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What more could you possibly want from me, Megan Imsey?
Meg felt a pulse throbbing in her head.  The only things you will never give me, she
said quietly.  And that s respect. Respect and commitment.
 Oh, for goodness sake! This is the twenty-first century, woman! Gianni threw
himself away from the confrontation again. Standing before the great windows of his
suite, he seethed visibly.  Women want it all. With me, they are certain to get it. You ve got
my body, whenever and wherever you want it. Nothing else was ever on offer. I made that
clear to you, right from the start. What s so wrong with the arrangement? You re a
seasoned businesswoman, Meg. You must be able to see you re throwing away a better
life than you could hope for anywhere else in the world. As my mistress, I can give you
everything. Believe me.
No, not everything! she cried out silently, her heart breaking. I want you to stay
exactly as you are, while becoming the one thing you will never agree to be mine,
and mine alone!
That thought tore words from her like thorns.  There s more to life than having a good
time, Gianni!
 Good times like those we share? Realising anger would not change her mind,
Gianni let his voice become a low, slow river of regret. Instead of pacing, he now
approached her obliquely.  I don t think so, and neither do you, in your heart of hearts. You
are my mistress, Meg. That s been a prize many women have wanted. Grab this chance
of happiness while you can!
 No& no& I need security. I m not like you I can t afford to think only of myself, she
said, trembling with the effort of keeping her voice steady.  Others depend on me, back at
home. I can t let them down, Gianni. They re proud of me, and the way I ve worked. You
aren t no, don t try and laugh it off. I heard you talking to your friend as though my work
was nothing more than a hobby to keep me occupied when I m not warming your bed. I
can t stay here, knowing you think like that. I ll lose all my self respect.
Her glance slid away from him in a multitude of emotions. After a pause, Gianni
looped one arm around her shoulders and gave her a reassuring squeeze. It was too
much. Rigid with anger, she burst into tears of rage and shame.
Gianni softened his tone to a seductive purr.  No, that s not so. We work well
together, Meg. Our aims and methods complement each other. They fit together like
pieces in a jigsaw. I ll do everything in my power to keep you happy, and keep you here.
Name your price anything. I don t want to lose you. His hands went to her shoulders and
he gave her a tiny shake to emphasise his words. There was no doubting the
earnestness in his eyes. It was such a shock to Meg she mastered her tears and stared
at him.
 You don t?
 Of course not! You re the best employee the Castelfino Estate has ever had. Her
spirits rose again. The elation lasted only as long as it took him to add smugly:  And you
come with so very many benefits, tesoro!
She froze, growing up and out from beneath his protective hands.  Star employee
and stellar mistress, in that order?
 That rather depends&  he said with a lascivious smile. When she still did not nestle
into him as she should have done, he encouraged her with a tug. Then he delivered a kiss
to the top of her head.
 I don t want to lose you, he repeated gently.
 In which capacity? Her reply was clipped and dangerously businesslike.
 Now let me think& 
His fingers trailed over her cheek and down her neck, insinuating their way casually
between the neckline of her negligee and her skin. With equal offhandedness Meg moved
slightly, away from him and the shelter of his arm.
 While you re thinking, Gianni, I m going to get dressed. Then I m off to tell everyone
of my decision to leave. Her voice was cool and strangely emotionless.
He let her go, instantly on the alert.  What s your hurry?
 Because, Gianni, if I stay here, you ll keep trying to change my mind. I don t want
that. I want witnesses to the fact I m going, and as soon as possible.
 Oh, you know me so well! He laughed.
In that instant Meg knew there could be no going back. She had touched him for the
final time, and could never allow herself to get this close to him again. If she once let him
back inside her defences, she would be lost for ever. She could not afford to let that
 Goodbye, Gianni, she said, her hand already on the handle of the door.
He crossed the room in two strides. Pushing his palm against it, he stopped her
opening it.
 No. You must stay.
Something snapped inside Meg. How could he drag out her torture like this? He was
no better than a cat with a mouse, giving her hope then snatching it away again.
 I m doing this for your own good, Gianni.
His laughter rumbled around the room.  Don t be so old-fashioned, tesoro! And I
hope you aren t expecting life back home with your parents to be the same as before.
You re always telling me their sales are increasing by the day. Their success must mean
they re still following the business plan you drew up for them. But they don t need you on
the spot any more. Stay here with me, Meg. Things will have changed back in England.
Your parents are grown people who managed without you, before you were born. They will
resent having to make room for you again when they thought you had made a new life
His shocking announcement overshadowed Meg s dread of parting from him. She
stared at him in horror.
 How can you say that? Her voice was a whisper of ice.  It s no wonder you were so
keen to act the playboy if you think parenting is something that ends when children can
fend for themselves! Hearing that would have made your poor father despair for his
 Leave my father out of this! he snapped.  He s got nothing to do with it. His only
interest in me was whether or not I would find a reliable, loyal wife. One who was the
complete opposite of the woman he chose for himself. But in my experience all women
are out for what they can get.
His last words were a bitter announcement of defiance. Once upon a time his tone
would have frightened Meg, but not any longer. She shook her head slowly.
 Then I feel sorry for you, Gianni. It s no wonder you re so dead set against making
any sort of commitment to a woman. You must have been damaged in some way, a long
time ago. She gazed at him, desperately trying to strengthen her conviction that she
would be better off without the uncertainty of life with him.
His voice was full of the bitterness of unripe olives as he shot a poisonous stare at
the family portrait.  My upbringing took away any capacity I might have had to love, and be
loved in return.
He was quite deliberately twisting the knife in her conscience.  I m going, Gianni,
she said, almost managing to keep the tremor from her voice.
 Then you re making a big mistake.
She hardened her heart and put her hand to the door handle.  So you say but I d
rather be free to make my own mistakes in the real world, than locked in a barren
paradise like this.
 Megan Meg& 
The regret in his voice was so alien, she had to see if it was genuine. Looking at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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