,  its
time for our final meeting before departure. Of course, you realize
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they ll try one more time to talk us into staying longer. And they ll
probably load us down with some more honors especially you,
after all your dirtside feats of derring-do. It was a subject on which
he still hadn t forgiven DiFalco and, as usual in moments of
agitation, he reverted to vintage American popular culture.  The CO
landing on the dangerous planet and plunging into high adventure!
Gimme a break! Who do you think you are? Captain Kirk?
 I keep telling you, Jeff, I had no choice! It was the only way I
could get out of Guadalcanal before she blew.
 Yeah. Right. I believe that about as much as your wife does!
Aelanni smiled demurely.
 I swear it s the truth, DiFalco insisted.  Thompson corroborated
it. But he knew that wasn t much help. The Marine had taken a
sadistic delight in recounting the story with complete truthfulness&
and with the intonation of a man under orders to lie like a trooper.
He ll pay! thought DiFalco, not for the first time.
Suddenly, Levinson s mercurial face went serious.  Of course it s
the truth, he said gently.  It may even be what history will record.
But you and I both know what legend will say. Legend and,
eventually, myth.
Acutely uncomfortable, DiFalco looked to Aelanni for rescue. But
her face wore exactly the same expression as Levinson s.
 Aw, Hell, he said roughly.  If people are looking for a hero,
Tarlann s their man. If it hadn t ve been for him, we d all be up shit
creek without a paddle! Speaking of Tarlann, he continued,
relieved to change the subject,  it s time to go meet with him and
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the others.
* * *
 Are you quite sure you must leave now? Varien asked, fulfilling
Levinson s prophecy.  There is much left to do in preparing our
defenses against the inevitable Korvaash return.
They were seated around a large oval table in a conference room
redolent of the light airiness of classical Raehaniv architecture.
Varien sat beside Tarlann, who still needed artificial aids to walk
but whose face had lost the grayness that had come with his
premature plunge into the work of the Provisional Government.
Arduin and Raenoli were at Tarlanns other side. Beyond them sat
Yarvann, who in his capacity as military C-in-C had been persuaded
to adopt a less flamboyant and more nearly regulation version of the
old Raehaniv space fleet uniform.
 I know there is, Varien, Difalco replied.  But you don t need us
for it. Isn t that true, Yarvann?
 Yes, the Raehaniv said reluctantly. He needed no interpreter;
Korvaash translator software had by now been adapted, and a
device resembling an old-fashioned hearing aid repeated his words
into DiFalco s ear in English.  Colonel Golovko should be in
position at Seivra now with most of our combatant ships he
departed just after this planet was secured so the displacement
point leading to Korvaash-occupied space is very well-guarded. And
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our strength is already increasing as we turn out more and more
ships and weapons, using  a wintery and ironic smile  the
industrial plant that we ve inherited. The Korvaasha must have an
inkling by now that something is wrong at Seivra, but it will take
time for them to mount an attack.
 Very true, Tarlann affirmed.  By its very nature, their system is
incapable of quick reactions.
 Still, we can t sit on the defensive like this forever! The translator
conveyed Yarvann s eagerness.  Given enough time, they ll be able
to mount an attack in overwhelming force! We ve got to launch a
counteroffensive as soon as possible, liberate the old Raehaniv-
explored systems and go beyond that, into their own territory. Now
that we have their navigational data, we can use the continuous-
displacement drive to do repeatedly what Aelanni did to them here!
 And so we shall, Arduin reassured him.  But there is much to do
first. We must consolidate here and build our strength. And, of
course, we need to cement our alliances.
 Exactly, DiFalco put in.  That s the primary reason for our
immediate departure. The peoples of Earth must be told what s
happening out here. As Varien knows, we joined him because our
world is starting to turn its back on space just when such a move
holds the prospect not just of stagnation it always held that but
of disaster. Remember, once we begin the counteroffensive against
the Korvaasha it s only a matter of time before a ship equipped with
continuous-displacement drive falls into their hands. From what
Tarlann has told us about them, they ll be able to rationalize adding
the drive to their technological repertoire, on the grounds that it s
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just another application of gravities and is therefore covered by the
 Acceptable Knowledge. And on the day that happens, our world s
security is gone; it won t be able to hide behind Sol s lack of
displacement points. Earth s only safe course will be to ally itself
with you Raehaniv, adopting your technology and joining with you
to put an end to the Korvaash threat for good. And I know we can
convince them of that.
Varien smiled and thrust shrewdly.  Can t you at least wait for your
son? It s been a while since you ve seen him.
DiFalco and Aelanni winced in unison. A courier vessel had gone
with Golovko s fleet to Seivra, and was now enroute to Terranova
to bring the news to the colony there. It would return to Tareil as a
spacegoing nursery, bringing Jason and the other Terranova-born
children of those who had departed into unknowable danger.
Slowly, Aelanni shook her head.  No, father. I want with all my
heart to see him again, while he still remembers us. But this is too
urgent. The sooner we can get to Earth, the better our prospects
there will be.
 Yeah, DiFalco said grimly.  Believe me, things there are going to
get worse before they get better. There s no time to lose. He
brightened.  Besides, it s going to take time for Jason to get here.
We should be back not too long after he arrives. Now that we ve
refitted Andrew Jackson so she can keep up with Liberator in
continuous-displacement drive, it won t take us long to get to Sol
after arriving at Alpha Centauri via the Lirauva Chain. Aelanni and
I should be able to bring Liberator back soon after that, leaving
Daeliuv and Miranni and the rest of the diplomatic mission with
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