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Step 4. Visualize an object
Next, visualize a small object, such as a small cube, about six feet directly in front of your face. Visualize
this as clearly as you can. Don't continue until you can see this object clearly in your mind's eye.
Step 5. Sway the Object a Small Amount
Then begin to move the object back and forth so that it appears to come a little bit closer to you and then
moves back to where it began. At first, visualize only a tiny amount of movement, as if the object is
merely slowly swaying toward you and away from you.
Keep the object swaying constantly. Don't let it stop moving. Keeping the object in motion will help to
stabilize the image in your mind and give it more realism.
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Step 6. Increase the Amount of Swaying
Slowly increase the distance the object sways. Keep swinging the image back and forth toward you, each
time bringing it a bit closer to you. As you do this, the image may seem to become more real. Make sure
your visualization has a sense of perspective and depth. Each time the object comes closer, it should look
bigger. Each time the object pulls away, it should look smaller. Remember, you must also keep that
passive, quiesced state of mind during the entire exercise.
Step 7. Sway Opposite To The Object
Try to feel as if you are swaying in the opposite direction as the object. Imagine the object has a strong
gravity which affects your swaying. As the object swings closer to you, you are pulled toward it. As it
swings away from you, you sway back to your original position within your body.
As the object gets closer and closer with each swing, feel its gravity pull you more and more in its
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Step 8. Grab The Object And Let It Pull You Out
After the image becomes very vivid, when it swings close to you, "grab" onto the image with your mind.
As the image swings away, your consciousness will follow it and will be consciously pulled away from
your body.
At this point you will be out of your body. Then you can "let go" of that quiesced state of mind, expand
your consciousness and you will be very wide awake and very alert. You are then free to explore the
nonphysical world!
It is important to examine your consciousness during the experience to make sure that you are not
dreaming. During the experience, ask yourself, "Is this really happening, or is it a dream?" After you
return to your body recall how conscious you were during the experience.
Learning to leave your body is something that takes a lot of time, practice and patience. Don't expect
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results over night. This chapter has a lot of information to absorb at once. You may spend several
attempts just trying to remember all the subtleties involved. Some people don't have any OBEs until they
have spent years trying. And some people don't get results because they try too hard; learn to let go. The
good news is, the first OBE is the hardest. Once you've had an OBE, it's easier to induce more.
Also, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Develop your own techniques. Use whatever
works best for you.
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Psychic Experiences
As I continued to practice out-of-body experiences, I had more and more psychic experiences. And I was
trying to deny it all. I didn't consider myself psychic, but psychic experiences kept piling up, one upon
another, forcing me to admit that I had psychic abilities. What's more, psychic things happened so often
that I couldn't write it off as coincidence. I felt as if my "higher self" was combating my skepticism by
throwing undeniable, unbelievable things in my face.
I had many different types of psychic experiences. Remarkable, it all seemed to happen over night. As
crazy as it sounded, wishes started coming true. Suddenly the world was magical.
Suddenly I was "taking the words out of people's mouths," not weekly or daily, but hourly! I wrote some
of these down in my journals. Here are some examples:
05/12/80 Mon
...I asked my mom what we had for lunch. The word "tuna fish" came to me. A while later
she said, "There might be some tuna fish around."
Today JF and I were talking about how neat it would be if BS (our English teacher) was also
our computer-science teacher. I THOUGHT, "What was BS's major in college?". JF
suddenly SAID, "He was a physics major."
10/14/83 Fri
...For one of my classes this quarter, I am in a team of five people working on a computer
project. Today we had to think of a name for our team. I suggested the name "Magnum
Opus," and right away one of my teammates said he had just been thinking that, and was
about to suggest it himself!
10/04/85 Fri
...I was programming busily, when I thought I heard JP ask about my computer program (if I
fixed my ENDIF statements in a particular section of code). I started explaining to him that I
did, and what else I had done, when he told me that he never asked the question! He only
THOUGHT about asking me! And yet I answered him as if he asked the question he had in
his mind.
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Telepathic Sending
This is similar to telepathy, except you are deliberately trying to send a message to another person.
Another term might be "Remote Suggestion." This is the ability to put thoughts or suggestions into the
minds of others. A good example was the incident in which I suggested that my bus driver speed up.
Here are more examples:
08/20/80 Wed
I went to Burger King for lunch. With my lunch I ordered some french fries. When the
server went to get my fries, I telepathed, "Give me a few more." Right before my eyes, she
turned around, reached in the bin and added more fries to my order! The french fries were
already measured into bags. But she grabbed a bag and afterward she added some to my bag
of fries! I said aloud, "I don't believe it!"
03/19/81 Thu
...I was eating supper with my Dad and I wanted a napkin. I decided to do a psychic
experiment. I tried to put the word "Napkin" into my Dad's mind. A little while later, he
reached up and grabbed a napkin for me. That's not too strange. But then he asked, "Were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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