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at me as I stared straight ahead. I couldn t look at her at that moment. I was too pissed off.
 You have no right! she spat.
My angered eyes turned and looked at her.  I have no right? What the hell do you think you were
doing in there? Were you trying to get yourself raped? Look at you, and the way you re dressed,
you re just asking for it.
She flipped out and started hitting me in the chest.  Fuck you, Connor! she screamed as she
proceeded to beat on me.
Mason grabbed her arms as I grabbed her wrists, trying to calm her down. The cab pulled up to the
apartment building. Mason and I got out, and Ellery sat there with her arms folded.
 Get out of the cab now! I yelled. She glared at me and then flipped me off.
 Real mature, Ellery, I said as I leaned into the cab, grabbed her arm, and pulled her out. I threw
her over my shoulder and carried her straight to the bedroom, throwing her on the bed. I paced back
and forth across the room while running my hands through my hair, trying to calm down.
 I can t believe you, Ellery. I came here tonight to surprise you, and I find you dry humping some
guy in a club, drunk off your ass. What the hell were you thinking?
 I was having fun instead of being cooped up in this apartment, crying over you every damn day!
she screamed.
I stopped and looked at her. I could see the affliction in her eyes, and it hurt.  Do you think this has
been easy for me? I asked calmly.
She put her hand over her mouth and ran to the bathroom. She leaned over the toilet, and I heard her
vomiting. I walked in behind her and held her hair back with one hand while I softly rubbed her back
with other. As she began to cry, I walked to the sink and ran a cloth under the warm water. When she
was finished, I wiped her mouth with it and helped her off the floor.
 Let s get you in your pajamas and into bed. You have your treatment tomorrow, I said as I took
her nightshirt out of her drawer. I walked over to her, and she grabbed it out of my hands.
 Let me help you, I calmly said.
 I don t need your help; I can do it myself! she yelled and undressed as I watched her. She
climbed into bed and pointed at the door for me to leave her room. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I
grabbed a pillow and laid myself on the couch. I turned on the TV, but it was playing a DVD. The
woman on the screen looked just like Ellery. I restarted it from the beginning and watched as Ellery s
mother spoke to her. No wonder she went to the club and drank like that. Between watching this video
and me, the girl was a wreck. I felt horrible, and I should ve been here for her while she watched it. I
wanted nothing more than to climb into bed next to her and hold her tight. I wanted to tell her how
much I love her and that I m here for her, but it s the last thing she wanted, so I respected her wishes
and slept on the couch.
I woke up early the next morning and put on a pot of strong coffee. Ellery was going to need it
because she was going to have one hell of a hangover. I leaned up against the counter, waiting for the
coffee to brew as she emerged from the bedroom.
 Good morning; you look like shit, I smiled, trying to be funny and lighten the moment.
 Yeah, well, we all can t look as perfect as you, she frowned.
I smiled as I handed her a cup of coffee.  Do I get a hug? I asked as I held my arms out.
 Sluts don t give hugs, she snarled as she grabbed her cup and walked away.
Obviously she s still pissed about the  slut remark. I was hoping she wouldn t remember that. I
took my coffee, sat at the table, and waited for her to get ready. After 20 minutes, she was finally
ready and she went to the cabinet to grab a bottle of Motrin. She was having trouble opening the
bottle, so I walked over to her and tried to take it from her hands to help her. She wouldn t let go and
told me to go away.
We arrived at the hospital in silence. She walked a few feet ahead of me through the parking lot. I
tried to hold her hand, but she just jerked it away.  I don t understand why you re so mad, I finally
 You called me a slut, Connor.
 I said you looked like a slut, Elle.
She shook her head,  Same thing, you idiot.
When we reached the office, the nurse took us promptly to the room. Ellery changed into the thin
gown and sat on the bed, waiting for Dr. Murphy. She wouldn t even look at me.
 Are you even going to look at me? I asked.
 I m so mad at you, Connor Black, I could scream.
I walked over to her and tried to take her hand, but she pulled away.  If you think I m going to
apologize, then you re in for a surprise because I m not. What you did last night was unacceptable
and immature, I said.
 At least I didn t take the guy home and fuck him like you did with random strangers! she spat
while staring me straight in the eyes.
 Why did I even bother coming here? I asked.
 I don t know, Connor; why the hell did you?
Dr. Murphy walked in and looked at us. She could feel the tension in the room.  Hello, Ellery, Mr.
Black, she smiled.
Ellery laid herself down on her side, and I sat on the edge of the bed, facing her. She looked at me
and pointed to the chair.  You; go sit over there, she growled. I sighed and shook my head as I got up
and sat across the room. She wouldn t even look at me when the first injection went in. She
whimpered like before until the second injection pierced her skin, and Ellery let out a scream. She
held out her hand to me, and I was by her side in a second. She clutched my shirt in her fists as I
wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the head.  You are the most stubborn person that I ve
ever met, I whispered. She cried as Dr. Murphy gave her the last injection. I climbed on the bed
while still holding her and laid myself next to her. It felt so good to have her in my arms again. I kept
kissing the top of her head as she tried to sleep for the next couple of hours.
When Ellery woke up and we got the ok from Dr. Murphy, I took her home, and she laid herself on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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