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ago, he'd promised Jon he would never hurt him and yet he'd gone ahead and done
just that. Nikolas could only pray Jon would forgive him and not leave.
He turned Jon, wrapping his arms around Jon's waist, burying his face in
Jon's abdomen. "Please forgive me, Rajaaka. I have no excuse for hurting you. I lost
control and I "
"That was you losing control?" Jon chuckled as he buried his hands in
Nikolas's hair. "We might have to try that a little more often."
What? Surely he hadn't heard the man right. He'd dug his claws into Jon's
skin. He'd hurt him. Jon had to be angry at him, maybe even disappointed.
Nikolas opened his eyes and glanced up at Jon. He was stunned to see a very
satisfied grin on Jon's lips. The man looked much happier than when he first arrived.
His skin glowed; the worry lines around his eyes had lessoned.
"You're not mad?"
"Are you kidding? You can fuck me against the window anytime you want."
Nikolas grinned and got to his feet. He wrapped Jon up in his arms and
hugged him, not caring in the least his pants were down around his ankles and Jon
wore none at all.
"I promise I will care for you in the future, Rajaaka," Nikolas whispered. "I
will not let my loss of control rule me again."
"Does that mean you won't fuck me against the window again?"
"I'll fuck you against the window, the desk, the wall, anywhere you want,"
Nikolas whispered, his heart throbbing with joy. "I'll fuck you anywhere and
everywhere you want."
Jon leaned his head back to look up at Nikolas, his face suddenly serious. "We
need to talk first."
Nikolas nodded. They did. Jon deserved to know how his life was going to
change now they had bonded. Nikolas had wanted to explain it to Jon before he left
but he knew Jon needed to understand why they belonged together.
Now that they'd bonded, being separated for long periods of time would
cause them both physical pain. Nikolas needed Jon's blood as much as Jon needed to
Nikolas's semen. It was an exchange of life giving essence.
"Let's go upstairs to the penthouse and get more comfortable," Nikolas said as
he pulled up his pants and buttoned them. "We can talk there."
Jon nodded and straightened his own clothing. Nikolas watched him push a
shaking hand through his hair as he glanced absently around the room. Jon seemed
disconnected, almost disoriented.
But he settled down the moment Nikolas wrapped an arm around him and
led him to the elevator to his penthouse suite. Neither of them spoke as they rode
up, the silence surrounding them like a thick fog.
The moment the doors swooshed open, Jon bolted as if he couldn't stand the
enclosed space anymore. He rubbed his hands roughly up and down his arms.
Nikolas stepped up behind him and took over, caressing Jon's arms.
Jon sighed deeply and leaned back against him. "Why do I feel this way?" he
whispered. His voice trembled with anguish. "What's wrong with me?"
"I am sorry, Rajaaka," Nikolas said. "I did not know the claiming would be so
hard on you. I wish I could spare you this but I would not give you up."
"My name is Jon," he snapped, "my fucking name is Jon!"
Nikolas could hear the distress in the man's voice and knew he was close to
"Your name is Jon Brighten. You are twenty six years old. Your mother's name
is Margaret Payne. Your father's name was Vincent Brighten. He died when you
were a child and your mother remarried Carl Payne." Jon turned to look at Nikolas,
his mouth hanging open. Nikolas continued. "Your sister's name is Angelina. She's
married to Benjamin Thomas. They are expecting their first child."
"How ?"
"Did you think I would not investigate you?"
"But . . . why?"
"You are my Rajaaka. I want to know everything about you."
Jon pushed away from Nikolas and took several steps back, placing almost
the entire room between them. He started rubbing his arms again as he stared at
"You keep saying that, calling me that," Jon said. "I want to know what it
means, and you're not going to get away with some half-baked, bullshit explanation
this time. I want the truth."
"Rajaaka means lover, mate, um . . . consort. I claimed you when we had sex,
made you my bond mate."
"Bond mate? Claiming?" Jon asked. He looked slightly dazed. "What does that
mean? We just had sex. How can you claim me just from sex? You're a vampire. I'm
sure you've had sex with hundreds of people. Don't you guys like, live forever or
Nikolas grinned, amused at Jon's assumptions, which were like most people's.
"I have had sex with many people, that is true. And I have lived a long time,
hundreds of years, in fact."
"Just how old are you?"
"I was born in 1367."
Jon's eyes widened. "Dude, talk about robbing the cradle."
"I have seen many things in my life, had many lovers, but I have never had a
Rajaaka before. I only have one and I have waited my entire life for you." Nikolas
drew in a deep breath, Jon's scent reaching him even from across the room. "Now
that I have found you, I will never be alone again."
Jon opened his mouth as if he was going to say something then snapped it
shut. Nikolas could feel the force of his gaze. Jon's golden eyes showed his curiosity
and confusion, and maybe just a hint of sadness.
"You've been alone? Why? I would think the great Nikolas Vaile had people
throwing themselves at his feet."
"That is true, but none of them were you." Nikolas opened his mouth to tell
Jon there was a down-side to all of this, but then changed his mind. The man had
enough to get used to, for now. He slowly moved closer to Jon, one step at a time
until he stood within arm's reach.
"None of them were your Rajaaka, you mean?"
"Exactly." Nikolas reached up and stroked his hand over Jon's cheek, elation
filling him when Jon leaned into his soft caress. "None of them were you."
"Why me?" Jon asked. "What's so special about me?"
"You called to me from the first scent of your blood; that s the way it is for my
Jon swallowed hard. "Do you mean you will be drinking my blood?"
"I've already drank your blood," Nikolas said as his fingers trailed down Jon's
neck to the two small puncture marks in his neck. "And I will drink from you again.
Now we are bonded, a few drops of your blood will sustain me far longer than any
other blood I could drink."
"Wi-will it hurt?" Jon whispered.
"Has it hurt before?"
"I don't remember you taking my blood before. I just know you've done it. I
saw the marks on my neck." Jon's gaze suddenly flickered up to Nikolas's. "You took
my blood during sex, didn't you?"
"I did. It is very erotic for my kind to take blood during sex. It heightens the
feeling for both me and my partner, raises our awareness of each other and the
pleasure we bring to each other."
"Will you continue to take my blood when we have sex?"
"If you will allow me to." Nikolas rubbed his thumb over the pulse beating in
Jon's neck. "I can take your blood without the sex, if you prefer." Nikolas would do
whatever Jon felt most comfortable with but he was hoping for the sex part of things.
"Does it hurt if you take my blood when we're not having sex?"
"Why not?"
"You are my Rajaaka," Nikolas said. "You would feel only pleasure at my
touch. That is why your arms feel like they itch and your body aches. You need me
as much as I need you."
"I don't understand."
"I pledge to thee my love and faith. I offer my life to thee, my blood for yours.
I'll be your night as you shall be my day. I'll stay with you forever, my love, my
Rajaaka. I pledge this oath for all eternity. To the world, may we be one soul." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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