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wasn t telling.  Unless there s another reason you re so hesitant to get together with Candice. Is there
more than mere chemistry here?
Touching Lace
He muttered something about little sisters who didn t know what was good for them, forcing
Lacey to pry further.
 What is it, Blade? Out with it. Lacey grew more curious by the second. After all, Blade had
never even acted remotely interested in a serious relationship before. Candice must have really done
a number on him.
 I don t know if there s more to it than chemistry because I ve not been able to get within ten feet
of her.
She let her silence speak for her. Little sisters did indeed have their ways.  She just seems&
different to me. But it s pointless anyway, because she s too damn
shy, Blade muttered.
Lacey was beyond shocked. She d never in her wildest imaginings known Blade to give up on a
woman. She had a sneaky feeling that all he really needed was a little push in the right direction.
 Blade, you could look at this another way.
 What other way is there? I m going to have to see Candice and not touch her. That sucks, no
matter which way you look at it.
Lacey laughed.  You re being too stubborn about this.
His voice was once again hard and unyielding.  I don t mess with women like her, Lacey.
 Women like what?
 You know what I mean. She s nice and sweet, and I m, well, not.  Are all men so obtuse? She
didn t bother to let him answer.  Do you really think
Candice can t get just as dirty as the next girl?
 Shit. I d rather not think about it.
 I ll just bet. Because every time you do, you have to take a cold shower. Am I right? She
laughed at his groan.,  Yeah, well, never mind that. Just think of this. If you don t get up close and
personal with her, that leaves the field open for other guys. Is that what you want?
Anne Rainey
The startled sound he made let Lacey know the thought hadn t even occurred to him.  Fuck that,
Blade growled.
 Exactly, Lacey said cheerfully.  So, get a pencil and paper and I ll give you her phone number
then you can call her and ask if she wants to go out.
 You know her number?
 Yep. As you already know, she s a client. And a good one, Lacey thought with pride. Candice
was adamant about staying in shape and keeping her body healthy. She only wished all her clients
were so vigilant.
 What s the number? he muttered.
Lacey rattled it off, said a bit of this and that then hung up. Blade was on his own now. She d done
what she could. It was time she got back to Nick and his lessons.
Lacey only hoped she could keep Nick from inadvertently mashing her heart to bits. Touching
Chapter Eight
When Lacey walked into the kitchen her intention was to continue Nick s lessons, but she came to
a screeching halt when she saw him mixing something in a bowl and singing along to a rock song
about long-legged women. He was naked above the waist and wore only the jeans he d had on
earlier. He was barefoot. Lacey found the sight wildly sexy.
He was making breakfast. For her. Geez, first he carried her to bed, now he was making breakfast.
What would he do next?
Quietly, she moved up behind him, slid her arms around his waist and whispered,  Can I help?
Nick dropped the spoon and mixing bowl and spun around. He opened his mouth to say something,
but stopped and stared.
Lacey cocked her head to the side.  What?
Nick bent low, took her face in his hands and pressed his warm lips against hers. Lacey forgot
whatever it was she d asked him. When he once again towered above her, he was smiling and his
eyes were dark with arousal.  You make me crazy, do you know that?
His arms went around her waist and his hands skimmed over her bottom.  Good crazy or bad
crazy? she managed to get out.
 Good crazy, baby. He dipped his head again and kissed the side of her neck, suckling at her
throat and making her insane with need. His body, hard and chiseled to perfection, pressed up against
 Well, that s good then, Lacey sighed.
Nick grunted as he continued licking at her jumpy pulse. Lacey let her hands travel the expanse of
his naked back, down to his waist and beyond until she was fairly clutching at his jean-clad buttocks.
He was so firm and solid under her fingertips. She d
Anne Rainey
gotten to taste and touch just a little bit ago and she was still so impatient to see him in the flesh.
No clothes in the way of her perusal this time. If this was all she was to have of him, she was
determined to make the most of it.
When Nick arched into her pelvis, she felt the long length of his cock.  I want you. I want you to
make love to me, Nick.
The vibration of his moan fueled her libido. He moved his mouth farther down to her neckline and
kissed her oversensitive skin. Lacey wanted to make him understand just how badly she wanted him.
 I want you inside of me, she begged shamelessly.  Every hard inch of you. Please, Nick.
Nick lifted his head away and stared at her. She wondered if he could see the raw, uncontrolled
desire on her face. She d used the term  make love , not  have sex . She worried now that she d
gone too far.
 I want you, too, Lace. She lit up with eager delight, thankful he wasn t bolting.  But, for me this
isn t a one shot deal, baby. I want more than just this once with you. Understood?
Uh-oh. He was moving too fast, and Lacey so badly wanted to run. She didn t know how he felt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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