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 Adam! What do you think you're doing?
 I'm taking care of you. Stop fidgeting.
 Oh. She looked genuinely confused but leaned into him as she groaned again.
 I should call Hannah shouldn t I?
 Probably, but we ll just surprise them, right?
 I'm not doing a very good job with this.
 Well, it's your first time.
He nodded and walked her over to North s clinic, which thankfully wasn t that far. As soon as he
reached the porch, Hannah came running to them.
 I felt her pain all the way from home. Let's get her set up and maybe we'll have a baby soon.
She led them to the back where North was already setting up the equipment so they would get
He sat Bay down on the table, making sure he didn't hurt her, then backed away. Tension
squeezed his shoulders, and he didn't know what was going on. For all he had thought about getting
over his issues and being with her, he hadn't thought about the fact, really thought, that there would be
a new life.
A baby.
Oh, Jesus.
Bay screamed as another contraction hit, and she threw out her arm. Instinctively, he gripped her
hand and moved closer so he could be near her. She looked up at him, fear in her eyes, and gave a
weak smile.
 Thanks for being here.
 Nowhere else I'd be. The words surprised him, but when he thought about it, he knew they
were true.
North and Hannah set her up and got her dressed to be ready for the birth. He held back a growl
as North touched her, but his wolf relented. After all, North would help make sure everything was
okay. Plus, he didn t love her, so he shouldn't feel so territorial.
Hannah rubbed small circles on Bay s stomach, using her Healing powers to bring down the
pain. Bay immediately calmed but didn't let go of his hand. Frankly, he wasn't sure who needed the
strength more, him or her. Josh walked to the door and stood by his mate. Adam watched as Josh
rubbed his hand up and down Hannah's back and kissed her temple. He still had a large scar on his
neck that looked brutal, and he would probably have it for the rest of his life.
 Everything's going to be okay, Josh said, his voice lower and more gravelly than it had been
Jesus, the Centrals were taking too much from their family. It had to end.
Hours passed. Adams didn't move as Hannah worked her magic, though she seemed more sad
than usual, but Adam didn't know why. Finally, Bay pushed and pushed until she screamed, and then a
baby's cry filled the room.
The cry seemed to pierce something in Adam, and he let go of Bay s hand. He took a step back
and watched how North and Hannah cleaned up the small little bundle and brought it over to Bay.
Hannah put the blanket-clad baby on Bay s chest and smiled.  You have a little boy. Congrats,
Mama. What did you decide to name him?
Adams s tongue grew heavy, his mouth dry. He blinked, trying to make the back spots go away.
 Micah. Baby Micah, Bay whispered as she traced a finger down his little chubby cheek.
The room seemed to go out of focus, and it started to buzz in his head. He took another two steps
back and shook his head.
It was all too real. He couldn't do this. Couldn't be the man she needed him to be, couldn't be
whoever the little blanket-clad being needed, couldn't be anything but the shell of a man he'd existed
as for so long. He needed to leave. He needed to just breathe and get out of there.
With that, he turned on his heel and stomped out of the room, ignoring the disappointed faces of
his family as he passed.
He couldn't do this. He couldn't.
It felt as if someone had taken the most perfect moment and stabbed her in the chest. Bay took a
deep breath, and she watched Adam walk out the door, leaving her and her child alone. Just what
she'd always thought they would be.
She shouldn't have trusted he would've stayed. It made no sense that he would want her. She
should have known.
The crevice opened up in her, threatening to swallow her whole. The cold slapped at her,
breaking through her skin, seeping into her bones. He was gone. He hadn't even looked at Micah.
Their child.
No, her child.
She looked down at his chubby little cheek as he nursed. She felt so connected to him, like he d
settled into her heart when he d been in her womb. In all that had happened, she hadn't thought about a
new life as much as she should have. This little person was dependent on her for everything. She
needed to hold it together for him.
Especially since he still had the demon's blood running through him.
She traced his little face with her finger again, loving how soft the skin was below her fingertip.
Pat came to her side and squeezed her hand. Bay held on for dear life but didn't cry. She couldn't,
didn't, have anything left.
 He looks so handsome, Pat whispered.
 Your grandson is precious. Though Adam would never claim him, she knew he would always
be part of the Jamensons through Pat and the others. At least he had that.
 You did a wonderful job.
Bay nodded but wasn't really listening. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly?
She cleared her throat and looked up.  Do you think I could just have some time with Micah?
She was surprised at how strong and steady her voice was. Inside she felt like she was dying, but she
knew she couldn't hide it from the alpha wolf. At least Pat didn't outwardly show her pity. Bay didn't
think she'd be able to take that.
 Of course, dear. She touched Micah's face and then Bay s before leaving. As she walked out
the door, Maddox walked in and then closed the door in North s and Ellie s faces. She heard
growling from the other side, but then they left.
Without saying anything, Maddox got onto bed with her and held her and Micah close to him.
 Mating sucks. She looked pointedly at the door when she said it, and he coughed a laugh. He
held her closer, and she cried into his shoulder, letting everything she d held in come out.
When she pulled away, she patted his damp shirt and rocked a sleeping Micah.
 Thank you, I needed that, she whispered.
 I'm the Omega. That's what I m for. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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