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at all. He stretched, swallowing hard and letting his morning
wood rub up on that hot skin.
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
"Mmm. Yes, that's it, sweet. Just that way." Hand
flattening out on his ass, Gryphon pushed him a little, letting
the rubbing get more serious.
"Mmmhmm." Wait. Wait, this was not in the ... Oh...
Oh, that was it. There.
"So hot. So sweet." The man shifted, got him between
those long thighs instead of against just one, really giving him
the goods.
"Douce..." He nodded, jerking as Gryphon's lips traced his
collarbone. Oh, Lord, yes.
Long fingers slid down his cleft, teasing him, sliding back
to find his balls and stroke. So light and soft. That sent
shudders all through him, 'cause it was damn near tickling,
but not quite and that made it hot and what the Hell was he
doing, loving on this man like he was the boss.
"You like me," Gryphon said, smiling against his throat.
"Yes. Come along, sweet. Faster."
"Mmhmm." Remy set to moaning, hips rolling, damn near
begging that touch to give him more.
Someone was listening in, because he got more, fingers
stroking his balls, a heavy thumb pushing at his hole. And
Gryph started to hump up against him, rumbling low. His
eyes rolled and he just moved, caught up in the whole thing
like a beach ball in the waves. A low chuckle met that
thought, Gryph holding him tighter, moving him faster. Those
damned fangs grazed his skin, almost punching through.
"I." Oh. Oh, he was fixin' to ... He just needed a little bit...
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
"This, sweet?" Those fingers did something amazing, that
thumb pressed against him hard, and Gryphon ... bit him.
He cried out, spunk pouring out of him as the room sort
went all tilt-a-whirl and sparkly like the best carny rides after
too much hootch.
He barely heard the growl, had no warning besides that
before he really was flying, Clay springing up off the floor and
tearing him right off those teeth. "You goddamned fucker!"
Clay shouted, the sound freakishly loud.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fucking shit.
He went still, quiet. Okay. Okay. He needed his pants and
his boots. His wallet was in his pants.
Vance was staring at him, at the blood leaking down his
Oh, man. He shoulda never left home on this weird-assed
"You," Clay stabbed finger at Vance. "Stop staring and sit
down. You stop biting my boy!"
Then Clay turned to him, putting both hands on his
shoulders and staring into his eyes. "You okay, babe?"
"Yeah. Yeah. I. Hey, Boss. You mad at me?" That was the
big one, right now. Boo might could eat him and he didn't
know what was up with Griffy, there, but Clay? Clay was
Those crazy-dark eyes softened, and Clay pressed a sweet
kiss to his mouth. "No, Rem. I'm not mad at you. Worried
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
about you, yeah. Pissed as Hell that we're stuck in this mess.
Not mad at you."
"'Kay." He nodded, patted Clay on the cheek. "I guess I
better clean me off, huh? 'fore Boo's eyes bug out?"
"Yeah, Rem. Yeah, you better. Please." That was from poor
Boo, hands clasped over the scarred belly.
Clay patted his butt, kissing him again, almost seeming
normal. "Go wash up, babe. We'll be right here. We'll sort this
"'Kay, Boss." Remy grabbed his jeans and his boots (and
his wallet, just in case "working it out" meant "running like
Hell") and went to get clean.
Lord, lord, lord.
This shit was too deep for him.
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
Chapter Twenty Four
Clay figured it was time to get their shit together. He
grabbed Vance, sat down on the bed, and stared at the new
guy, shaking his head. "I don't like this, man. You got to go."
"My name is Gryphon, not 'man,' and I assure you, I have
no intention of going anywhere without Remy. I can help you,
you know."
He ran his hand over his head, ruffling up what hair he
had. "What the Hell do you want? I can't just give up Remy.
He's ... he's my family, and he deserves my protection."
"Clay, old dude Remy's a guy. You can't really just have
him." Vance really was very new at this...
They both looked at Vance like he'd lost his mind, finally
agreeing on something. Clay almost laughed, because Vance
looked so confused. And Clay figured he'd never understand,
because Vance was never going to have anyone but him.
"I think we can let Remy decide," Gryphon pointed out
mildly, idly scratching his chest. It wasn't a bad chest, as
chests went. Clay liked them a bit more scarred...
"You two deal with that. I'm going to find the Colonel and
have a discussion with him." Vance started hunting for
clothes. "I've been cooped up forever."
"Baby." He grabbed Vance by the hips. "You can't. Come
on, now. We need to eat first, need to get your strength up.
You go in there with this kind of bloodlust, you'll end up dead
for real."
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
Remy came back in, grinned at Vance. "You want me to
find him some big old biker? He could suck away."
"There you go, babe." Oh, better. Remy looked more like
his usual self. Clay grabbed him when Gryphon would have
reached for him, hugging that warm little body close.
"Yeah. Yeah. I needed a bath. We got a plan, y'all?"
"No. We're milling about like cattle. Possibly sheep."
Man, he was really getting to dislike that Gryphon.
"We need to find a bigger hidey hole, Boss. Y'all need
"Yeah. Yeah, we need someplace ... someplace like a
house or somethin'." They needed to think, too. And that was
damned hard right now.
"I'll go find something." Vance was buzzing, fighting to get
out and explore. He remembered that, vaguely.
"What you'll find is a mess of trouble." Clay stared at
Gryphon, meeting those clever eyes with all of his will. "Can I
trust you to keep Rem safe and not run off with him while I
find this one something to eat?"
"Boss, I'm good. For real. I got it." Remy leaned against
him, warm and alive. Of course, that made Vance growl, eyes
"I'm not taking any chances." He hugged Remy close, then
patted his ass and led him to the bed, handing him off to
Gryphon, who nodded.
"I'll keep him safe. Even from me. The sun is going down.
Take your young one out to eat."
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
"Bring me back something, Boss? I'm hungry as all get
out." Remy was drawn into the curve of Gryphon's body and
damn, that looked cozy.
He fought down his instinctive protest. "You bet, babe.
We'll bring you a big old bag of Popeye's. I know you like
Then Clay turned his attention to Vance, who watched the
whole byplay with glowing eyes. "Come on, honey. Let's you
and me go hunt."
"Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, let's." The energy pouring off Vance
was just enough to make them all hard.
Lord, almighty. They didn't go now ... Well, orgies could be
fun, but Remy would get eaten for sure. The sun had just
slipped completely behind the horizon when they left, Vance
pulling him out by the arm.
"What happens now? Where do we go?"
"Wherever your nose leads you, honey. We try to stay
away from anything obvious, anything that will get us shut in
a sunny room..." How did he explain hunting? All that blood of
the evildoer some vampire novelist had come up with was
"You'll make sure I don't go overboard? I'm not the bad
"I'll make sure, baby. I promise." No way would he let
Vance damage himself or anything, though. Because he was a
good guy, for all that Clay wasn't.
"Cool." Vance lifted his head, started moving through the
dark like a fucking dream. It was hot the hunt and the way
Vance trusted him, just like that. Look at that man. Clay
Long Black Cadillac
by B. A. Tortuga
caught up soon enough, but he watched a little first. Then he
hustled, knowing he needed to be right there.
They hit a bar, Vance sliding in among the shitkickers like
he belonged, heading right for the dance floor. Jesus. He
hadn't imagined Vance could dance. Hell, with those scars,
Vance might not have for a while.
Clay hung back, letting Vance find his own way, letting the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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