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He slid one finger into her, another, pumping into her slickness as he sucked her, pushing her over
the edge so damn fast she almost blacked out.
She shattered under the intensity of an orgasm that defied logic, screaming so loud her throat hurt.
Stunned, she lay there, her body burning and languid and sated, needing time to recover. But Jett
didn t give it to her. Instead, his tongue snaked out to lick her again, sending an almost painful jolt
through her.
 Oh my God, Jett, you can t& give me a minute& 
He didn t, lapping at her like he d never get enough. To her amazement the pressure built again,
coiling through her body, shocking in its intensity. She tugged at her restraints, wriggling and writhing,
mindless with wanting whatever he had to give.
His teeth bit lightly on her clit and she screamed again as wave after wave of undiluted pleasure
washed over her, leaving her boneless and spent.
 Hey, you still with me?
Her eyelids fluttered open to find Jett lying beside her, within kissing distance, a smug grin
illuminating his face.
She grunted in response.
He chuckled.  Fuck, do you have any idea how hot that was?
 Yeah, she mumbled, her head lolling to the side so she could see him.  Your turn?
 Hell no. His palm rested on her belly and stroked lower.  I like having you as my very own
 Just because I m tied up doesn t mean I can t be the master for a little while, she said, trying her
best demure smile.  I order you to fuck me. Now.
 Yes, Master. He gave a funny half salute.  Just so you know, hearing you talk dirty is almost as
big a turn-on as having you tied up, wet, on full display.
She moaned and he swallowed it with a kiss that ravaged. Allegra was only barely aware of the rip
of a foil packet before Jett was inside her with a hard thrust, stretching and filling her until she thought
her raw nerve endings couldn t take it any more.
If she d thought being licked by him while restrained had been hot, having him pound into her with
fierce determination ratcheted her excitement to a whole new level.
She longed to touch him, to caress him, to grab his ass and hold on for dear life. But she couldn t
and when he slid hid hands under her, lifted her hips, and drove deeper, she came apart again.
With another two thrusts Jett yelled her name and collapsed on top of her, his weight the one
normality in this titillating encounter.
She d had him lie on top of her before after sex. But never had she had this kind of sex or the
stunning aftermath. Like every muscle, every inch of skin, had been hot-wired and still sizzled with
residual electricity.
 Unbe-frigging-lievable, he said, pushing up to prop on his elbows and look down on her.  You
She nodded, unable to find the words to express how she felt.
She d trusted this guy to help explore her sexuality. And Jett had delivered in ways he d never
Because what they d just done proved that all those times with Flint, when she d secretly blamed
herself for their lackluster sex life, hadn t been her fault.
With the right guy, a guy like Jett, she could go off. And that knowledge empowered her like nothing
She lifted her hips slightly, pressed her pelvis to his.  Ready for the next round?
 Insatiable. Impressive. He winked.  At least give me another three minutes.
 Actually, I think I need more like ten, she said, wincing a little as she moved her arms.
He stood quickly, concern creasing his brow.  Okay, that s enough kinky stuff for now. Let me untie
you. He undid the scarves and unlocked the handcuffs, gently rubbing circulation back into her
wrists.  Better?
 Fine, she said, touched by his thoughtfulness.
Though now the post-orgasmic haze was fading, reality intruded. She wasn t fine. Having to tell
Jett the truth after what they d just shared? Her timing sucked.
She should ve told him earlier. Shouldn t have been so damn selfish in wanting to explore her
fantasies. Hopefully he d understand what it took for her to trust him to bind her and he d cut her
some slack.
 What s wrong? He released her wrists and sat on the bed.
 Nothing. Everything. She laid a hand on his thigh, took a deep breath, and hoped to God he d
understand.  I m being selfish in wanting to keep you here when you probably need to work on your
He grimaced.  Don t remind me. I reckon my work speaks for itself and Kai Kaluna s a stand-up
guy, but a lot of advertising business is conducted behind closed doors. Mutual back-scratching.
Under-the-table deals. That kind of thing. His fingers splayed on her stomach and the pit of it fell
away.  So no matter how well prepared I am, someone can come along and snaffle the lot from under
Shit. If she didn t tell him now she may end up losing her dinner in the toilet.
The nausea intensified as she looked at Jett, with his hair ruffled and his eyes clear and his
expression wavering between satisfaction and tenderness.
He reached for her.  Allegra?
She slipped out of reach, hating how her simple evasive action made his eyes narrow with
Unable to look him in the eye, her hands fiddled with the top sheet, twisting it until her fingers
ached.  I m pitching for the Kaluna campaign. I lost my biggest client, two others didn t sign up, and
my company, AW Advertising, is in dire financial trouble, so I came here with the sole intention of
scoring an opportunity to pitch.
The truth spilled out of her in a torrent, but did little to ease the clamminess of her skin or the
roiling of her gut.  I m sorry, it just seemed easier for you to think I was taking a week off after the
wedding fiasco rather than mess with my work and yours. I wanted to tell you, but we ve kept work
and our private lives separate and I didn t want to complicate things.
 Complicate things, he parroted, shaking his head and staring at her like she d morphed into a
monster.  Why would a little thing like you sleeping with me, letting me talk about my work while
you re in competition against me, complicate things?
His lethally cold monotone scared her more than if he d ranted and raved and shouted.
She knew damage control at this point would be useless but she had to try, had to try anything to
wipe away the devastation clouding his eyes and the disgust twisting his mouth.  Jett, this has nothing
to do with us 
 Bullshit, he roared, and she jumped. Maybe she preferred the cold disdain more.  I can t believe
I frigging trusted you.
The desolation in his appalled glare told her more than anything he could throw at her ever could.
His best mate had betrayed his trust and now he thought she d done the same. She wanted to tell him
how she d tried to help him, how she d changed her pitch, but by the way he was staring at her,
anything she said now would only make things worse.
A sob bubbled up from deep within and stuck in her chest. She slid her hand across the sheet, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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