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my throat to rest on my shoulder, so when I saw Baldy drag himself up from the floor, blood
pouring from his nose, to the table where he wrapped his fingers around the gun, I took the
opportunity to slip from the chair onto the floor. My ribs screamed in agony, but when he
took aim in Luke s direction, I lunged across the floor and lashed out with my feet, sweeping
his legs out from under him again.
He managed to retain his grip on the gun, however, and, in spite of landing on his back
with enough force to drive the air from his lungs in a loud whoosh, he was able to squeeze the
trigger. The bang echoed around the cavernous room. I started, but my blood froze when I
heard a high-pitched yelp. My head snapped around just in time to see Luke, still in wolf
form, jerk away from Doubleday, and tumble into the pool. A red cloud immediately
bloomed around him.
Fear ripped through me, and I scrambled towards him, hands still bound, body
vehemently protesting every inch gained. Tears of panic blurred my vision. Luke was
sinking to the bottom of the pool, leaving a misty trail of blood behind him.
I reached the edge and looked down, expecting to see Luke s body, whether wolf or
human, but instead all I saw was blood-stained water.
 You little bastard! With that as my only warning, I was hauled to my feet by Baldy.
The gun was still in his hand, and while he held me with his other hand in my hair, he swept
the gun about, searching for Luke.
He swung around at a ripple from the far end of the pool, and pulled the trigger three
times in rapid succession. Before he could fire again, I brought my bound hands up and
smacked his arm. The next bullet shattered one of the plate glass windows. The gun was an
old Webley Revolver, so that meant there was only one more bullet in the six round cylinder.
 I ve just about had enough of you, Baldy declared, and turned the gun on me. His
face was blotchy red with anger as he raised the hand holding the gun, then brought it down
sharply. The butt of the revolver connected with my temple, and my vision swam in and out
of focus.
He still had a tight grip on my hair, and pushed me to the ground before dropping to
his knees beside me. There was pain in my head, and I couldn t make my body respond to
the simplest commands. Nor could I understand why it was suddenly difficult to breathe,
until I realised that my head was under the water. I struggled, but the more I thrashed the
tighter his grip became on my hair.
Physically restrained and compromised, my senses dulled, my mind began to throw out
images of family and friends, childhood pets and favoured toys. Luke. The beat of my heart,
the pulse of blood in my veins, a contagious smile, the fire of arousal. He was all that and
more. Luke. My mate.
I felt more than heard the roar that seemed to shake the ground, and in the next second
I was free. Coughing and spluttering, I heaved myself out of the pool and collapsed onto the
tile, blinking water from my eyes. My lungs burned when I breathed, but I levered myself up
onto my elbows and looked around me.
Luke, somewhere between wolf and human form, stood tall and magnificent on hind
legs, arms stretched out under impossibly wide shoulders, and head thrown back as he
howled his outrage. He dropped to all fours then, and sprang forwards, covering the
distance from the end of the pool to where I lay in bare seconds.
 Oh my God, Victor Doubleday whispered, watching with wide eyes, apparently
immobilised as Luke bore down on him. His men fled for the door, pushing and shoving
each other in their efforts to get out first. He cast his gaze around frantically, then dived
towards something, only to be beaten to the gun Baldy had dropped by Andy.
Luke lashed out at Doubleday, using the back of his paw to send the man flying into the
pool. Had he used his claws, I was certain Doubleday would have landed in pieces. Luke
then turned on Andy, but the detective trained the gun on him. He was trembling, but he
was so close to Luke that there was little chance he would miss if he pulled the trigger. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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  • littlewoman.keep.pl