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Amy faced the mirror, pulling out a tube of bright red lipstick and carefully applying it as if she didn t
have a care in the world.
 How could you want to be with a man who won t be faithful to you? Jasmine asked. Maybe she
was a little too naïve for the more hardened business world, but was she so foolish to worry about
such a trait as fidelity?
 He can have his flings now  once he puts that ring on my finger, he will be mine and I ll make
sure he doesn t go out to find whores, Amy said blithely. The look she sent Jasmine s way implied
that Jasmine was one of those whores. The woman walked out of the bathroom, leaving Jasmine
staring after her.
Jasmine looked at her own reflection in the mirror and shook her head. The woman was obviously
trying to get a reaction from her, but why? It was true that Jasmine knew nothing about Derek, but she
couldn t imagine that what Amy was saying was true.
Even if it weren t true, it was still a reminder to her that she couldn t let down her guard around
Derek. Just because she d had a pleasant meal with him didn t erase the past, didn t change the fact
that he d so coldly dismissed her ten years before.
It was time for her to pull herself together and remember that he was just her boss now. It was
unfortunate, but that was their new relationship until she was able to find new work. Putting on a
professional mask  the same one she d used for years around her overbearing father  she walked
from the bathroom and found Derek waiting at the table.
He seemed curious about her lengthy absence but was polite enough not to say anything. Gathering
her purse, she didn t bother waiting for him to pay, but just turned and walked from the table to the
front doors. She didn t need or want Derek to buy her lunch, feeling uncomfortable with him doing it
now, even if it was a business lunch. She d been taking care of herself for a long time, and she
couldn t afford to lean on anyone else, not even for a meal.
Especially Derek Titan.
Chapter Eleven
Derek took care of the bill and met Jasmine out at the front curb. Something had happened between
the time she d left the table and the time she d come back from the bathroom, and he couldn t figure
out what it could be. She d been starting to relax around him and then&
But, hey. It served his purposes better when she was on her guard. When she was being charming,
it was too easy to forget who and what she was. It was too easy to forget what she d done both to him
and to his father.
They rode back to the office building in silence, and the elevator carrying only the two of them
was filled with tension as the numbers slowly blinked for each passing floor. He heard her let out a
sigh of relief when the doors opened, and she jumped out as if the hounds of hell were after her. He
enjoyed the sway of her hips as he followed her along the hallway to his office.
The room was unusually warm, and he knew how Pavlov s dogs felt when she slipped her jacket
off, revealing a silky tank-style blouse. It dipped in front to show the smallest hint of cleavage,
increasing his desire to see more. The way her outfit hugged her body and showed her small waist off
to perfection was exquisite torture. She d grown curvier with age and now had a woman s body
instead of the slim figure of a teenager.
His mouth went dry and his breathing escalated. He fought not to grab hold of her and feel how
those curves would feel within his hands. Time had been good to her  her breasts would now spill
from his palms. The perfect fit of his trousers was once again compromised, so he quickly sat down.
Jasmine picked up another file, getting right back to work. It was probably best for both of them.
 I need a break from looking at those folders. I m going to start calling in people for some
interviews, Derek told her.  Move over here to my desk and grab a notebook. I want you to jot down
some notes. We ll start with your good friend Henry, he said with a grimace. He wanted to get a
gander at the guy before throwing him out on his butt.
 That s fine with me. After all, you re the boss, she said with a bit too much sugar dripping from
her tone.
His eyes grew cold. He really didn t like being mocked  perhaps a holdover from his youth. He
was tempted to give her a lesson or two about what it meant to mess with him.
Instead, he called Henry and told him to report to the office immediately. Jasmine glared at him as
he hung up.
 You really don t have to be so rude all of the time, she couldn t help saying.
Derek let it go because there was a knock at the door. The man was quick  maybe because he
wasn t doing any work.
 Hello, Mr. Titan. I m Henry Andrews. Henry came forward with his hand out. Derek shook it
and then gave the man an assessing look. Henry was in his late thirties and what women would
consider good-looking. His job was slipping through his fingers, and the poor guy had no clue.
 Jasmine! I was wondering where you ve been, Henry said when he spotted her. He walked over
and kissed her on the cheek. Derek was starting to see red again. He couldn t care less what the guy
had to say. He was going to be fired. It took all of Derek s strength not to physically throw Henry out
the door and tell him never to set foot on the premises again.
 As you know, Henry, we have to let a number of our employees go. There s always a lot of
turnover when a company is taken over. You have a few minutes to tell me what it is you do here and
defend your job, Derek said in a tone dripping with ice.
He could feel Jasmine s eyes burn holes through him. Yes, he was being even more cruel than
usual, but he d taken an instant dislike to this fellow, and the guy was toast anyway. Why bother to
play nice?
 What Derek meant to say is we re reviewing all the files of the employees and know you re a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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