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doing a good deed. In order to gain fame and gain and a little benefit, some people often advertise
and show themselves off: I have the capability and I am a winner. We also have such cases. Some
practitioners who have practised a little better than others, have Celestial Eye visions or better
exercise movements also like to show off.
Some people say: I have heard something from Master Li, and people surround them to listen.
Such a person passes the hearsay with his own interpretations and embroiders it. What is the
purpose? It is to show off. Still, some people pass hearsay from one to another with a great deal of
pleasure as if they know more than others, and as if so many of our practitioners do not understand
or know as much as they do. It has become natural for a person like this to do so, and perhaps he is
not aware of it. He has the mentality to show off subconsciously. Otherwise, what is the purpose of
passing the hearsay around? Some people gossip about when I shall return to the mountains. I am
not from the mountains. Why should I return to the mountains? Others gossip that I have told
someone something and treated him specially. What good does it do to pass such news around? It
does not do any good. However, we have seen his attachment, a psychology to show off.
There are also some people who would ask for my signature. What is the purpose? It is the
ordinary people's custom to keep someone's signature as a souvenir. If you do not cultivate, my
signature will not help you at all. Every word of my books is my image and Falun, and every
sentence is spoken by me. What do you want a signature for? Some people presume: With a
signature, the teacher's message will be able to protect me. They still believe in messages. We do
not give messages, either. This book can not be measured by any value. What else do you still seek
after? All these are reflections of those attachments. Still, after seeing the manner and the conduct of
the students who travel with me, some people try to learn from them without knowing whether they
are good or bad. In fact, it does not matter what the person is like, there is only one Law. Only by
behaving according to this Great Law can you follow the genuine guideline. Like everyone else, the
people who work with me have not received any special treatment. They are just staff members of
the Research Society. Do not develop this attachment. Oftentimes, once you have such an
attachment, you will play the role of disrupting the Great Law unintentionally. The sensational
hearsay that you have invented may even give rise to conflicts, and arouse the students' attachment
by trying to get closer to the teacher with the expectation of hearing some more things, etc.. Do they
all belong to this issue?
What else could such a psychology to show off lead to? I have been teaching the Gong for two
years. A number of the veteran students of Falun Dafa may soon open their cultivation energy.
Some students will enter the status of gradual enlightenment. Why didn't they bring forth these
supernormal abilities at that time? Because I pushed you so high all at once, it is not allowed for
you to still stick to the attachments of ordinary people. Of course, your Xinxing has already been
improved remarkably, but you still have many attachments which have not been abandoned.
Therefore, you can not be allowed to bring forth these supernormal capabilities. After this stage is
over and you have become steady, you will be at once delivered into the state of the gradual
enlightenment, in which your Celestial Eye will be opened to a very high plane and you still have
many supernormal capabilities. In fact, let me tell you that as soon as you really begin cultivation,
you will develop many supernormal capabilities because you have already reached such a high
level. So, there are a lot of supernormal capabilities. Lately, many of our practitioners will probably
find themselves in such a state. Still, some other people cannot reach high in cultivation. What this
person physically carries himself combined with his endurance ability is fixed. As a result, some
people will open their cultivation energy and become enlightened, thoroughly enlightened, at a very
low level. There will be such people.
I have pointed out this issue to tell you that once such a person appears, do not regard him as a
great enlightened being. This is a very serious matter for the cultivation. It can be the right way only
by acting according to this Great Law. Do not follow and listen to him because he has supernormal
capabilities, or supernatural powers, or he has seen something. You will do harm to him as he would
develop the attachment of complacency, and end up losing everything and having everything shut
up. In the end, he will drop all the way to the bottom. With supernormal capabilities opened, a
person could also drop down. If he cannot conduct himself properly after he is enlightened, he could
also drop down. Even a Buddha could drop down if he cannot conduct himself properly, not to
mention a practitioner like you among ordinary people! Therefore, you must conduct yourself well
no matter how many supernormal capabilities you have or how mighty your supernormal
capabilities or supernatural powers are. Recently, there was someone sitting here, who disappeared
for a moment and reappeared the next. It is just like this. There will come into being even greater
supernatural powers. How will you conduct yourself in the future? As students and practitioners of
ours, you should not worship or seek after these whether such things happen to you or to others in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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