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windows that faced southwest and into the back of the property.
Mitch kept trying to drag Dustin toward the bedroom, but he
resisted, pulling Mitch toward the fully enclosed backyard.
 Trust me.
The day was cool, but calm, and when Dustin undressed, Mitch
watched him, utterly perplexed for about ten seconds. And then Mitch
joined him. Off came their clothes.
 Fuck! If the neighbors look over the fence...
 They won t. Dustin pushed up his glasses.  They aren t home.
It s only three in the afternoon.
 Shouldn t you be in school?
 No. I m right where I m supposed to be. Dustin took a deep,
calming breath. He had to trust. For once in his life he had to trust
without any guarantee of anything. Once Mitch was bare, Dustin
pulled at Mitch mentally.
Mitch flinched.  What are you doing?
 I m trying to shift us.
 Why? Mitch resisted just on principle.
 Because you need my help. Dustin pulled harder.
Once Mitch understood why, he resisted with greater force.
Dustin pulled harder.
 No! Mitch mentally dug in his heels.  What if this hurts you?
 It won t. Dustin tugged Mitch into his body.
Mitch resisted.
 Let me help you.
 Not if this will cripple you in exchange for me! Mitch fought
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him tooth and nail.
 I had to bend to accept Phillip s help, and that was almost
impossible for me. For once, let me be the one who helps. Dustin
needed to do this. His heart, his soul, and yes, goddamn it, he even
admitted that his ego needed to be the bigger man.  Just this once let
me be the one who helps.
 I can t bear to hurt you. Tears filled Mitch s eyes.  I will die if I
hurt you.
 You won t. I swear you won t. All the members of the Gridiron
Gods told me this will work, and I believe them. Dustin laid himself
bare. That golden thought bubble that hid his secret popped. A shower
of sparks broke over the two of them.
Mitch let go so fast he literally collided into Dustin.
There was a timeless moment of confusion where nothing looked
or felt the way it should. Together, they blinked open their eyes.
Sights, sounds, and smells assaulted them.
 We are a bear. Mitch s voice was right there in Dustin s head.
So near and dear and smooth he just melted.  You okay?
 I am awesome. Dustin mentally embraced him.
 This is without a doubt the trippiest thing that has ever happened
to me.
It took a while for them to get the hang of moving their enormous
body. Eventually, they were able to lumber about and investigate
everything in the yard. Settling down on their butt, they looked into
the wall of windows and saw their reflection. They were a blond-
brown grizzly bear.
 Damn, we re like, cute. Mitch turned their big head this way
and that.
 What did you expect?
 I dunno. Something scary and vicious and 
Dustin stretched out a paw and roared.
 Yeah, okay, that ll do. Mitch swung their head around.  I hope
the neighbors didn t hear that.
Wide Receiver 121
 Gone, remember?
Mitch made their bear body stand.
 What are you doing? Dustin asked.
 I m trying to see if we re a boy or a girl.
 I would assume we re a boy.
 Never assume.
However they turned and bent and fumbled, they weren t able to
see, not in the reflection of the windows, at any rate.
Dustin dropped them back on all fours.  No, that s enough. I
don t want to paw around down there. I don t even know what bear
junk looks like, but I don t want to swipe ours off by accident.
When they heard a car door slam, they realized it was now after
five. Neighbors were coming home, and they had to shift back.
Pushing away from one another, they separated. Just as Danny had
said, when they shifted back to human, they were naked. Anything
they wore during a shift would be destroyed, so it was best to be
naked going in since that s how they d come out.
 Oh, my. Mitch giggled.
 Oh, shit. Dustin was almost afraid to say anything. Like if he
pointed out Mitch was standing on his own without any help, Mitch
would suddenly fall. Like in cartoons where a character could hang in
midair provided he didn t look down.
 Oh. My. God. Mitch noticed. He took a step and lifted his arms
as if for balance, but he didn t need to. Mitch walked across the yard
and back with ease.  I can walk!
Dustin was so excited he jumped up and down. He placed his
finger to the bridge of his nose to hold his glasses on and then realized
he d been wearing them when they d shifted. They had gotten
destroyed in the shift, but then, Dustin realized he no longer needed
them.  I can see.
Mitch grinned.  Can you, puppy boy?
Dustin matched his smile and turned as if to run.
122 Anitra Lynn McLeod
 Don t even try it. Mitch lowered his head, narrowed his eyes,
flared his nostrils, and flexed his foot in the grass.  If you run, I ll
catch you.
 And what? Dustin asked tauntingly.
 I ll make you pay.
 Yeah? Dustin considered running.  You realize I m thinking of
running only so that you ll punish me?
Mitch strode over to where Dustin was standing. He scooped him
up onto his shoulder.  Mine. Mitch patted Dustin s ass as he entered
the house. He didn t stop walking until he found the bedroom.
Once he d carted Dustin into the simple green-and-cream room,
Mitch tossed Dustin down on the king-sized bed then leapt upon him,
taking the bulk of his weight on his powerful arms.
 I knew that night in that motel that I was claiming you.
 I knew, too. Dustin frowned.  But I was so ashamed I couldn t
give myself to you, not entirely.
 Is there anything holding you back now?
 Good. Mitch started at his mouth and worked his way down. He
had Dustin panting and moaning, and then, as he parted his legs and
slipped his tongue in his ass, Dustin whimpered.  Ah, yeah. That s the
sound I want to hear.
Mitch teased him until Dustin was practically begging him to
finish him.
 For the love of my sanity, Mitch. Fuck me.
 Your sanity? Mitch rose up over him then descended into him
ever so slowly.  I d hate for you to lose that.
They started out at a leisurely pace, but that didn t last long, not
when Mitch rediscovered all the muscles that he hadn t used for
months. Mitch took Dustin in just about every position that was
physically possible before he finally settled on his back with Dustin
straddled over him.
 Ride me, puppy boy. Ride my cock.
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Peering down at him with his now perfect vision, Dustin said,
 Look at Mr. Dirty Mouth.
 That s Mr. Gay to you, puppy boy. Mitch pinched Dustin s
fanny.  Now ride, love. Ride.
While Dustin did, Mitch wrapped his fist around Dustin s cock,
and stroked in time to the thrusts of his cock in Dustin s bottom.
Working together, they managed to hit a spectacular climax within
seconds of one another.
Dustin dropped, boneless and replete, across Mitch s chest.
 Talk about physical therapy. Mitch hugged Dustin hard.
Dustin snickered.
 What? Mitch asked.
 I m just glad Missy wasn t here to cheer you on. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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