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were a magnet and she was steel.  I m not too worried about that, she
admitted, her voice incredulous. Like he didn t know they had it going on.
The smile that curled his lips made her heart flutter.  So you re attracted to
Sheridan refused to answer, but he really hadn t asked it like a question
anyway. Pretty much every woman in the United States who had a pulse was
attracted to him. And then there was that night they shared&  I think we
know there s plenty of chemistry between us. We proved it already, right?
 I m definitely attracted to you. Parting his lips, he tilted his head, his
assessing gaze drinking her in. Making her squirm.  You have pretty eyes.
 Um, thanks, she said, wondering at his assessment.
 Good bone structure, full lips. He analyzed her and she grew uncomfortable
with every second that passed. His gaze was so intense as he drank her in it
almost felt like he was physically touching her.  I like your hair, though I prefer
when you wear it down. Reaching out, he plucked the clip from the back of
her head, causing her hair to fall past her shoulders in a riotous mess.
 It looks terrible, she said, smoothing her hand over it.
 It s sexy. Looks like you just tumbled out of bed. His eyes roved down the
length of her.  You also have a sweet body. His voice had gone deep, as if he
remembered exactly what her body looked like.
Her cheeks heated. Did the man have sex permanently on the brain or what?
They were venturing into dangerous territory and she needed it to stop.
 Thanks. She paused.  I think.
He smiled.  I sound like an ass. I don t mean to make you uncomfortable.
 No, it s fine. Glad to know you at least find me somewhat attractive. She
wanted to roll her eyes but held it back. This game they were playing was
dangerous. She would lose and would probably enjoy every minute of it.
 Oh, you re more than somewhat attractive. Reaching out, he tucked a
strand of hair behind her ear, his finger brushing the top of her ear. She
wanted to melt at his simple touch. She was in so much trouble.  What are you
doing tomorrow?
His scent reached her, clean and masculine, and she breathed deep, inhaling
him. Oh, she could get drunk on his intoxicating smell alone.  The usual.
He smiled.  Wanna get married?
Asking Sheridan so casually had been worth the shocked expression on her
face alone. She recovered quickly, Jared could give her that. And he liked that
she d changed clothes, appearing much more natural in her workspace with
the paint-covered jeans that fit her like a second skin, and the oversized
sweater that threatened to slide off one shoulder at any given moment.
He d like to be there when that happened, more than ready to catch a
glimpse of silken skin.
That s about all he d catch a glimpse of, considering the clause that both
lawyers had agreed would be added to the contract, declaring no sexual
contact or their marriage was considered void.
He hated that fucking clause. Yet he d signed the agreement anyway.
 Tomorrow? she finally asked, her voice a little squeaky.
He tossed the hairclip he d been clutching in his hand high into the air,
catching it with ease.  It s the only day my schedule allows.
 Um, what about my schedule? I work too, you know.
 Don t you have someone who works for you? Can cover for a few hours? He
threw the clip into the air again, smiled when he watched her track it with her
gaze. Catching it, he handed it to her and she took it, setting it on the counter
 No. She shook her head, all that gorgeous golden brown hair sliding against
her shoulders. If he had his way, she d never wear it up again.  I could never
afford it.
 You certainly can now.
She rested her hands on her hips, her irritation clear. He felt like an ass.  Not
like I could hire someone and have them cover for me part time tomorrow.
There s not enough time.
 Yeah, and you ll be gone all day anyway.
 All day? She frowned.  How long does it take to get married?
 We have to disappear. Act like we re on a quick honeymoon.
 Oh. She looked confused.  Where are we going?
 I have it all planned out. He let his gaze wander over her form, taking her
in, hoping like hell he got her size right. The dress he and his agent picked out
would be delivered to the studio later this afternoon. But what if she didn t like
Now that everything was official, he d found himself somewhat on board for
the bogus marriage. He liked her. But what made it worse? He couldn t touch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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  • littlewoman.keep.pl