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he did, he felt a new kind of energy flow between them. Now they
went around in a full circle. Each man kissed and breathed into each
man until all four of them were breathless. Together they reached a
new summit where the complexity of their twinning was breached.
Simultaneously, all four of them climaxed.
Never in his life had Quinn ever felt such joy and relief.
Maxwell s soul was bound to his, and his soul was bound to
Maxwell s. The bond was as unbreakable. They were true and
dedicated twins now. Even though he knew it was woefully unalpha,
Quinn burst into tears. He didn t feel one bit upset considering the
110 Anitra Lynn McLeod
other three men joined him.
Softly, into his mind, Danny whispered,  Welcome to the
brotherhood of the Twin Pines Grizzlies. Information exploded.
Quinn in turn whispered this to Maxwell, who had the same reaction.
Clinging together, they cried and laughed while they let the
residual energy equalize. And then, without an explosion or a ground-
shaking climax, they were done. Or so Quinn thought.
 You re not finished just yet. Grayson considered the group of
them on the bed.
 They are bonded now, Danny pointed out.
 Yes, but what are they, exactly? Grayson frowned.  I need to
Danny nodded.  I guess that might help us decide where they will
Maxwell s upper lip snarled back at the idea of anyone telling him
where he would go or what he would do.
 That is part of this deal, Quinn said, directly into Maxwell s
mind.  We have what we wanted. We are twinned, but we still have to
pay the piper. Keeping a delicate balance between your pack and my
sloth is going to be far more difficult than this twinning ever was. So,
put on a happy face, and let s do our best to get through this without
making it worse.
 When the hell did you get so wise?
 I took a class in college.
 Ah. I ll have to take that course.
Maxwell dropped the snarl along with his attitude because he
recognized Quinn was right. They had to work this out. Moreover,
both of them were curious about what animal they would shift into.
 I shall see if I can still pull Maxwell to me. In an instant,
Maxwell was at Grayson s side in his wolf form. Quinn couldn t help
but think Maxwell was very sleek and predatory as a wolf. His hair
was completely black and very thick. His eyes were the same hazel
color he possessed as a human.  Pull yours.
Dangerous Alpha 111
Danny shook his head.  I don t have that ability.
 Oh. Grayson couldn t seem to help himself. He allowed a
satisfied smirk to twist his lips.  Let us see what happens when Quinn
tries to shift.
 How do I do that? Quinn asked Danny.
 Concentrate on your twin and pull him to you. But wait 
Too late, Quinn pulled and suddenly he and Maxwell were bound
together in a bear body. Looking across the room at Danny, Quinn
mentally asked,  Why did you want me to wait?
 I was going to suggest you get naked so you didn t lose your
 Oh. They re off.
 Right. How does it feel?
 Good. Quinn nodded their shaggy head.  How do we look?
 You look like a hybrid between a grizzly and a black bear.
When an image filled Danny s mind, Quinn and Maxwell were
able to see themselves through his eyes. Maxwell seemed
 What s with you? Quinn asked.
 Well, we re cute. I thought we d be all terrifying.
 If we stood on our hind legs and roared, I m sure we d strike
fear in the hearts of man and beast alike.
 But how can this be? Grayson considered them.  How can I still
pull Maxwell to me but my ability has no effect on Quinn?
By pushing, Quinn was able to separate himself from Maxwell.
 You try this time.
When Maxwell concentrated, Quinn felt himself merge into him.
When they looked up, they saw both Danny and Grayson step back.
 Holy mother of God! Grayson s eyes were as wide and round as
his mouth.
 That s the biggest wolf I ve ever seen! Danny laughed and then
extended his hand.  Friends, right?
Quinn and Maxwell nodded their head, and then they got an
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image of what they looked like. They were as massive as they had
been as a bear. They still had the same curious brown and black mix
of fur. They had one hazel eye and one that was pale blue, just as they
had when they joined into the bear.
 Wait. Danny considered Grayson.  When your kind shifts, you
shift into two wolves?
 Yes. Grayson paused.  Don t you shift into two bears?
 No. We shift into one bear.
 One bear with two minds?
Danny nodded.
 Does the alpha partner lead?
 Then how do you decide what to do? Grayson looked as
horrified as he sounded.
 It s more us working together.
Grayson gave him a look of utter disgust.
Diplomatically, Danny offered,  To each species their own way of
doing things. And this doesn t really help us solve the issue.
With effort, Quinn and Maxwell separated.  Why don t we have a
say in this?
 Because you re lesser members. Grayson sighed as if it were a
common well-known fact that he shouldn t have to state.
 They are welcome with us, Danny offered this kindly.
 But what if we should need him? Grayson pointed to Maxwell.
So far, since they d twinned, Grayson had hardly looked at Quinn at
all. It was demeaning. But before Quinn could say anything, Maxwell
spoke into his mind.
 Remember, we want them on our side. Maxwell mentally patted
Quinn s hand.  He doesn t acknowledge you directly because to him
I m the alpha in our relationship.
 And that means you re the boss of everything?
 In Grayson s eyes, yes. Maxwell winked.  In reality, no. You
and I are a couple. We ll decide things together.
Dangerous Alpha 113
 Well, Quinn said,  apparently we ll decide things together
after this.
 Where would you rather go? Grayson posed the question to
 I would rather stay with my pack. Maxwell s answer was
Quinn felt utterly betrayed.  And this is how we re going to work
 I m trying to mollify him.
 I want to go with Danny. Quinn grabbed his sweats off the floor
and yanked them on.
 You don t have a say. Grayson considered Maxwell.  I think it
would be best if they came with us.
 I m not going with you. Quinn put his hands on his hips.
 Control your mate, Maxwell, or I shall have to discipline him.
Maxwell gave Quinn a look that beseeched him to behave. After
Quinn darted a glance to Danny, and found him seemingly to be an
unconcerned observer, Quinn s heart sank. Without asking, he knew
if he went with Maxwell to Grayson s den, he was going to be the
lowest member of the pack.
 Why don t we separate them? Grayson proposed.
Quinn s heart shot into ticking time bomb territory.
 I m not leaving my mate. Maxwell rose from the bed and slung
the swath of purple fabric around his hips.  We did all of this to be
 Yes, that is why you did it. I, however, only wanted to save my
nexus. Grayson looked around.  Where is Preston?
 For that matter, where is Dylan? Danny asked.
The two nexuses had slipped out during the shifting tests.
With a snap of his fingers, Grayson called forth his mate and sent
him to locate Preston.  I can t seem to feel him. Can you?
 No, my mate. Elias lowered his head.
 They couldn t have gotten far, Danny said.  I can still mentally
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