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23. * Tart, Charles (ed.), 1972. Altered States of
6. Belief, Faith, and Knowledge. Interpreting Reality Under
Extraordinary Circumstances, Social and Cultural Factors in
Cognition and Perception (various viewpoints, ranging from
biological and physiological to social andcultural)
1. Sargant, William, 1957, Battle for the Mind, N.Y.:
Harper and Row.
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4. Ebon, Martin, (Jan-Feb, 1977), "The Occult
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5. * Luhrmann, T.M., 1989, "Persuasions of the Witch's
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6. Evans, Christopher, 1973, Cults of Unreason, N.Y.:
7. Jahoda, Gustav, 1969, The Psychology of Superstition,
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8. Berger, P. and T. Luckman, 1967, The Social
Construction ofReality, N.Y.:Anchor.
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16. * Ortony, A. (ed), 1979, Metaphor and Thought,
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17. * Galanter, Marc. 1989, Cults: Faith, Healing, and
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18. Waton, Lawrence and Doxon Guthrie, 1972, "A New
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22. * James, William, (1958), The Varieties of Religious
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23. Underhill, Evelyn, (1972), Mysticism,
24. Zusne, Leonard and Warren Jones, 1982, Anomalistic
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7. Perceptual anomalies and unusual experiences
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Annual Review ofPsychology, pp. 19-44.
3. Kihlstrom, J.R. 1985, Hypnosis section of Vol. 36 of the
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6. Gray, Cynthia, and Kent Gummerman, 1975, "The
: Hypnosis: A Selected Bibliography by Todd I. Stark
Enigmantic Eidetic Image,"Psychological Bulletin, 82,
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