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pussy. With his thumbs he massaged the sensitive hollows where her thighs met her
Wrapped Around Your Finger
labia. Unconsciously she spread wider, but he tightened his grip, pressing his fingers
painfully into the flesh of her thighs, reminding her who was in control.
 You move when I say.
 Yes Sir. She knew how this worked now. If she wanted him to touch her, she had
to obey and God, did she want him to touch her.
 Good girl. He parted her lips with his thumbs, barely brushing the sensitive nub
of her clit. When he took her nipple between his teeth, she whimpered. He alternated
between teeth and tongue as he played. The pleasure warred with the pain, then he
sank a finger inside her pussy and she willed herself to remain upright.
What she really wanted to do was lie back on the bed and beg him to make her
come. Instead she sat there and trembled. Slowly he strummed her clit with his thumb
as his finger pumped in and out of her. She wanted, almost needed to thrust with him,
but she held still. It was torture, a pleasurable, blissful, torture. He brought her close, so
very close to orgasm, but to her disappointment, he backed away leaving her throbbing
and needy and frustrated.
 Don t pout. You ll get to come& eventually.
* * * * *
It was absolutely insane how aroused Indie was at the moment. Banner had
brought her to the brink twice more before they left the house. She was thankful he d
left her alone for the drive. Well not as thankful as she d be if he took mercy on her and
gave her an orgasm. Apparently he wasn t in a very merciful mood. Frustrated, she
shifted on the passenger seat of Banner s SUV.
Banner s smile was all too smug as he pulled up to a gated driveway. It would
appear that he enjoyed watching her squirm. She clenched her teeth and tried to ignore
how damp her pussy was. It would serve him right if she left a wet pot on his nice
leather seat. He punched a series of numbers into the keypad and it slowly opened,
allowing them entrance.
Fallon Blake
If Banner s house was modest and quaint, Jared s was exactly the opposite
grandiose, modern and located on a very affluent stretch of South Beach. Banner parked
among the other dozen or so cars and shut off the engine. Anxious, she fiddled with the
D ring attached to the cuff on her wrist.
Banner retrieved his toy bag from the back seat then came around and helped her
out of the vehicle.  God, you re beautiful, he whispered before he kissed her.
She felt naked. She d been right about the package that had been delivered to the
house earlier. Banner had chosen a kimono-style, wrap-around dress for her to wear
this evening. The wide sleeves of the elegant ivory silk hung almost to her wrists. The
hem just brushed the tops of her thighs. A Japanese floral design had been hand painted
on the back and over the lapels. He d allowed her no undergarments, minimal makeup
and had her pull her hair back in a chignon. Black strappy four-inch heels completed
the outfit.
The man had incredible taste. The outfit was extraordinary, but she felt off balance
wearing it, as if she weren t quite herself. Judging from what she knew about Banner,
the way she felt was intentional on his part.
She wondered if he intended to remove the dress or if he just liked having her
available to him. The prospect of being nude in front of everyone at the party made her
uneasy, however if that was what he wanted, then she was prepared to give him that.
The front door opened before they reached it. Banner placed a hand at the small of
her back. The gesture was comforting, reassuring.
If Indie were to imagine what a Spartan Warrior would look like, the man standing
in the doorway would be it. Not only was he tall, but he was stacked with muscle. His
dark brown hair hung to his shoulders in waves. He presented quite an intimidating
picture as he stood there with his arms folded across his chest, glowering at them.
 Well I ll be damned. The man s deep timbre reverberated through her and she
shrank closer to Banner.
Wrapped Around Your Finger
 Are you going to stand there and be rude or are you going to let us in? Banner
asked with an arrogant grin. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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