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enjoy their subterranean civilization. He had been surprised when, after all
their hiding on the surface those long, treacherous hours in the jungle after
they had landed in secrecy, Rok had simply led them to the city s entrance,
flashed his big smile at the guards, and down everyone went...
It had taken them two days to reach this world, but in that time Rok had
shared much about Kraaqi civilization.
The Kraaqi built their cities underground so as to allow the natural harmony
of the planet to remain undisturbed in its wild state above. On their first
world, the Kraaqi had built great cities on the surface.
But they soon realized that the sprawling metropolises interfered with the
natural harmony of the wildlife as their giant structures replaced the natural
habitats. To remain at one, the Kraaqi began to build their cities
underground- even on that first world. With the discovery of subsequent
worlds, all cities were built underground.
Rok led them to Rawlon s home world, the home world of his Band. As the first
evening settled after they entered the city, Rok and Kyle left on their
mission to Rawlon. The rest of their group came to this place, to the well-lit
suburbs of Kalaya, the capital city, and the rented rooms of a major hotel.
That had surprised him, as once the warriors had actually reached this hotel
they had simply pulled out their credits and obtained a room while Rok and
Kyle continued on separately into the heart of the city as if nothing covert
had happened.
He watched as three of Rok s Kraaqi warriors became boisterous over a card
game they were playing in one corner of the room. For a moment, it looked like
they were ready to pull their short daggers out and settle the score with
blood, but at the final moment they seemed to agree on the outcome as they
slowly returned to their seated positions-laughing and slapping each other on
the shoulders as comrades once again.
Jaric s thoughts returned to his favorite obsession as the lights of the
ceiling danced across Becky s hair like sunlight on a waterfall as she entered
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the room.
He had blown it on the Mewiis ship.
He clenched his eyes shut with regret.
 Are you alright? Becky asked, concern in her voice.
Jaric smiled at the sweet sound of her voice. He opened his eyes.  I m-  he
paused.  I m just stupid, that s all, he stated matter-of-factly.
 An honest man. They re hard to find these days, Becky said with a smile.
Jaric grimaced.
Becky laughed out loud. With a twinkle in her eyes, she walked up to the couch
where Jaric lay stretched on his back. She first put the back of her hand on
his forehead, checking him for fever.
Satisfied, she then brushed her fingers through his dark hair.  I thought you
were a goner for sure back there, Jaric.
Jaric rolled his eyes and whistled.  You weren t the one lying inside its
throat either. He felt himself shiver as he recalled his recent brush with
She leaned closer.
Jaric s body stiffened with rising excitement.
Is she going to kiss me?
Instead she sniffed the air around him.
Jaric sighed audibly.
 You need to take another shower, Becky announced with confidence.
 I ve already had eight, Jaric complained.
 You ll probably need ten more then, Becky said.  Whatever that plant
predator uses to digest its prey
-  She paused in thought, trying to find just the right word.
 It stinks, Jaric finished for her.
Becky smiled mischievously.  Well, I was going for a more descriptive phrase,
one that would explain your distinctive cologne in a more colorful way.
Jaric laughed out loud.
Becky continued, placing her finger next to her forehead for intellectual
emphasis.  I would say this most unique aroma you have picked up is best
described as a cross between a dead animal...
Jaric laughed louder
 ...that s been dead a about month, mixed with some sun-ripened dung...
Jaric s laughter grew so hard his stomach began to ache with sheer delight.
 ...and some well preserved dinosaur farts, all mixed together thoroughly and
then mixed in a bottle of
Guantan piss.
 In other words, it stinks
. Jaric laughed.
 Yes, you stink, Becky added between their laughter.
Jaric leaned back as his laughter slowly subsided. Of course, he could no
longer tell he had any kind of aroma left on his person. His nose had been
numb and unable to notice smells since he had been swallowed yesterday-and
then quickly vomited back out by the plant predator.
Becky s gentle jabs, as well as Rok and Kyle s not-so-gentle jabs, had already
gotten old, and had even begun to wear on his nerves at times.
Still, there was one side benefit-Becky had not left his side since the Kraaqi
had pulled him feet-first out of the predator plant s bile. Now here they were
alone at last. He would have nurtured some kind of romantic hope for their
current semi-privacy, except for the embarrassing memory of their last time
alone together and his fumbling revelation of love for her.
 I wish I could take back last time, Jaric said in a low voice.
 You mean when you told me that you loved me? Becky asked.
He sighed despondently.  Yes, I wish I could take that all back.
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 What, you mean you don t love me now? She placed her hands firmly on her
hips as her eyes narrowed.
 No, no. I still love you. What I mean, well, I wish I could ve told you in a
different way.
 You mean without knocking me down and nearly beating me black and blue?
Jaric smiled. But it faded when Becky did not smile back.  Yeah, it just
turned out all wrong. Nothing like I ever dreamed it would.
 Alright, lover boy. The faintest of smiles flashed across her mouth.  Tell
me what every girl wants to hear.
Jaric felt his heart begin to pound like a runaway jackhammer. Beads of sweat
suddenly covered his forehead and his mouth went bone dry.  Um, he began with
masculine finesse.
The young woman raised a single eyebrow knowingly.
 Um-  Jaric repeated, still speechless and not exactly sure what every woman
wanted to hear.
 You re going to blow this again, aren t you?
 No, no, Jaric blurted.  I m just making sure I say it right.
 I see, thinking before you speak. What a concept.
 Yeah, that s right.
 Well, at least you re thinking again. Okay, let s forget about what happened
on the Mewiis ship.
Becky s eyes searched his with a sudden intensity.  Just tell me what you feel
for me.
With her beautiful face suddenly so close to his, as he felt her breath caress
his face and her eyes look deeply into his own, Jaric felt his heart begin to
beat right out of his chest. Even as he felt his old confidence return, he was
overwhelmed with a feeling of déjà vu
But Jaric was going to profess his true feelings as he had so many times in
his mind-exactly in the way had always dreamed it.
 I love you, he said with a confident sincerity.
Becky smiled at him, like he always knew she would. A smile that was part
happiness-part love. Her face bent nearer.
They kissed tenderly, their lips pressed ever so softly.
The moment seemed to last forever. Time stood frozen with their mutually held
breath. Jaric felt her silky blonde hair fall around each side of his face
with tantalizing softness. Finally, as their faces parted and their eyes
opened, the beating of the other s heart was easily audible.
 I love you, too, Becky whispered.
Chapter Thirty-One
The sounds ofmarching footsteps echoed from the darkness of the stone walls.
Kyle heard Rok begin to stir himself from his light slumber, still crouched
and ready like a true Kraaqi warrior. Kyle s eyes had adjusted during the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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