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from the day before. Declan blessed her disguise. Now all he could hope for was that her
service revolver was within easy reach.
 The temp agency sent her over. I needed help.
 You had help, she snapped.  You had me.
 And you stole from me, he countered.
Julia shifted to the side.
Trish s gun jerked her way.  Away from the desk. She motioned her to one of the
waiting room chairs.
Declan lifted his hands, scrambling for words to calm her down as Julia did what she d
ordered. The phone blasted out a ring. Trish snagged the cord in her fist and yanked it from
the wall.
 No interruptions!
 Calm down. His insides felt like they were in a blender.  Let s talk about this.
 I m not one of your fucking patients! Her knuckles whitened around the gun grip.
 No, but you were my friend. At least I thought so until recently. I think you owe me
an explanation.
 I don t owe you shit. Open the door, then sit at my desk. I want to make sure your
little whore sees you first when she comes in. That is, if she and her pet bulldog have been
smart enough to figure it out.
Not losing sight of her, Declan slipped behind the desk.  Why, Trish? Just tell me
 You re the one who owes me the explanation, Dr. Trent. After all I did for you. It was
all for you. And you never once noticed ...
Buddy System 151
 I appreciated everything you did for me, Trish. Julia s bag was at his feet, her gun
inside. If he could snag the handle ...
 But you didn t notice me! I loved you. I adored you. I worshipped the ground you
walked on. And you never once noticed!
He saw shadows in the hallway through the open door. They ducked against the wall.
All he had to do was keep Trish occupied and focused on him so the police could take her
 But you had Mark, he tried to reason.
Her lip curled.  A diversion. A play toy. A temporary replacement for what I couldn t
have at the time. At first I did it to make you jealous. But you didn t care. Then I realized I
could take out all my frustration on him. He was so easy to manipulate, but then most people
are when you know how. Her laugh chilled him.  And here all this time he thought he was
the one in charge.
 Like Bobby Salazar? Was he another toy for you?
 A tool. A necessity. She sauntered forward, putting more distance between herself
and the door.  How dare those women put their hands on what was mine? Who did they
think they were? I couldn t put up with it any longer. They had to be stopped, put in their
 And you convinced Bobby to clean up your mess.
Her smile gleamed.  He thought I was a victim just like him. He thought I was his
friend. Amazing what a few tears will do. He even believed Mark was after me. That s why
he ran him down.
 What about Detective Rodriquez? Did you shove her down the stairwell at the
hospital? Declan pushed away from the desk, hoping to lure her closer. There was
movement in the doorway again, but he didn t dare glance that way to see who it was.
 She had the nerve to touch you. I couldn t allow that. I did what I had to do. It was a
merely a warning. I m glad she took it. And that stripper. I showed the little whore. I showed
her good.
 You really do love me, don t you?
The hardness in her expression faltered.  I do. I truly do.
 I see that now. I m been such a fool. Come, he patted his thigh,  let me hold you.
There s no need for any of this. I understand.
The gun dipped. Her blue eyes rounded.  You do?
 I do. He stood and opened his arms to her.  I ve been so stupid. You are such a
treasure. How could I have not seen it before?
Her gaze narrowed suspiciously.  What about Detective Donaldson?
152 Caitlyn Willows
 She s nothing to me now. She doesn t even begin to compare to you. He widened his
arms.  Come here, Trish. Please let me hold you, kiss you.
She took a step forward.  Can we make love in your office like you did with her?
 Yes. It would be a dream come true. I don t have to pretend it s you when I m with
her. I never in a million years thought I had a chance with someone of your grace and
caliber, Trish. Now ...
The gun fell to the carpet with a dull thud as she tossed herself into his arms.
Declan anchored her against him as Pam, Buckley, and Julia rushed up.
 I m so sorry, Dr. Trent, Trish cried.  I just don t like having to share you.
 Neither do I. Pam clamped the cuffs over her left wrist and yanked her arm behind
her while Julia grabbed the other one.
Teeth gnashing, Trish lashed out with a kick that barely missed his crotch. It took all
three detectives to wrestle her to the ground.
 In here now! Pam shouted.
Two officers burst in to help hog-tie Trish, then hauled her outside. She spewed
obscenities the whole way.
Declan glanced at Mr. Burnside. The poor man was curled into his urine-stained chair.
Julia squatted down beside him.  Come on, sir. I ll get an officer to take you home.
He nodded dumbly and followed her out of the office.
Pulling in a shaky breath, Pam nestled into Declan s equally shaky arms.
 You never said how many kids you wanted.
Declan managed a small laugh.  Two. Two would be nice.
 Then I suggest we get started.
 Yes, ma am. Soon as I stop shaking.
 I hear you, big guy.
* * * * *
Declan watched Pam exit the precinct. Lights in the parking lot guided her walk to his
car. She looked as beat as he felt. He wanted nothing more than to sink into a hot sea of
bubbles with her and wash the day away. There was still one more stop he wanted to make
before they went home.
 Hey, baby. How d it go? he asked when she slipped inside.
Pam kissed him first.  Good. She s confessed to everything, and the evidence mounting
up supports that. She s even got a bruise in her midsection from where Gloria kicked her.
Declan listened as he pulled into traffic.
Buddy System 153
 Trish played on the desires and fears of others, in a desperate attempt to clear a path to
you. She played Darla and Bobby. Seeing a challenge and knowing the rage Bobby tamped
down, Darla emailed him constantly trying to convince him to punish her for what those
girls had done to him. Trish encouraged this so-called healing process. Once Bobby was
through with Darla, Trish used the opportunity to kill her. Emails on Darla s computer
confirmed it, emails Bobby and Trish were frantic to delete along with any other evidence at
Darla s connecting them to her. Only, Carol interrupted their attempt.
 Again playing on Carol s weaknesses, Trish told her they could give her the release
from life she wanted. An overdose of Trish s Ambien and a slice to the wrist didn t do the
job, so Trish had to finish it.
 Which is when she saw me with Carol. She was the figure I thought I saw in the
doorway of Carol s hospital room, wasn t she? The one I couldn t find when I looked.
 Yes, and it seems she snapped completely at that point. Carol was collateral damage
until then, but your presence at her bedside infuriated Trish. She told us how Bobby
recorded the victims voices and replayed it for 9-1-1. Bobby cleaned up the crime scenes.
The whip was under a floorboard in his house. Good, solid evidence all the way.
She stretched as far as she could.  Where are we going?
 I need to see Mark.
 Want me to go in with you?
 No, this is something I need to handle alone. I won t be long.
* * * * *
Mark s head jerked toward the door when Declan walked in, tension slowly eased from
his body.
 Afraid I was someone else? he asked as he pulled the chair to the bedside.
 Why would you think that? Mark sank into the pillows propped behind him.
 They arrested Trish earlier today for the murders of Carol Phillips, Darla Murray,
Kandi Kane, and Bobby Salazar.
His eyes widened.  Bobby, too? He let loose a deep sigh.  How strong is the case?
 Very. Mind telling me exactly what s going on?
Mark squeezed his eyes closed. Declan was surprised to see tears slip free beneath his
lids. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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