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unwanted women, Hubert said.
His companion laughed.  Aye, snap their necks and toss them down the stairs.
Shifting her weight onto her knees, Rowena slowly exhaled. They were laughing
again. How could they find humor in such violence, even in jest?
 Don t let him hear you talk like that. He s still prickly about what happened,
Hubert cautioned.
 I m not a woman, so what do I care? He only kills men on the battlefield, and I
fight at his side.
Hubert cuffed his companion playfully on the shoulder.  Just keep your wagging
tongue between your teeth when Dominic is around.
A lump formed in the pit of her stomach. These men honestly believed Dominic
had murdered someone. Their conversation moved on, and Rowena carefully backed
away into the darkness.
She had been the victim of vicious lies, so she tried not to pay heed to whispered
rumors. Still, their words echoed through her mind. What did she really know about
Dominic? He had William Marshal s ear. If he wanted something he could persuade the
regent to act on his behalf.
Her steps sped as her anxiety escalated. William Marshal told her Dominic was the
only man he would accept if she were carrying his child. Had the regent offered
Dominic a secret encouragement? Had he approved Dominic s plan to& to what?
She collided with something huge and solid and screamed. Large hands clasped her
upper arms and she screamed again.
 My lady. Ezra s voice cut through her fear.  What is amiss?
A ragged sigh escaped Rowena and Ezra released her arms.  I& I lost my way.
Dominic and one of his men came crashing through the underbrush, swords drawn,
expressions fierce.
 What? Who screamed? Dominic demanded.
 Lady Rowena lost her bearings. She is well. Ezra took a step back, his gaze
narrowed with speculation.  Why were you running?
Rowena felt like a fool. She glanced from Ezra s concerned face to Dominic s dark
visage and swallowed the lump in her throat.  I thought I saw something. As you said,
I am well.
Tears of the Dragon
Dominic sheathed his sword and came closer, his penetrating gaze searching her
face.  Why did you leave camp?
 It was a rather long ride.
It took a moment for him to understand the meaning in her expression, but then he
nodded.  Are you hungry?
He reached for her arm, and Rowena shrank away.
 What is wrong with you? His tone was hushed and confused.
Rowena glanced beyond him. The other two had departed. She was alone with
Dominic.  I want to go back to camp.
He raised his hand slowly, as if to soothe a spooked horse or a frightened child.
 What frightened you so? You ve never pulled away from me before.
 It s just the darkness. Please, take me back to camp.
With a resigned sigh, his hand left her skin, and he motioned her in the direction
the others had gone.
The camp was bustling when they returned. Several rabbits had been spitted and
were roasting over the fire. Thora chatted away as she helped Ezra rotate the meat.
Rowena found a log near the tournament tent and sat. She stared off into the darkened
forest, gradually becoming oblivious to the activity around her. Shock and
disappointment kept her from feeling anything stronger.
 Are you sure you are well?
Rowena looked up and found Dominic standing directly in front of her. Warm
awareness melded with a tingle of uncertainty. For one sparkling moment she had
believed there was good in the world, that a man could be brave and true. But now the
moment was past and she must protect herself again.
 There s no reason to fret. She forced calm into her voice.  I m tired, but it s
nothing a good night s sleep will not heal.
She wasn t sure he believed her, but it no longer mattered.
 I find myself once again entrusted with your safekeeping. Are you going to be as
difficult to protect as you were before?
 Do you believe I need protecting? Could Edwin be nearby, waiting to ambush us?
She tried to sound lighthearted, but the thought had crossed her mind.
 I believe Edwin scurried home. You should be perfectly safe unless you wander off
into the woods alone. He offered her a challenging smile.
 I will behave.
His smile disappeared, and he leaned toward her, his voice soft and low.  But I will
Feeling vulnerable with him towering over her, Rowena stood.  You will not,
Cyndi Friberg
 Behave. He reached out and stroked her cheek. She managed not to shrink away
this time.  I vowed not to touch you before, Rowena. No such vow binds me now.
The wind caught the filmy fabric of her wimple and tangled it around his hand,
trapping his fingers against her skin.  Is that a warning? She tried to ignore the
irrational ache low in her belly. She couldn t still want this man!
 Warning. Promise. Solemn vow. It is whichever you prefer.
Before she could respond, he withdrew his hand and walked away.
Tears of the Dragon
Chapter Seven
 It looks like Sir Dominic won that round. Thora returned to Rowena s side.
 It wasn t a verbal joust, Thora, just a confusing exchange.
Thora handed her the hindquarters of a rabbit, and they sat on the log, side by side.
Rowena nibbled absently, licking the grease from her fingers and her bottom lip. Ezra
handed her a leather pouch of nuts and dried fruit. She poured a small pile onto her lap
and passed the pouch to Thora. A wineskin followed. Rowena did her best to pretend
nothing was wrong.
Hubert and his uncouth friend sat directly across the fire from Rowena. She
couldn t look at them without feeling her skin crawl. When she raised the rabbit to her
lips, her stomach heaved. With a pang of guilt, she tossed the half-eaten leg into the fire
and brushed the last of the nuts into the dirt. Food was precious, but her appetite had
deserted her. Hubert wolfed down his portion, conversing casually, as if he hadn t
disrupted her entire world.
Thora prattled on about the Pendragon curse, and Rowena glanced at Dominic. His
strong, harsh features captivated her. Why was she drawn to this man? How could she
still find him attractive? He tore off a chunk of meat and raised it to his mouth. His [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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