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advance." They say unto me, "Who art thou?" And they say unto me,
"What is thy name?" [And I reply], "Sept-kheri-nehait-ammi-beq-f" is
my name. Then they say unto me, "Advance straightway on the city which
is to the North of the Olive Tree. What dost thou see there?" The
Leg and the Thigh. What dost thou say unto them? Let me see rejoicings
in these lands of the Fenkhu. What do they give unto thee? A flame
of fire and a sceptre-amulet [made] of crystal. What dost thou do with
them? I bury them on the furrow of M'naat, as things for the night.
What dost thou find on the furrow of Maat? A sceptre of flint, the
name of which is "Giver of winds." What now didst thou do with the
flame of fire and the sceptre-amulet [made] of crystal, after thou
didst bury them? I said a spell over them, and I dug them up. I
quenched the flame of fire and I broke the sceptre-amulet, and I
made a lake of water. [Then shall the Two and forty gods say unto me]:
"Come now, pass in over the threshold of this door of the Hall of
Maati, for thou hast knowledge of us." "We will not allow thee to
enter in over us," say the bars of this door, "unless thou tellest
us our names." [And I reply], "Tekh-bu-maa" is your name. The right
lintel of this door saith: "I will not allow thee to pass over me
unless thou tellest me my name." [And I reply], "Henku-en-fat-maat" is
thy name. The left lintel of this door saith: "I will not allow
thee to pass over me unless thou tellest me my name." [And I reply],
"Henku-en-arp" is thy name. The ground of this door saith: "I will not
allow thee to pass over me unless thou tellest me my name." [And I
reply], "Aua-en-Keb" is thy name. And the bolt of this door saith:
"I will not open the door to thee unless thou tellest me my name."
[And I reply], "Saah-en-mut-f" is thy name. The socket of the
fastening of this door saith: "I will not open unto thee unless thou
tellest my name." [And I reply], "The Living Eye of Sebek, the Lord of
Bakhau," is thy name. The Doorkeeper of this door saith: "I will not
open to thee, and I will not let thee enter by me unless thou
tellest my name." [And I reply], "Elbow of the god Shu who placeth
himself to protect Osiris" is thy name. The posts of this door say:
"We will not let thee pass in by us unless thou tellest our name."
[And I reply], "Children of the uraei-goddesses" is your name. The
Doorkeeper of this door saith: "I will not open to thee, and I will
not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name. [And I
reply], "Ox of Keb" is thy name. [And they reply], "Thou knowest us,
pass in therefore by us." The ground of this Hall of Maati saith: "I
will not let thee tread upon me [unless thou tellest me my name],
for I am silent. I am holy because I know the names of two feet
wherewith thou wouldst walk upon me. Declare, then, them to me."
[And I reply], "Besu-Ahu" is the name of my right foot, and
"Unpet-ent-Het-Heru" is the name of my left foot. [The ground
replieth]: "Thou knowest us, enter in therefore over us." The
Doorkeeper of this Hall of Maati saith: "I will not announce thee
unless thou tellest my name." [And I reply], "Discerner of hearts,
searcher of bellies" is thy name. [The Doorkeeper saith]: "Thou
shalt be announced." [He saith]: "Who is the god who dwelleth in his
hour? Speak it" [And I reply], "Au-taui." [He saith]: "Explain who
he is." [And I reply], "Au-taui" is Thoth. "Come now," saith Thoth,
"for what purpose hast thou come?" [And I reply]: "I have come, and
have journeyed hither that my name may be announced [to the god]."
[Thoth saith]: "In what condition art thou?" [And I reply], "I, even
I, am purified from evil defects, and I am wholly free from the curses
of those who live in their days, and I am not one of their number."
[Thoth saith]: "Therefore shall [thy name] be announced to the god."
[Thoth saith]: "Tell me, who is he whose heaven is of fire, whose
walls are living serpents, and whose ground is a stream of water?
Who is he?" [And I reply], "He is Osiris." [Thoth saith]: "Advance
now, [thy name] shall be announced to him. Thy cakes shall come from
the Utchat (Eye of Horus or Ra), thy ale shall come from the Utchat,
and the offerings which shall appear to thee at the word upon earth
[shall proceed] from the Utchat." This is what Osiris hath decreed for
the steward of the overseer of the seal, Nu, whose word is truth.
THIS HALL OF MAATI. This Chapter shall be said by the deceased when he
is cleansed and purified, and is arrayed in linen apparel, and is shod
with sandals of white leather, and his eyes are painted with antimony,
and his body is anointed with unguent made of myrrh. And he shall
present as offerings oxen, and feathered fowl, and incense, and
cakes and ale, and garden herbs. And behold, thou shalt draw a
representation of this in colour upon a new tile moulded from earth
upon which neither a pig nor any other animal hath trodden. And if
this book be done [in writing, the deceased] shall flourish, and his
children shall flourish, and [his name] shall never fall into
oblivion, and he shall be as one who filleth the heart of the king and
of his princes. And bread, and cakes, and sweetmeats, and wine, and
pieces of flesh shall be given unto him [from among those which are]
upon the altar of the Great God. And he shall not be driven back
from any door in Amentet, and he shall be led along with the kings
of the South and the kings of the North, and he shall be among the
bodyguard of Osiris, continually and regularly for ever. [And he shall
come forth in every form he pleaseth as a living soul for ever, and
ever, and ever.]
The hair of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the hair of Nu.
The face of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the face of Ra.
The eyes of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the eyes of
The ears of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the ears of
The lips of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the lips of
The teeth of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the teeth of
The cheeks of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the cheeks of
The arms of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the arms of
The neck of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the neck of
The throat of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the throat
of Mert.
The breast of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the breast
of the Lady of Sais. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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