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print, to keep your inner fires stoked. Just pick whatever
title calls to you and enjoy it. As you complete that book,
you ll be led to others. Relish the journey, my friend!
You re in for a treat!
Dr. Robert Anthony s Advanced Formula For Total
Success by Dr. Robert Anthony. This 1988 no-nonsense
little gem surprised me by being so inspiring, practical, and
akin to the ideas expressed here in my own book. Anthony
has written several other books, all worth getting. Order
online at www.amazon.com.
Joe Vitale
The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. My all-time
favorite on the power of using your mind to create anything
you want. It s been in print since 1948. I first read it when I
was a teenager. A masterpiece. At bookstores or order from
The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money Fast! is
an incredible book by Carole Dore. This uplifting book
reveals an  inside out approach to making money. What
Doré reveals are strategic ways to increase your energy so
that money is literally drawn to you like a magnet. Order it
by FAX (949) 857-5122 or call 1-800-40-POWER.
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die... by Karol Truman.
Reveals a powerful one-step process for releasing the core
issues in your life so you can be clear to have what you
want. Brilliant. Order online at http://www.healing-
hearts.com or call 1-800-531-3180.
Keys to the Ultimate Freedom by Lester Levenson,
founder of the Sedona Method, a very simple way to  get
clear so you can become Master of your life. This book
Spiritual Marketing
contains Lester s thoughts about life, which are
illuminating. Call 1-888-282-5656. Or visit
The Power of Outrageous Marketing!, an audiotape
program, with workbook, by Joe Vitale. Teaches you the
ten proven secrets for fame, fortune, and immortality. From
Nightingale-Conant. Call 1-800-525-9000 or visit
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph
Murphy. Anything by Murphy is worth reading. This is a
classic. Available in most bookstores or online at
Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather by
Jerry and Esther Hicks. A delightful work of fiction which
teaches how to make your own world through the science
of deliberate creation. Call (830) 755-2299. Visit
The Science of Getting Rich by Bob Proctor. This is a
stunning course (book, workbook, and eight tapes), based
Joe Vitale
on the 1903 book by Wallace Wattles, on using your mind
to increase your wealth. If you only wanted to get one book
out of the list here, this would be the one. Call 1-800-871-
9715. Or visit http://www.bobproctor.com
The Seven Lost Secrets of Success by Joe Vitale. Now
in it s seventh edition and still changing the world, one
person at a time. Reveals the marketing secrets of a
forgotten genius from the roaring twenties. One company
bought 19,500 copies of this book. Visit
http://www.amazon.com to order.
So, Why Aren t You Rich? If you want to read a book to
rattle your cage, pick up a copy of Darel Rutherford s
nuclear blast to the ego. It s billed as the unauthorized
sequel to Napoleon Hill s famous book,  Think and Grow
Rich. Get more details, and sign up for Darel s free e-
newsletter, at http://www.richbits.com
Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of
True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth. A Unity minister s
Spiritual Marketing
insights into wealth. Outstanding. At bookstores, or call 1-
800-669-0282, or order online at http://www.amazon.com
Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious
Creation by Lynda Madden Dahl. Mind-expanding. Also
read her book, Beyond the Winning Streak. Order from
http://www.amazon.com or call (541) 683-0803.
Travelling Free by Mandy Evans. A petite guide on
how your beliefs create your reality, and how to change
your beliefs through a gentle questioning process. Call 1-
800-356-9315 or order online at http://www.amazon.com
Working with the Law by Dr. Raymond Holliwell.
Reveals the laws of the universe. Work with them and you
can have whatever your heart desires. Call 1-800-871-9715.
You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor. An incredible
book on how to unlock your potential. Available as a
home-study course, too. Call 1-800-871-9715. Or visit
Joe Vitale
Healers, Mentors, and Counselors
Ann Taylor Harcus miracles22@aol.com
Bill Ferguson wff@neosoft.com
Kathy DeMont remoteheal@hotmail.com
Mandy Evans beliefs@mandyevans.com
Karol Truman feelings@infowest.com
Diana Bay Mehob@aol.com
Merry Mount merrymount@earthlink.net
Gloriana Ron Da RonDahTherapies@aol.com
About the Author
Joe Vitale, the creator of Spiritual Marketing, is an
independent marketing specialist currently based in Austin,
Texas. His talks, seminars, and audiotape programs on
sales and marketing have helped thousands of people
around the globe market their businesses successfully.
Among Joe s clients are Doubleday Books, the American
Business Women s Association, PBS Television, and the
American Red Cross. He is the author of ten books,
including  The Seven Lost Secrets of Success and
 There s A Customer Born Every Minute. He s also the
author of an audiotape program for Nightingale-Conant,
called  The Power of Outrageous Marketing!
Joe Vitale
e-mail: spirit@mrfire.com * website:
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