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protect you, to take you away. Didn t know the pack was out there
with Jenner. Didn t mean for any of this to happen. Didn t
Richard seized him by the upper arms, his face closed and
guarded.  So many things you didn t mean. Did you mean what
you said, or were you simply trying to prevent me from
committing murder?
Josh s tired brain took a moment to process this cryptic
question, but then he realized it was the only obvious one.  Of
course I was. Richard turned his head away.  But I meant it, too. I
do love you, von Schaumburg. I have loved you for longer than I
wanted to admit. I m stubborn and kinda dense about relationships.
So I couldn t say it when it counted and almost lost you because of
it. Josh hitched a breath.  And I m losing you now, because I m
such a jackass and I ve hurt you too much.
 Say it, Richard demanded.
Richard gave him a little shake, his fingers tightening painfully
on Josh s arms.  Just say it!
Josh looked into those gray eyes and the words leapt out.  I
love you, Richard.
 Even like this? Even though I m not your Richard anymore?
 You re still the same Richard. Shit, you proved that today a
hundred times. Honorable and compassionate and brilliant. You
haven t changed. You just have extra& accessories. I love you.
With every scrap of me. God, I love you.
 Then I can forgive nearly anything. A smile softened
Richard s expression and Josh thought his insides might melt. The
wall Richard had thrown up between them tumbled down and
Richard s warmth flooded Josh s mind.  I love you, too, my fierce,
brave Joshua.
 Well& good, Josh got out. He had been so close to despair a
moment before, the sudden change made him dizzy.
Richard opened his arms and let him snuggle close.  Do you
feel better?
 Just so damn glad to hold you. Josh wrapped his arms tight
around Richard s neck. The wings might have been warm, but
Richard s skin was still cool, soothing his headache.  I m tired and
aching, but I don t care.
 Shh, just hold me, dammit. Tight as you can.
Gentle arms wrapped him close, but soon Richard apparently
sensed his mood. He crushed Josh to him, his breaths ragged. His
wings snapped open and swept forward to envelope him in a
double embrace, secure, inescapable.
Josh reached up to stroke his fingers over Richard s face,
tracing his eyebrows, his cheekbones, down along his jawline. His
lips followed the path his fingers traced. Richard shivered, his
wingtips caressing Josh s back.
With an impatient tug, Josh yanked the scrub shirt off over his
head. Now the soft wings stroked bare skin, an incredible,
blanketing pleasure arms could never match.
 I need you, babe. Please.
 Whenever you want.
A soft growl rumbled in Richard s chest. He lowered his head
to fasten his lips on the side of Josh s throat in a hard, sucking kiss.
With an arm under Josh s butt, he lifted and tugged Josh s pants
off.  Wrap your legs around me.
 Can I still?
Richard twisted as if he could look at his own back.  I& think
so. The wings only attach at the shoulders.
Heedless of the pull on his injured hip, Josh eased his feet
around Richard, under his wings, until his legs wrapped around his
waist.  Hey, look at that. Works pretty damn good.
The wings held him steady and held him tenderly, leaving
Richard s hands free for other things.
 I don t suppose you kept anything in your room here?
 What, like dildos? Cuffs and spreader bars?
 Ah, no.
 Lube s in the drawer, babe, Josh whispered between licks
around Richard s nipple.
Richard reached under his wing to rummage in the drawer. One
dark brow lifted as he read the label.  Bangin Cherry? A little
unsubtle, don t you think?
 Don t want subtle. Josh took the nipple between his teeth and
got a hard moan.  Want you. Now.
With both hands free, Richard ran gentle fingers over Josh s
erection while the well-lubed fingers of his left hand teased at
Josh s puckered entrance. Josh leaned back into his wings
embrace, panting. They held him easily, strong enough to lift him a
bit so Richard could slide a finger inside. Josh gasped, his fingers
digging into Richard s shoulders. The relief of having Richard
touching him again washed over him, making his cock jump.
A second finger joined the first and Josh rolled his hips,
writhing in Richard s lap as he was impaled and stroked.
 Please, he gasped out.  Take me hard. I need you.
Richard licked along his pulse point. His wings lifted Josh
again to replace fingers with the smooth head of his cock.  Not this
time, my dear.
Josh fought a sob of need.  What? Dammit, Richard!
 This time I won t hammer into you like some crazed animal.
When you re better, we can wrestle and make love with tempest
ferocity. But right now, you need someone to take care of you.
 I don t need 
 Shh. Richard put two fingers over his lips.  Of course you
don t. You re perhaps the most self-reliant person I know. But you
don t have to be so strong, so hard all the time when someone
loves you. Let me take care of you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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