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primordial condition, we should cast more than a passing glance at it.
Suppose, in all free space which is everlasting Emptiness there were just one
capsule of Consciousness and no more. No matter that antics that solo capsule of
Consciousness performed, they must be everlastingly meaningless excepting to itself.
Pure Space is utterly incomprehensible until there be two points of a Something to mark
it. The thought is awesome ... as awesome as it is imponderable.
You need two points in Pure Space to mark out location that of itself enables you to
register Movement and by registering Movement indicates one s existence in that you
proceed from one to the other.
Here is a Great Phenomenon in the Intellect of the Divine Architect.
Pure Space without markings of any sort is a Space contained entirely within
Divine consciousness, in that nothing exists outside of it.
Pure Space needs markings to designate what it is. Space devoid of the slightest
 interference points must be Nihility absolute blankness of concept. So Intellect,
being composed of all concepts, is likewise a factor in the condition we face.
You have individualized capsule Consciousness needing markings to denote its
ability to alter position respecting those markings and thus advertise its inherent
ubiquities and by similar token you need markings of some sort to bring home to Pure
Space a sense of itself and thus produce Something. Should we not conclude logically
therefore, that Something is a decimal point in Pure Space, ... or rather, perhaps, two
decimal points, thus bringing Order out of Vo id? ...
Remember, we re exploring the Original Mind of God now. We re thinking in terms
of Primordial Fecundities. We want to arrive at the very nature of Holy Spirit always
and in every instance a law unto Itself, and incidentally the only Law there is.
Why should it become such Law unto itself?
TWO points in Space! ... when we pause to give it the deepest quality of reasoning,
shall it not be stated that two separated decimal points in everlasting and boundless
Beyond Grandeur William D. Pelley 65
Nihility, constitute the Omniverse in raw? Because first, they produce the phenomenon
of Movement for us, as we negotiate the time or effort required to encompass a location
that utilizes both of them; second, they supply the condition whereby Soul-Spirit
becomes such, proving it is animate in that it had the life-force to transfer itself
voluntarily from relationship in respect to one to relationship in respect to the other.
This, of course, is the first birth of Form or the first Form that any sort of Intellcet
could contrive.
A self-conscious Divine embryo of intellect is in existence in total Nihility. But it
only exist within Itself. It only exists within itself because there is no way as yet to
express itself outside of its own Consciousness. Granting it already possesses some
aspect of what we call Body or vehicle it could do nothing with such Body, or
vehicle, until there be properties toward which, or among which, it could behave in
contrast. Thus considered, of course, even Body itself would be useless because it
would have existence without Purpose.
There must be contrived somehow two demarked points which are of themselves
nothing to give Consciousness proof of its identity, and thereby demonstrate itself as
being what it is. Right here we are considering the universe in those times when it truly
enough was without Form and void. We of this earth-world, equipped from physical
birth with vehicles for traveling and exercising, take the Omniverse around us for
granted. That is because we do not strive to depict intellectually how the whole Cosmos
first manifested.
The Omniverse is not enable in that creation cannot go on to infinity in a literal
sense because if it were possible to arrive at the orbit-fringe of the last and final star,
we still could plague ourselves with inquiring what lay  beyond ... and more Pure
Space should be apparent in which more endlessness ought to be able to demonstrate.
But in order to demonstrate beyond the fringe of such Omniverse, the original essence
of Movement must commence all over, and the process be repeated. The moment you
have Pure Space indeed, you have Nihility enterable by nothing but Consciousness. If
anything other than Consciousness entered it, then it would cease being Pure Space
because decimal points of some sort must set up limitations. At the very last vestige of
all Matter, in other words, nothing can go one ten-thousandth of an inch beyond but
Consciousness ... to repeat the whole process that has hatched the Omniverse out of the
first self-aware Thought.
THIS, incidentally and to my way of logicizing, attests to the circumstance that the
whole Omniverse from first to last is nothing but a performance of Thought, ... or
anyhow, Consciousness or self-awareness ... throwing the whole mystery of creation on
the solution of what self-awareness is in its original composition.
You may cry,  All right, so what? ... The Omniverse is already well on its way
toward establishing a hundred billion decimal markings ... why need we expend mental
energy rationalizing it in any attribute? I say, hunt back along the route we have come
Beyond Grandeur William D. Pelley 66
to reach tonight s Omniverse and we get the very core and essence of ourselves our
inherent God-Stuff with which and by which we aspire to perform so many so-called
Miracles ...
This is a Sherlock Holmes quest of no puny proportions.
CONSCIOUSNESS in its original manifestation, no matter what pattern it took,
had to establish decimal points outside of its own self-awareness to attest to the fact of
its own reality. Having projected the decimal points regardless of what materials
composed them something indicating Life from the fact of Movement had to alter
locations relative to the points. We stand appalled before the profundity of the gesture of
Consciousness exercising or operating objectively or creating a condition whereunder
objectivity of itself was understandable.
Inasmuch as no such maneuver had ever been executed before, this was truly
Creation in its mightiest self-indicating gesture.
 Give me two points of Something in this vast and inky blackness of immeasurable
Nihility, said Self-Awareness,  and forever thereafter I can not only demonstrate
myself, but I can expand and multiply myself. Because I can demonstrate an Outside to
myself as well as an Inside ... and the Inside and Outside are simultaneous and
synonymous, yet with each having identity in respect to embryonic emanations of
Consciousness or Divine Self-Awareness did not essay to perform this as some
sort of trick to show off Its own cleverness. It resorted to extremity of objectivity to
prove omni-presence and omnipotence, thus creating what seems to us to be a Cycle of
Attainment  omnipresence in the sense of being both the self-awareness and the area
of self-awareness in performance, and Omnipotenc in the sense of being as potent in
one aspect as the other, and thus being potent in all the aspects that are.
REMEMBER, you can t have Consciousness being anything other than the total
sum and substance of itself. You can say idly that you were only  half-conscious when
a given event occurred, but that would only be a syllogism; you were as conscious as
you ever can be, as your intelligence in self-awareness is the total You. What really had
been occurring when you were  half-conscious was partial division of your focus of
realization, from the external episode and its features to the internal episode of you in
your apparent somnambulism. Actually, all the time, if you take not, you are performing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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