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delivered and installed their equipment, from the exercise machines to the computers,
to fully outfitted office suites.
Samantha was thrilled with the makeover, from the quality of workmanship to the
unambiguous eye appeal of the conversion. Beyond the Scale was warm and welcoming
while conveying an air of professionalism.
All the weight-loss counselors had been trained, printed material and sets of audio-
visual media featuring Samantha were ready for dissemination to clients, nutritionists
were onboard and there was a yard-long waiting list of excited clients.
Perfect. Everything was absolutely, positively perfect.
With one exception.
In less than three months she would lose Lugal. Forever.
Their relationship had developed into an ideal coupling of mind, body and spirit.
So much so that Samantha couldn’t begin to imagine life without her beloved genie.
Though Lugal had sustained his alpha male persona, he was also loving, full of
laughter, supportive and tireless in his efforts to keep Samantha deliciously, deliriously
happy, both in bed and out.
Each time she allowed her thoughts to drift to the end of their sixth month together,
a pain tore through her chest, ripping her heart, stabbing at her soul. Thinking of Lugal
returning to the shadowy deadness of that bottle was utterly unthinkable.
Much to her delight, Lugal had become an enthusiastic and integral part of Beyond
the Scale. Rosie’s husband Charlie, who hadn’t been able to unearth any information
about Inanna as yet, had suggested that Lugal conduct exercise classes, offering Warrior
Fitness sessions.
Charlie thought the techniques Lugal had mastered while soldiering and leading
the Sumerian armies would offer an entirely new form of exercise routine to Samantha’s
weight-loss clients. Having instructed thousands of soldiers in the art of self-defense
Daisy Dexter Dobbs
and methods to keep their bodies lean, fit and toned, Lugal was eager to take on the
It was clear to Samantha that he thrived on the idea of having something of value to
contribute. Determined to provide the finest fitness training to Samantha’s clients,
Lugal gave the development of Warrior Fitness classes his utmost attention and
dedication. She’d never seen him so alive, so animated.
It warmed Samantha’s heart to see that Lugal’s sense of worth, of purpose, had
Charlie volunteered to be Lugal’s official guinea pig, offering up his soft scholar’s
physique to test the new exercise routines. In less than three months, his body had
transformed from marshmallowy to solid and defined.
To say Rosie was pleased at her husband’s physical transformation would be an
understatement. While she adored Charlie whether his belly was cushy or sported a six
pack, muscularity definitely had the edge. She couldn’t seem to keep her hands off her
renovated husband.
On the day before Beyond the Scale’s grand opening, Samantha was riding high on
an energized wave of excitement. She’d never been happier or more elated.
Until the arrival of an unexpected visitor…
“Bunny!” she said, startled when she opened the front door. The last person she
expected to see on her doorstep was the owner of Tuned by Turner, especially after
Bunny’s parting words when Samantha had turned in her resignation.
“I knew from the beginning that you wouldn’t be able to cut it as a weight-loss
counselor,” she’d told Samantha with a smug smile that day. “Your driving need to
consume chocolate clearly supersedes any drive to succeed. I have no doubt you
wouldn’t have met the mandatory thirty pounds in six weeks deadline TBT issued to
you anyway. Perhaps you’d be happier as a clerk behind a Godiva’s chocolate counter.”
With a final, uppity sneer, she turned her back to Samantha, returning to her work.
Samantha wasn’t surprised. Bunny Turner’s stinging remarks were telling of her
petty personality. Bunny knew she was losing her most popular counselor and clearly
took pleasure in striking out by getting in a final jab, purposely designed to wound.
And now here she was, standing across the threshold from Samantha.
“Hello Sam.” The air chilled considerably as the starchy woman entered the room,
uninvited. “I understand congratulations are in order.” She surreptitiously craned her
neck, scrutinizing Beyond the Scale’s décor and character.
“Thank you. It’s nice of you to come to wish me well,” Samantha said, well aware
Bunny hadn’t actually offered her congratulations.
Any pretense of warmth was abandoned when Bunny turned sharply on her stiletto
heel to face Samantha.
“I thought it was only fair to pay you a personal visit to advise you that if your
company exploits any of Tuned by Turner’s ideas, methods or materials, you’ll find
Samantha and Her Genie
yourself slapped with a lawsuit and your brand new little business shuttered before
you can blink.”
Samantha smiled as she gathered her thoughts. “How kind of you to express your
concern, Bunny, but I can assure you that Beyond the Scale is as far removed from
Tuned by Turner as possible. It’s an entirely different concept. We focus on overall
health, fitness and wellbeing rather than merely weight loss…hence, the name.”
“I’m sure.” Bunny gave her an icy once-over. “However, there’s still the matter of
your employment contract, Sam. Opening a competing business within three years of
leaving TBT’s employ is expressly prohibited, if you’ll recall.”
Samantha broke into a genuine smile. “Oh yes, I recall, Bunny. It seems you’ve
forgotten what happened the day you hired me though.”
“Hey, Sam,” Rosie said as she came into the room. Her head was down, looking
over some paperwork, so she didn’t see Bunny at first. “What should I do about the—”
“We have company, Rosie,” Samantha interrupted, and Rosie’s head popped up, a
look of surprise etched across her features. Bunny had treated Rosie to a similar, cutting
farewell upon her resignation.
“Bunny…shit, what are you doing here?” [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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