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anyone, have you? No, I'd say you're worse, because at least
Paddy was all unknowing, thinking his research was simply
that. Data collection. You know it, when you pull the trigger,
don't you, Manning," he said, spitting out MJ/Boomer's real
His back hit the wall, MJ in his face, one hand around his
throat. "Who the fuck are you?"
All he could do was croak, and through the buzzing in his
ears he heard Sonny drawl, "Precious, he can't answer if you
choke the life out of him. I know it would amuse you, but..."
"You are enjoying this altogether too much, shithead. Go
see if Rick's trying to crawl through a window and quit
protecting your boyfriend."
"Oh, you're hurtin' me." But Sonny winked and wandered
off, hips swinging, long legs working. Neil would have
appreciated it if his eyes weren't bugging out and his tongue
wasn't starting to turn purple.
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"Now, you listen to me. I don't know who you work for or
what your game is." Those fingers loosened just enough that
he didn't black out. "But you're going to tell me what I need
to know or I will make your life a living hell. Clear?"
"Mm-hmm." Yes, of course. As soon as he could breathe
enough to make sounds beyond ugh and oi.
MJ dropped him back onto the sofa, hands fisted at his
side. "Who do you work for?"
"For Padraic's employers, naturally." His hand only shook
the slightest bit as he massaged his sore throat. "I was
supposed to protect him from people such as yourself. Sadly,
you were simply not loud enough."
"Loud enough for what?" He could hear MJ working over
that, the idea of him being a bodyguard.
Lack of oxygen must have fogged his brain. Neil simply
smiled. "For me to know you were coming. Have you any
"Green tea." MJ arched an eyebrow. "Sonny must have
given you too much."
"No, I really just like tea." What else was he supposed to
say? I'm a mind reader who should have heard you coming,
but Paddy drowns out everyone? Given MJ's reaction to his
real name, Neil felt it highly unlikely that the truth would be
Sonny finally came back, and Neil breathed a sigh of relief.
Ah, distraction.
"He's not trying to get out, but I think he's horked up his
small intestine," Sonny said, coming to stand close to MJ
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"So long as he doesn't hang himself with it, we're fine." MJ
kicked his ankle. "Go deal with your primary, bodyguard. He
seems to be queasy."
Gladly. Neil leaped up like his pants were on fire, feet
slapping on the ceramic tiles as he headed right into the
bathroom to kneel on the floor next to Paddy. "I, for one,
could use a shower. Hmm?"
Paddy nodded, looking about as white as goat cheese.
"Yeah. Yeah. I. Yeah."
His Paddy was trying. It wasn't working, exactly, but
Paddy was trying.
"Come on, love. Come on. They need us to do this sooner
rather than later." He tugged, pulling Paddy up to stand so he
could turn on the water. "There. Sounds good, hmm?"
"Yeah." Paddy stripped off, helping him off with his sweats
before stepping into the water, face turned up into the spray.
Neil stepped right in with Paddy, hands on Paddy's back,
beginning to massage the tense muscles he found there. Poor
Paddy. His thoughts seemed almost ... stalled. It was as if
Paddy couldn't cope, so he'd stopped thinking altogether.
Paddy's body, though, it was responding, muscles easing
under the water and his touch. Yes, Neil thought. Just like
that. He hummed tunelessly, moving closer, letting his body
and his thoughts soothe. They were alive. They were going to
stay that way. It would all be fine. Paddy leaned back against
him, eyes closed. One hand reached back, sliding over his
thigh, petting him.
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"Better, hmm. I always find I think better when I'm clean."
Murmuring nonsense, he leaned a little, his hands sliding
around to the front so he could stroke Paddy's belly.
"I don't know what to think." Paddy liked that liked his
hands, his touch. It made Paddy feel real.
"Well, how about we focus on the here and now. Here
being right here in the shower, the now being me touching
you, yeah? I like to touch you, love." Paddy was starting to
think, though, thoughts zinging about, mostly about him. It
was quite a relief.
"Good. You won't stop, will you?" He could almost see
himself through Paddy's eyes. It felt good.
"No, love. I won't stop." Resting his cheek against Paddy's
back, Neil let himself relax, too, let himself touch. He'd come
close to losing his head with MJ. He'd have to be more
He could swear he heard Paddy murmur, "Need your head,
"Indeed. It's one of my best attributes. You like my mouth,
too." He grinned. Goodness, no one had ever heard him like
Paddy. No one. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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