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you are when you venture into a sport that you know
little about, but are willing to learn or be taught, and
have fun while learning it. Relationships with men are
an exercise in give and take. If you take the time to
partake in some of those activities he enjoys, like
golfing, he will return the favor when it comes time for
you to ask him to attend a function you know he has
no interest in.
A walk in the park or on the beach date: Pick
a place (beach or park) that gives you the kind of
setting that is visually appealing. The more picturesque
the scenery you settle in, the more romantic and
intimate your walking date with will be. I liken the
choice of a place to take your walk, to the choice you
make when you are looking for the restaurant with that
certain romantic ambience. In a nutshell, choose a
place that will draw both of you closer. Whatever you
do, it is always good to pick a location that has some
benches where you can sit down to really get close.
Road trip date: Road trips can be romantic and
can give you the quality time you need with your guy.
Go to a city you have not been to. Book a room in a
beautiful hotel. Call the city s visitors information
center to find out the best sites to see in town. While
you are at it, seek their advice on the best eateries in
© Steve Ubah. All rights reserved. Duplication or sale of this book is not permitted
without the express written permission of the author. Access granted exclusively by
town. Go out of town, and while you are there take
the opportunity to share how you feel about your guy,
as well as your dreams and aspirations.
Flight to an exotic locale date:  Exotic is in
the mind of the person taking a trip. An exotic place
like the Serengeti in Kenya may not be exotic for the
locals. So exotic is relative. Hawaii to the Hawaiian is
just another place on the map where tourists flock to
get away from the realities and stresses of their daily
grind. Find your exotic country, get your passports
and visas together, and go out there for a week or two.
To get even more creative dating ideas, I highly
recommend Michael Webb s 300 creative dates . He
will give you date ideas that are specifically designed for
celebrating the season, birthdays, anniversaries and
other special occasions. He will show you super
inventive picnic date ideas and tips on making dinner
dates the most creative and romantic imaginable --
without spending a lot of money or time in preparation.
His e-book has sections on vacation dates, creative
ways to ask someone out, and a couple dozen Dating
Coupons -- coupons you can give your sweetheart to
redeem for future creative dates. If you haven't been
© Steve Ubah. All rights reserved. Duplication or sale of this book is not permitted
without the express written permission of the author. Access granted exclusively by
on many dates, or your dates have not been very
successful, this information will be invaluable to you.
Who is Michael Webb? Well, he has appeared
on over 500 radio and television shows including
Oprah, Men are From Mars/ Women are From Venus,
NBC News, 700 Club, The Other Half, Iyanla, To Tell
the Truth and FOX News. He has been featured in
practically every major newspaper in the United States
and is regularly mentioned in the nation's top
magazines like Men's Health, Bridal Guide,
Cosmopolitan, New Man, Women's Day, Family Circle,
and dozens of others.
How to Make Your First Meeting with His
Family a Breeze
Meeting your beau s family can be a nerve-
crushing, fingernail-biting, stomach-churning
experience if you do not prepare yourself ahead of
time. There are things you must do, if you do not want
this meeting to turn into a sweat-fest. Get your guy
involved early. Start with a telephone introduction.
Have him call the family members he wants you to
meet and formally introduce you. Get to know who his
family members are, where they live, what they do, how
© Steve Ubah. All rights reserved. Duplication or sale of this book is not permitted
without the express written permission of the author. Access granted exclusively by
many kids they have, etc. Be real, be yourself, and they
will warm up to you. To get brownie points, let each
one of them know how wonderful your guy is to you.
A few compliments here and there heaped on your
beau will get you far with his family. Tell them how
nice and kind-hearted he is, and before you know it,
you will have them eating off the palm of your hands.
Once you get through the telephone introductions,
you will now be ready for the face-to-face meeting. It
will feel like you are just catching up with a friend
you ve been talking to over the phone, but have not yet
met in person. How you meet and where you meet will
go a long way to make your meeting very comfortable.
Have your guy make sure that you meet in a place
where you can all have fun together. Try a fun place
like a bowling alley, the golf course, the movie theatre,
an amusement park, your favorite fishing hole, or the
beach (you don t have to wear a bikini if you don t
want to). You can also meet for dinner or lunch, but I
do not recommend this for a first meeting, unless your
self-esteem and confidence level is very high. In a
setting like this, you will be the center of attention and
might get bombarded by more questions than you can
handle. If you like attention, and you have a lot to say,
then go the dinner route  you will surely get all the
attention you want.
© Steve Ubah. All rights reserved. Duplication or sale of this book is not permitted
without the express written permission of the author. Access granted exclusively by
What you wear, and how you carry yourself, is a
big part of the first impression you will make on your
potential in-laws. Did I say in-laws? I certainly did,
because they could be the family you will associate with
for a very long time. With that in mind, your goal
should be to make a very good first impression. Dress
well. If you are going to wear something casual, don t
let your breasts hang out. Forget about the see-
through skirt that reveals the color of underwear you
have on  the one that helped you rope your guy the
very first day you met. That kind of dressing may be
okay for you and your beau, but his parents may lump
you in the same bag they would lump loose women,
which is not the kind of lady they want associating with
their son or brother.
So to wrap it up, when it comes to meeting your
beau s parents, you need to get a telephone
introduction from your guy, followed by a meeting in a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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