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Lil laughed, undoing the red ribbon in her black tresses. The ebony cascade
tumbled past her shoulders, framing a strong face, a soft smile on her full
Also smiling, Lily eased off her blouse and it fluttered to the floor. Her
breasts were full but firm, unmarked by the signs of motherhood. "We share the
work load."
Lil undid her belt, her skirt tumbling into the darkness at her bare feet,
undressing in the dreamlike motions of animal sensuality. Clearly, they had
been expecting him as she also was wearing no undergarments.
"We share everything," the woman whispered, pinching out a candle flame and
the room dimmed slightly.
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Four hands began to caress the scarred youth, undoing buttons and belts,
removing an endless array of weapons.
"Strong, he's so very strong," one sister whispered hoarsely.
"He better be," the other said as she went to her knees and took Jak fully
into her mouth.
Lily kissed him again, and no more words were spoken through the long autumn
MILDRED HAD GONE TO BED early, complaining that her ankle ached, so
J.B. entered their assigned room on the second floor as quietly as possible so
not to wake her. The negotiations with the caravan leader had gone well, and
the trip should be an easy job. Mildred was going to ride shotgun, so she
wouldn't have to use her sprained foot for driving the whole way. That should
please her a lot.
Opening the door, J.B. was surprised to find the room lit with more candles
than anybody would have deemed necessary and some sort of sweet-smelling
incense musky in the air. Covered by blankets to the neck, Mildred was lying
in the big bed smiling expectantly. Her gun belt was draped over the nearby
end table, the medical bag in the corner.
"Thought you were feeling poorly," the Armorer said carefully.
Mildred motioned him closer, causing the blankets to slide down to her waist
and expose her full breasts.
"Come here, John," she whispered, "and see for yourself how I feel."
The candlelight glistened off her skin, and J.B. realized for the hundredth
time what a truly beautiful woman she was.
The most beautiful he had ever been with. Closing the door tightly, he slid a
chair under the latch to make sure there were no interruptions until the dawn.
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WALKING UP THE RICKETY STAIRS to the second floor, Ryan and Krysty took the
middle room and bid goodnight to Doc and Dean.
"Where's Jak?" Dean asked, scowling.
"With the barmaid," his father replied, unlocking the door to their room.
"Wonder if he noticed there's two of them," Krysty said, chuckling and
fighting back a yawn.
"They were twins?" Dean asked, confused.
"Come along, young Master Cawdor," Doc said, sporting a grin for the other
adults to see. "I'll explain it to you tomorrow. Good night."
"Night," Krysty replied as she closed the door.
Standing near the bed, Ryan was already stripped to the waist, checking his
weapons one last time before placing them on a nearby chair. Free from the
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
weight, he stretched, listening to his joints crack and pop.
"Been a long day," he said, sighing, kicking off his boots. "Tomorrow, as
"Not over yet, lover," Krysty purred, and her shirt flew across the room to
land on top of his clothes.
The man turned to find the woman already naked. The lone candle did little to
illuminate the darkness, but a flood of moonlight gave the room a surreal
appearance as if everything were forged of purest silver laid on black velvet,
including the redhead's luscious curves.
Krysty held out her arms invitingly, and he joined her in an ardent embrace,
her nails lightly scratching down his muscular back and across his powerful
Her nipples hardened against his chest as he rose between her soft thighs.
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"Pretty fast for an old man. Been a while, hasn't it, lover?" she whispered.
"Too long," he growled, and lifted her bodily off the cold floorboards.
Krysty grabbed his head and pressed it between her breasts as he blindly
walked to the bed and placed her on the downy quilt. Mouths and hands roamed
freely, tasting, touching, stroking in a banquet of intimacy.
A noise outside the window made them both pause to make sure the blasters were
at hand, safeties off. But as the voices moved on, Ryan gently pushed her down
on the bed and started to spread wide her strong thighs.
Unexpectedly, the woman wrapped her long legs around his waist and hauled him
down onto the bed beside her. Then, lifting herself up on her knees, Krysty
used her hands to stroke him hard and make sure Ryan was ready before
deliciously lowering herself, fully engulfing him until their hips rested
together and their bodies fused for a brief few seconds in perfect symmetry.
His hands gently caressed her breasts and thighs as she rocked slowly,
teasingly, back and forth, the moist heat of her growing passion flowing over
him as he stiffened even more to fill her by the heartbeat.
Her long hair cascaded across both their bodies, hiding and revealing as the
animated locks responded to her enhanced emotional state. Private words were
spoken, secrets revealed, as the couple went beyond words, every breath needed
to fuel their bodies locked together in the writhing rhythm more basic and
primordial than speech or thought.
Suddenly, Krysty arched her back, thrusting herself hard against the man. Ryan
grabbed her hips, holding her motionless for a tick as he thrust deeper into
her innermost reaches until their minds were conscious only of each other
responding, touch, taste and sound combining into a wild elixir of near
drunken intoxication. The creaking of the bed was muffled by their breathing
as the chill vanished from the small room, and for a brief moment of time, the
world was at peace for the two wanderers.
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