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2. Writing in revese order (the standered method for kapadayadi),
One of the authentic references we see about this method is on
it becomes 210. 210/30 = 7. All the planets have full drishti in 7th
Presnamarga. It says,
house. Any connection? :) Yes, All this concepts about  Special
 Kundanikhne pridhak legne prashtre thara na chethbhaveth
full Drishti of Sa, Ju and Ma are openions of somebody (Garga
and Parasara) and not of the tradition followed by Mihira! Look
Kshipthva kaschith kalasthekthva(aa)neyam prashtre
at the word  Kila =somebody says!
It means that except the Gargi hora reference, Mihira couldn t
 If the resultant longitude, of Asc x 81 falls on the birth-star of
find this concept in Skanda hora, Brihal prajapatya, Vasishta Hora,
the qurent, then the Asc is correct. If it doesn t, increase or de-
Sounaka Hora, Kousika hora etc.
crease some minutes to the Asc and again multiply with 81, and
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, sreesog@yahoo.com All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
see whether it falls on the birth-star of the qurent . This sloka has the same meaning as included by Mihira in his
sloka. Now we are sure that it is an authentic method, put forward
According to the statement  Trikonagananam sarvathra yojyam
by the great saints, for the rectification of birth-time.
(You should consider trine stars always) in Desadhyani (a famous
vyakhya of Varaha-hora) and Hridyapadha (another famous
What are the propositions of this method?
vyakhya of Vraha-hora), the astrologers consider the trine stars of
The Navamsa-Navamsa (Kunda) takes 18 min to make a com-
Navamsa-Navamsa as well. Asc shows the body, and Moon (birth-
plete revolution of the zodiac. As we are considering the trine-
star) shows the mind. A combined effort of these two is necessary
stars, to cover 9 stars it takes 18/3 = 6 min. Therefore, the maxi-
for a birth to take place. That is why the acharya says that both of
mum correction we can attain by using this method is half of 6
them should be related to each other. (Another factor to be consid-
min. i.e. (plus or minus) 3 min.
ered is the rhythm of the day. That is where the Pancha-tatva comes
If we stick to the preposition that birth-star should come in the
into play)
trine-star of Kunda-sputa (Longitude of Navamsa-Navamsa), one
The Presnamarga acharya is asking us to apply this method in
or two ideas comes to our notice. They are-
Presna. Can it be applied for birth-time rectification in Horoscope?
1) No two birth can take place within an interval of 6 min. In
From where Presnamarga acharya got this method? The root of
other words, in the case of twins, there would be 6 min. difference
this method lies in Varaha-hora. In the words of Mihira-
between the birth times. (Only in the case of Siamese twins this
 Tathkalamindu sahitho dwirasamsako ya-
law should be violated)
sthathulya rasi sahitho purathassasanke
2) As the methods for sex determination from horoscopes are
yavanudethi dina-rathri samanabhaga- given in authentic texts (we can determine whether the child is
boy or girl from birth-time/horoscope itself), it means that, Siamese
sthavathgathe dinaniso prevadanthi jenma
twins should be either both boys or both girls. No Siamese twins
This sloka has many meanings. Kunda calculation is one of the
with one of them boy and other girl would occur. (As it is a fact
interpreted meanings from this sloka.  Rasas are 9 in number.
we know, it could be taken as a fact for the worth fullness of
(Nava rasa) Therefore  Dwiramsaka means 9 x 9 =81. Therefore
Navamsa-Navamsa theory)
one of the meanings would be  If Asc x 81 is equal to the birth-star
Such strong assertions pointed to by this method should be tested
then it is the birth-time . Therefore, now we can say that this method
scientifically. If found false, we should drop this method, and search
can also be applied in horoscopes. But from where Mihira got this
for more reliable/authentic/rational methods.
method? The root text is Sounaka hora. In the words of the great
In Hari s words,  It all points to a rhythmic correlation between
saint Sounaka -
the revolution of earth (Asc) and the movement of Moon (birth-
 Yedrasi samjcha aadhane seethamso syannavamsaka
star) . As the whole astrology is concerned with  the inter-con-
navamsaka navamso va soothi sthathsdhepi va vidhou
nectedness of the rhythm of the universe with human/mundane
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, sreesog@yahoo.com All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
destiny , it is not only a possibility, but also a plausible research (Navamsa-Navamsa) is clumsy. Otherwise, why should there be
field. two separate options for Kunda and Navamsa-Navamsa in JHora
software? Hope that PVR ji will come out with some sufficient
What are the limitations of this method?
Some of the limitations of this method are - [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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