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knee. Wrapping his hand around her upper thighs, he drew her close and began lavishing the same
attention on the thin scratches along her hips and abdomen as he had the punctures at her throat. She
shivered at the contact of his tongue, closing her eyes and basking the afterglow of climax.
 Let s get some food in you. He pressed a kiss to her navel before rising to his full height. She lifted
her chin, following the line of his muscular thighs, drifting past the sinewy six-pack and wide chest
with a scattering of hair until she gazed into his face.
He was huge huge and impressive. The eyes that met hers were their usual tawny-gold color, his
dark brows drawn down as he observed her closely.
 What? she asked self-consciously and forced herself to remain still.
 How do you feel? He lifted both his hands and cradled her biceps, stroking her arms with tender
She grinned, playful despite the unfamiliar calm that blanketed her.  Fishing for compliments?
The serious expression evaporated and he returned her grin.  What if I am?
She shrugged, enjoying the way his still-moist fingers felt against her steamy skin.  I wouldn t suggest
holding your breath.
He snagged her under the knees with one hand, placed the other around her back and lifted her
effortlessly into his chest. The heat from his skin surrounded her, providing a barrier from the chill of
the bathroom that wafted toward them when he opened the shower door and stepped out.
Brushing aside her protests, he toweled her body dry and didn t move away until she began the
tedious task of sliding into her cigarette-reeking clothes, starting with her slacks sans underwear. She
held her breath as she reached for her shirt, trying not to choke. Normally the smell wasn t so obvious
or so offensive. As if he sensed her discomfort, Diskant moved in front of her and hoisted his
sweatshirt over her head.
 Arms up, he instructed and slid the garment down her torso when she did as he asked. Her head
popped through the collar and he grinned as her hair scattered in all directions, a few wisps falling
across her forehead.
 What are you grinning at? She scowled, shoved the too-long sleeves to her elbows and combed her
fingers through her mop of hair.
 Not a thing, he answered evasively and slid into a pair of well-worn jeans, going commando.
She watched the teeth of the zipper slide past tanned skin and the thatch of ebony hair and experienced
a fresh wave of desire. That zipper was going in the wrong direction entirely. In fact, she d love
nothing more than to rip the denim off his hips, fall to her knees and give him a proper good
 I hope you re hungry. I made breakfast for lunch.
 Breakfast for lunch? She shook her head clear of the sexual fog.  What time is it?
 It was a quarter to two when I came upstairs.
Her stomach sank and all sexual thought dissipated.
Two o clock? Damn!
She rushed out of the bathroom, chanting  shoes, shoes, shoes , aware of Diskant s baffled
expression, which quickly became impatient. After she retrieved her socks and sneakers, she perched
on the edge of the mattress and hurriedly put them on. She never slept late, always able to rely on the
inner cuckoo clock that roused her just after seven each morning. It figured she d break from the norm
when it came to something important. If she was late to sign the papers, Thomas wouldn t stick
around. He would take the deed to the cabin and shop it elsewhere.
Thomas waited for no one including family and especially her.
One hour was all she had to travel from the Upper East Side to Maybelle s Diner in Queens. There
was a slim chance she could make it if she got a taxi, paid extra for a bit of speed and went directly
there. She started to look for her purse and cursed. Her cell was in her pants, as were her keys, but
her money was inside her locker at work. She didn t have the fare to pay for the trip.
 Do you think you re going somewhere? Diskant didn t pose the question in a manner that implied he
would accept anything less than an answer.
She quickly tied the laces.  I m supposed to meet someone in less than an hour.
 Can you call and postpone? Damn he sounded intense when he was annoyed, like a wild bear
coming across a lone hunter in the woods.
Shaking her head, she stood.  No. Thomas won t stick around if I m not there when I promised to be,
and he won t answer his cell just to spite me. I need to call a cab. Do you think you can spot me the
fare? I can pay you 
 Who the fuck is Thomas?
That got her attention.
She turned and focused on Diskant. His gold irises were like liquid metal, shining so brightly she
couldn t help the instinctive reaction to place a hand to her throat and take a cautionary step back.
He d sworn that shifters wouldn t hurt their mates if, in fact, that was what she was to him but
considering the way he looked right now, primed and ready to kill, that fact didn t reassure her much.
Swallowing convulsively, she squared her shoulders, managed to summon some courage and
narrowed her eyes in turn.  Don t be a Neanderthal. Thomas is my brother.
The tension in the room eased as the glow in his eyes faded and the harsh lines around his lips and
eyes receded. He started walking toward her and it took every ounce of pride and determination not
to shy away when he reached out. His fingers were gentle on her elbows, palms barely cupping her
When he spoke, his voice was strained.  I apologize. I m still struggling for control when it comes to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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