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was entirely her own choice, so why should Sebastian blame
himself for that?
 I do not perfectly understand, Hawk. She had no wish to
reopen old wounds which just might, blessedly, have now
healed. At the same time she was forced to accept that it was
better to know the truth, better to know precisely how she
stood if they ever were to marry.  I know you were against
your cousin s marriage, that you tried to dissuade her, but
surely that was advice, kindly meant, not interference?
 True, but what I did afterwards cannot be termed as
anything other than deliberate meddling. He turned to
discover her regarding him in frowning silence, head on one
side, fine brows meeting above the bridge of the straight,
little nose, assuming that endearing pose which she always
adopted whenever puzzled by something.
 I went to see Caroline s father shortly before he died,
confided my fears for his daughter s future well-being and suc-
ceeded in persuading him to make certain alterations to his will.
It had been his intention to leave everything unconditionally
to Caroline, which of course would have found its way directly
into her husband s purse. In the new will Henry Westcotte left
half his fortune in trust for any children Caroline might have,
and the remainder to his daughter which she would be unable
to touch until she attained the age of forty or became a widow
before reaching that age. If, however, anything happened to
Caroline in the meantime the money would automatically be
transferred to her offspring. Naturally Farrington attempted to
contest the new will, but without success, as I was one of the
executors and was not silent in my assurances that Henry West-
cotte was in sound mind when he had made the adjustments.
Anne Ashley 191
 So that is why Farrington dislikes you so much, she
murmured, clearly recalling the hostility in those ice-blue eyes.
 One of the reasons, yes, he concurred as he resumed his
seat.  But as I believe I mentioned once before, we never liked
each other from the first.
He shook his head, still not sure whether he had done the
right thing by interfering and echoed his thoughts aloud.
Emily, on the other hand, had no doubts whatsoever. She could
still recall that vivid red mark, evidence of Sir Courtney s un-
certain temper, around his wife s throat. He might or might
not be capable of murder, but it was perhaps fortunate for
Caroline that it was in her husband s best interest to ensure that
she remained hale and hearty until she came into her fortune.
 But you did it for Caroline s sake. Surely she must under-
stand that?
 Perhaps& I m not sure. Before her father s demise she
wrote to me on a regular basis. I have received one letter only
from her since, the one she wrote in response to my missive
informing her of our engagement, and inviting her to the party.
 I do not believe she bears you any ill will, Hawk, Emily
assured him gently, certain in her own mind that it was more
likely to have been Sir Courtney himself who had forbidden
her to write.
 Maybe not. But what I do know is that she seemed happy
in her marriage up until her father s death. It was only after-
wards that Farrington began to neglect her, leaving her in Der-
byshire while he resided for much of the time here in town,
squandering money on gambling and women.
Emily stared intently across the desk.  And you are won-
dering where he acquires the money to do so. Is that why he
remains high on your list of suspects?
 One of the reasons, certainly, his lordship freely admitted,
 although I happen to know Caroline s dowry was considerable.
Leaning back against his chair, Sebastian raised his arms
to place his hands at the back of his head, and in so doing drew
192 Lord Hawkridge s Secret
Emily s attention to the waistcoat beneath his jacket, strain-
ing across his broad chest. He saw the faint flush touch the
delicate cheeks before she quickly lowered her gaze to stare
intently at the standish on the desk. He experienced a deal of
satisfaction and smiled to himself, sensing that she was re-
membering the highly enjoyable interlude in the Pilkingtons
garden the previous evening, and sensing too that the memory
was not unpleasant for her. It most definitely wasn t for him,
and he quickly channelled his thoughts in a new direction
before he was tempted to repeat the delightful experience.
 You said that it was Caroline who imparted the news
about Lady Pilkington s missing rubies. How did she come
by the information when it is not generally known? I encoun-
tered several of those present last night when I went out for
my ride, and no one mentioned anything.
 She heard it from her husband. He, apparently, was among
the few who remained at the Pilkingtons overnight.
Sebastian s eyes narrowed.  Was he now?
 Yes, but don t jump to the wrong conclusion, Emily
advised.  Lord Kelthorpe also stayed over with his wife, and
so too did Mr Wentworth, both of whom are on your list of
suspects, and both of whom have unsavoury reputations equal
to that of Sir Courtney Farrington, if not a deal worse. The
one who didn t remain was Skeffington, so I suppose you can
cross his name off the list, even though in my opinion he s as
disreputable as the others.
 He was never high on the list to begin with, Sebastian
admitted.  I have never rated his intelligence above average.
And our quarry is shrewd.
 Well, I think you can cross Sir Courtney off too. Accord-
ing to Caroline it was he who suggested calling in the Runners
this morning, as soon as the necklace was discovered missing.
And he also insisted that both he and his baggage were
searched before he left the house. Apparently the other guests
set up a fuss over that, but not he.
Anne Ashley 193
 Yes, clever devil, Sebastian murmured, eyes narrowing.
 I m not prepared to rule him out quite yet. There s no saying
that he didn t throw the booty out of his window to one of his
accomplices. We know the person we re after doesn t work
alone. He was silent for a moment then bethought himself of
something else.  You mentioned that Lady Pilkington is very
lax when it comes to the safekeeping of her jewels. How
came you to know this?
 It was something Lady Hewley remarked upon. And I ve
been racking my brain to think of who might have overheard
our conversation. I wish I d paid more attention at the time.
Sir Giles Osborne thought the man you re after was assisted
by loose talk, and I m beginning to think that he isn t far
wrong. But I don t for a moment suppose that Clara Hewley
is involved. She s such a simpleton!
 You are always so beautifully candid, my darling, Sebas-
tian remarked, shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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