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on the tip of his tongue. Though he'd been looking forward
to sleeping in a soft bed, it seemed he would have to settle
for sleeping in the Livery with the horses. He could try
another hotel, but the thought of being away from Bri didn't
sit well. At least the Livery was only a few buildings away,
he told himself in an attempt to ease his aggravation.
After accepting the return of the money he'd paid
for the second room, he climbed the stairs to tell Bri the
news. Knocking softly, he waited until he heard her voice
on the other side of the door.
"It's Brody."
The door opened, and Bri gave him a concerned
look. "Is everything alright?"
When Bri stepped aside, he entered the room. "They
done sold my room. I jest wanted to tell you I'm a headed
Blood and Dust D. McEntire
for the Livery for the night. The other hotels are farther in
town, but I don't feel right 'bout leavin' you up here alone."
He was speaking the truth, more so than he cared to
admit. He didn't feel right about leaving her alone, tonight
or any other night.
* * * *
A thought flashed through Bri's mind, and she knew
if she didn't act upon it quickly she would lose her nerve.
Now was her chance to experience true happiness. It was
her chance to really live and love.
"Brody?" Bri closed the distance between them and
placed her hands upon his chest, feeling the beat of his
heart beneath her fingers. Its rhythm called to her like a
song. She gazed into his eyes. "I don't want you to go.
Please, stay here with me tonight."
Bri noticed Brody's anger at losing his room fade
instantly. It turned into something intense. His eyelids
drooped, and his gaze dropped to her lips.
Inside, her mind screamed for him to kiss her again,
as he had done at the camp. When his mouth slowly
descended upon hers, her breath caught in her throat. Wet
Blood and Dust D. McEntire
and Warm. Bri leaned into him, releasing herself into
strong arms that encircled her waist and back. Bri felt
cocooned in Brody's warmth as he slid his lips over hers.
The sensation of his tongue swiping across her lower lip
made her gasp, and when she did, he slid his tongue inside.
She found his taste exhilarating, and her mind
declared its desire to kiss Brody like this forever. The
feelings and emotions going through her head were both
exciting and scary. Never had she done this sort of thing.
Never had she wanted to. She had occupied her life with
knowledge: learning about different cultures and lands. But
her knowledge had been merely what she had found in
books, not what happened in real life.
When Brody eased his hold on her and pulled back,
the expression in his eyes surprised her. Dark and hungry,
he stared at her. His chest rose and fell rapidly. "Bri," he
said hoarsely. "I need to go or I won't be able to stop
Bri smiled coyly and whispered, "Stay."
* * * *
That one spoken word from Bri's soft lips was all
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Brody's body needed to hear. He swept her into his arms,
kicked the door closed with his boot, and gently laid her on
the bed.
Lying alongside her, he lifted himself on one elbow
to look down at her face as he ran a finger along her
jawline. Brody marveled at how soft her skin felt against
his hard hands. "You are so beautiful, Brianna," he
Brody couldn't believe this to be happening. It had
been a long time since he had taken a woman to bed, but
this felt different, right. Much more than simply satisfying
a need. He wanted to take his time and make it last forever.
After another slow, languid kiss, he slid off the bed and
pulled her into a sitting position. Easing behind her, he
began the task of undoing the buttons down the back of her
dress. As he unfastened the first one, he heard her sharp
intake of breath.
"What are you doing?" Bri asked in a shaky voice.
He noticed her body go ramrod straight.
Brody leaned around so he could see her face.
"Removin' your dress. I want to see you. All of you."
He watched her eyes grow wide. Realization set in.
"Bri. Have you never been with a man?"
Blood and Dust D. McEntire
When she slowly shook her head, Brody's heart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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