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entity will hear you.
If you are where you cannot speak your
thoughts aloud for contact or communication, use
your will 'power and your mind. Think that which
you desire them to understand. If
the contact is good, they will receive the thoughts
you send.
Let me remind you again: PRACTICE MAKES
PERFECT. What anyone else can do, you can do.
If you cannot do what we have just mentioned
in this chapter, it is because you have limited your
own thinking, either consciously, subconsciously
or both. It is very important to enter the Silence
whenever attempting to do any psychic work.
REMEMBER: Do not denounce any of this
work until you have applied yourself and
attempted to master it. If you approach these
subjects with a broad mind and desire to learn and
master them, you will master them easily and be
able to do them yourself.
Most mystery schools teach these things, and
assign to the students specific ability guides.
Usually the first-you receive from such a school,
in private or class lessons, are the Indian guides.
The main reason for this is that the Indian is the
closest of any of the entities. He depended
completely on his sixth sense or psychic ability for
his self-preservation, while he was in the material
body. He had a full understanding and
comprehension of the beauty about him, and he
loved it and it loved him. Therefore, the Indian is
usually the first in a series of specific ability
guides the mystic acquires.
The Indian was very close to Mother Nature,
which has been termed "God" by many. The
Indian guide would be a good start for anyone
needing astral assistance.
A full band of these guides in some mystery
schools is thirty-three. This author has received his
full band and then some. It is not imagination; it is
There are some mystery schools that assign a
chemist-a master teacher, a doctor teacher and a
joy guide, etc. Each guide has a specific ability,
some to help financially, some for healing and
some to give you joy.
The "joy guides" are usually entities who went
through transition or death at the age of five or six,
and they are often twins, boys or girls. It is their
job to keep you from being lonely and to bring joy
and happiness into your life. Most deceased
relatives and guides we have discussed are from
the astral plane or astral dimension.
If you were to break down your unit called the
"physical body" into seven parts, the seventh
would be the material, the sixth would be astral
and the fifth the etheric.
The astral, in some cases, is very dense and can
be seen with the physical eye on an 0ccasion. It
can be seen at all times by a clairvoyant, and on
some occasions, can be felt as a light feathered
touch or tingling.
The ability to sense or feel an entity from the
astral dimension touch you is termed
The etheric plane is of a higher rate of vibration
and to contact the etheric beings would be similar
to contacting angels, or souls evolved high in
spiritual dimensions in and around this planet.
There are other dimensions higher and finer than
this, but this shall be kept for later teaching. At
this time, we shall proceed to understand and learn
about the astral and etheric dimensions.
There are several material things which can
assist us in mental communication with the astral
and etheric dimensions. There are some stones that
contain a large amount of LEE, which can be held
in the hand and placed on the forehead.
The one mentioned by Edgar Cayce is a
beautiful green stone, and it is said to be of great
assistance to all psychics. This is called the LAPIS
LINGUA. It is a by-product of copper in its raw
state from the copper mines, a green rock, fairly
soft but hard enough to obtain a polish.
A person's own birthstone, if it be genuine, is the
best assistance for attuning to any dimension
desired. You may either place it on your finger,
mount it on a ring or hold it on your
forehead and know of its occult value to help you
make mental communication with whom. ever you
Then there is the TEL-THOUGHT STONE.
This is used by advanced metaphysicians for
contact with outer space and outer realms. This
stone, which consists of spar, preferably Alaskan
spar, is placed upon the forehead and used for a
transfer or frequency change for mental rapport
With whomever you desire to communicate.
The types of mental communication mentioned
here are for the person on the path to an
understanding of realization. However, as we
climb and realize that there is but One Mind, and
we are that One Mind, we have but to realize that
we can communicate with anything, any place,
through the One Mind and it can be done. Before
anyone can attune into Oneness with the One
Mind, a great amount of cleansing and purifying
must be applied by using positive speech,
removing negative ego and becoming very
When first starting this work, it is important to
be quiet, restful and at ease. Find a place where
you can have solitude and no distractions of any
type. Practice makes perfect. A good mental
medium can make contact any time, any place,
under any conditions, even in a railroad station
where there is confusion and' noise. The beginner
should make it easy for himself
and surround himself with peace, tranquility and
quiet. This is sometimes termed "the Silence" .
You must enter the Silence, materially and
mentally, in order to attune to these astral and
etheric dimensions. It is not wise to continue this
for any great length of time, for you are using your
supply of energy or LEE stored in your glands.
You should not make this a continuous every hour
experience, or you would deplete your energy. To
begin with, once a day or once every two or three
days, not to exceed five minutes at a time, is
Another thing to bear in mind is the fact that if
you have mastered the earlier chapters in this
book, you can control an entity if you desire to do
so, in or out of the body, and it will do your
Again I remind you: There is a law of Karma.
Do not misuse this knowledge. You may escape
civil punishment of man-made Jaws, but it is an
impossibility to escape the punishment of your
own minds. It would be a disgrace and a wrong-
doing to use material objects for selfish gain, but it
would be evil to use mental power and spiritual
knowledge for selfish gain, and the compensation
would be most horrible.
We have seen human beings do this-black
magicians at work-and have seen the dreadful,
horrible things which befall them: incurable
diseases, insanity t all types of evil, negative
conditions which they acquired because they have
misused the knowledge and wisdom presented to
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