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becomes the function called by the corresponding special function: the argument to
set_unexpected() becomes the function called by unexpected(), and the argument
to set_terminate() becomes the function called by terminate().
Both set_unexpected() and set_terminate() return a pointer to the function that
was previously called by their respective special functions (unexpected() and
terminate()). By saving the return values, you can restore the original special
functions later so that unexpected() and terminate() will once again call
terminate() and abort().
If you use set_terminate() to register your own function, the function should no
return to its caller but terminate execution of the program.
If you attempt to return from the function called by terminate(), abort() is
called instead and the program ends.
Example of Using the Exception Handling Functions
The following example shows the flow of control and special functions
used in exception handling:
using namespace std;
class X { };
class Y { };
class A { };
// pfv type is pointer to function returning void
typedef void (*pfv)();
void my_terminate() {
void my_unexpected() {
void f() throw(X,Y, bad_exception) {
throw A();
void g() throw(X,Y) {
throw A();
int main()
pfv old_term = set_terminate(my_terminate);
pfv old_unex = set_unexpected(my_unexpected);
try {
catch(X) {
Chapter 17. Exception Handling 335
Special Exception Handling Functions
catch(Y) {
catch (bad_exception& e1) {
catch (...) {
try {
catch(X) {
catch(Y) {
catch (bad_exception& e2) {
catch (...) {
The following is the output of the above example:
In first try block
Call to my_unexpected()
Caught bad_exception
In second try block
Call to my_unexpected()
Call to my terminate
At run time, this program behaves as follows:
1. The call to set_terminate() assigns toold_termthe address of the function last
passed to set_terminate() when set_terminate() was previously called.
2. The call to set_unexpected() assigns toold_unexthe address of the function last
passed to set_unexpected() when set_unexpected() was previously called.
3. Within the first try block, functionf()is called. Becausef()throws an
unexpected exception, a call to unexpected() is made. unexpected() in turn calls
my_unexpected(), which prints a message to standard output. The function
my_unexpected()tries to rethow the exception of typeA. Because classAhas not
been specified in the exception specification of functionf(),my_unexpected()
throws an exception of type bad_exception.
4. Because bad_exception has been specified in the exception specification of
functionf(), the handlercatch(bad_exception&e1)is able to handle the
5. Within the second try block, functiong()is called. Becauseg()throws an
unexpected exception, a call to unexpected() is made. The unexpected() throws
an exception of type bad_exception. Because bad_exception has not been
specified in the exception specification ofg(), unexpected() calls terminate(),
which calls the functionmy_terminate().
336 C/C++ Language Reference
Special Exception Handling Functions
6. my_terminate()displays a message then calls abort(), which terminates the
Noe that the catch blocks following the second try block are not entered, because
the exception was handled bymy_unexpected()as an unexpected throw, not as a
valid exception.
v  unexpected() on page 332
v  terminate() on page 333
v  set_unexpected() and set_terminate() on page 334
Chapter 17. Exception Handling 337
Special Exception Handling Functions
338 C/C++ Language Reference
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Programming Interface Information
This edition applies to Version 5, Release 1, Modification 0, of IBM WebSphere
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This book is intended to help you create Integrated Language Environment C/C++
programs. It contains information necessary to use the Integrated Language
Environment C/C++ compiler. This book documents general-use programming [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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