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lights exploded behind his closed eyelids. A simple kiss had never left
him feeling woozy before.
Holding Rayne s face with both hands, he slipped his tongue
through the plump, panting lips, delving inside to explore the sweet
depths. Rayne s tongue met his, dancing and gliding, relinquishing
control, but taking what he wanted.
Then all too soon, Rayne pulled away, his face flushed and his
eyes wide. They just stared at each other for several minutes before
Rayne leaned over, kissed Dante s brow, and stood from the bed.
 You need to rest. I ll see you in the morning.
 Stay. He didn t care if he sounded needy. He wanted Rayne in
his bed.
 Not tonight. Rayne smiled indulgently, blew him a kiss, and
hurried out of the room.
Dante dropped his head back to the pillow with a pathetic groan as
he reached down to grasp his straining erection through his sweats.
The corners of his lips turned up in a soft smile as he pictured
Rayne s face before he hurried out of the room.  Not tonight, he d
56 Gabrielle Evans
He never said anything about the others, and Dante intended to
hold him to them all nineteen nights remaining.
* * * *
Rayne raced down the hallway, stripping out of his clothes as he
went and berating himself the entire way. Once inside the guest
bathroom, he turned on the shower and jumped inside without waiting
for the water to warm.
Since when did he care about other people s well-being? So what
if Dante had the flu and bronchitis? Who cared that they d just
returned from the hospital? It had never stopped Rayne before. The
idea of hurting Dante in any way, intentional or not, made his
stomach burn.
He needed to get a grip on himself. The time he d spent with
Dante was making him soft. When his thirty days expired, he d return
to his normal life, and these silly dreams of happy-ever-after would be
a long forgotten memory.
God, the man kissed like a dream, though.
Groaning, Rayne dropped his head against the spray of the
shower, one palm resting against the blue tiles in front of him, and the
other reaching down to wrap around his jutting cock. Stroking slowly,
he pictured Dante s handsome face, his full pink lips wrapped around
Rayne s length, sucking and slurping, pushing him closer to the edge.
Rayne could still feel the gentle brush of Dante s tongue against
his own. Still feel the warm breath that washed over his face. The
gorgeously full lips that pillowed against his as strong fingers wound
in his hair, pulling him closer.
Snapping his hips in and out of his grip, Rayne groaned as his sac
tightened, the pressure building and finally exploding, shooting ropes
of creamy seed from his slit. He watched as the sticky cream fell to
swirl with the water and vanish down the drain.
Devil Did Grin 57
Limp and exhausted, he finished his shower quickly, his mind
refusing to accept the idea that he might be falling in love with Dante
Luca all over again. His heart, however, held no such doubts.
58 Gabrielle Evans
Chapter Nine
Standing inside the newly finished kitchen, Dante grinned. It had
taken nearly three days for the antibiotics to begin to work their
magic, but he d peeled himself out of bed that morning and demanded
to go to the site. One house down, but three left to finish before the
end of summer, he didn t have the luxury of lying around in bed.
Rayne grumped and grumbled, but had grudgingly agreed as long
as Dante promised not to overdo it. It was actually kind of sweet.
 You did all this?
 Well, I had help, but yeah. I knew you needed it done before the
end of the week.
 You did a fantastic job. Dante meant it. The kitchen cabinets,
the banisters, the hardwood flooring, the ceramic tile, the entire house
looked amazing right down to the last detail.  You should be proud.
 Shh! Rayne flapped his hands around frantically.  Don t use the
P word!
 Calm down. This is the good kind of pride, remember? Dante
chuckled as he stepped closer and hooked a finger in the belt loop of
Rayne s jeans.  You worked hard and accomplished something
amazing. It s okay to feel good about it. He tugged, pulling the
smaller man closer to him.  Yes?
Rayne looked up at him dazedly, his soft bottom lip drawn into his
mouth, and nodded as though in slow motion.
 I m not sick anymore, Rayne.
Rayne shook his head, still moving slowly, his eyes never leaving
Dante s.
Devil Did Grin 59
Releasing his hold on the belt loop, Dante wrapped his hands
around Rayne s waist and lifted him up on the countertop.  Much
better. He grinned wickedly as he insinuated himself between
Rayne s spread thighs.  I don t need to rest. Leaning closer, he
brushed the hair back from Rayne s neck, skimming his nose along
the silky soft skin of his throat.  I need you, baby. Stop running from
His small body trembled and vibrated, his head falling back on his
slim shoulders. Delicate hands fisted in Dante s shirt, not pulling him
closer, nor pushing him away.  I don t know what you re talking
about, Rayne whispered roughly.
 You lie. Dante licked a slow path up Rayne s neck to his ear.
 You ve been avoiding me for the past three days.
 I just didn t want to get sick.
 You lie, Dante repeated.  I want you, Rayne, and I intend to
have you. If you don t want this, you need to say so now.
 What about the crew? Rayne s voice shook as he arched against
Dante s questing mouth.
 Sent them to lunch. They ll be gone for at least an hour. His
hands slipped under the hem of Rayne s T-shirt, his palms smoothing
along the lean muscles of his tight abs.  Say yes, baby.
 You ll just leave me again, Rayne whispered distractedly as his
fingers kneaded the muscles in Dante s chest.
 Not this time. He nipped lightly at the skin just behind Rayne s
ear.  Say yes.
Lifting his head, Rayne stared into his eyes with a mix of lust and
worry. Then he pressed their mouths together in a sweet, chaste kiss.
 I want you, Dante.
That s all he needed to hear. Fisting both hands in Rayne s glossy
hair, Dante attacked his mouth, licking, sucking, biting, and
devouring him. Sweet heavens, Rayne tasted so good. Better than the
times before, and better than Dante could have ever imagined.
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His dick pressed against his zipper, straining and aching,
demanding release from its confinement. Breaking the kiss only long
enough to pull Rayne s shirt over his head and toss it aside, Dante
dove back into the kiss, groaning and humping against the counter.
Mapping the lean contours of his lover s body, he gripped and
stroked, touching as much of Rayne s skin as he could.
 Wanna see you, Rayne panted, gripping Dante s shirt and
dragging it over his head. He whimpered softly, his eyes roaming over
Dante s chest as his hands followed the path.  You re gorgeous. His
eyes clouded with longing, and a hint of sadness tinted his words.
Slipping his fingers under his lover s chin, Dante lifted his head
and smiled.  Baby, you re beautiful just how you are. He gripped
Rayne s hips and dragged him forward, pressing their jean-clad
erections together and grinding against him.  See what you do to
me? Then he claimed those luscious lips again, palming the small of
Rayne s back.  See how you fit so perfectly in my hands?
Rayne buried his face in Dante s neck, licking and nibbling as he
humped against him.  No more talking.
More than happy to comply, Dante set to work, undoing Rayne s
jeans and lifting him to glide them down his narrow hips.
Rayne hissed when his flushed skin met the cool granite, but
didn t pause in his assault on Dante s senses. Running his hands down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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