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"Eee!" Vanessa screamed, nearly dropping her camera. Then she and Tiphany burst into a fit of
hysterical cackling.
Nate stood up, still deep in thought as he ambled away.
Over on his park bench Dan tossed his ice cream in the trash and lit a cigarette. It was weird, but
he and Nate were almost thinking the same thing. He'd always thought he and Vanessa would be
together forever. Now he wasn't so sure.
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Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered
or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.
Glinda the good witch
Okay, so everyone wants a fairy godmother. Well, a young buxom girl
who hails from the Upper West Side and may or may not make the most
embarrassing mistakes of her life on a weekly basis just happens to have one
in the form of a tall, blond, beautiful senior. As we all know, S is the master of
turning infamy into magic. Don't look now, but J could just be the next Jessica
Simpson! Or better yet, the next S ...
Strange company
One of the reasons most of us can't wait to go to college next year, no
matter where we got in, is because we get to live on our own without
parents or nannies or housekeepers or bodyguards or anyone watch-ing over
us. Even if some of us have our own wings or floors, or even * our own
kitchens or whatever at home, the point is, we want out. Unless, that is, you're
already out of the house like someone we know and it's not working out
because of certain uninvited guests ...
The truth about Liberty or Lolita or whatever she's calling
herself these days
I'll tell you what I heard. That ferret-toting girl with the oddly braided
purple-and-black hair? She used to be a nice girl. By that I mean she went to
a good private girls' school on the Upper East Side, lived in a town house, and
played tennis. Senior year she decided to rebel, "forgot" to apply to college,
dropped out of school, got disowned from her fami-ly, and started wandering
the country giving piercings to make money.
Whenever she runs out of cash, she always comes back to town to
mooch off her old friends and steal their clothes. And she's always so cheerful
about it all, it usually takes a while for people to catch on.
Your e-mail
Dear GG,
I'm the chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Lenox Hill Hospital
in the birth-and-delivery unit. I happened to be on the premises when a
laboring woman was rushed in, escorted by her teenage daughter. Only
minutes later I was called away on another emer-gency, but I was so
impressed with the way the daughter was coaching her mother, I wanted
to find out her name so I could recommend her to Yale's premed
program, which is where I went. The mother was registered under the
name Rose, but I can't find the daughter anywhere. Can you help?
Dear drpepper,
I think someone's day no, life is about to be made.
Dear GG,
Don't you think it's kind of rude to, like, join a really exclusive
sis-terhood that really means something to the other members, and then,
like, totally never even call the people or anything again? I mean, why
join in the first place?
Dear myowngrl,
Didn't you ever do anything you regretted?
B walking through Sheep Meadow wearing a Burberry print Snugli,
her new baby sister all tucked up inside. Looks like B's discovered her soft
and furry side. S and a very famous fashion photographer choos-ing apparel in
Jeffrey for a shoot. There was a certain crystal-studded bustier that S simply
does not have the goods for. Either she's planning on getting implants, they're
using falsies, or the bustier's for another girl.... N checking out the sterling
silver baby gifts in Tiffany & Co. Ho can buy me a rattle anytime. V and that
black-and-purple-haired girl in a conga line with C and his monkey at the Five
and Dime in Williamsburg. No comment. And where was D? No comment.
Only one more day till the weekend, and I'm already hearing rumors
about a party.
You know you love me,
gossip girl
"This is Yale in the baby blanket I got her at Hermes. And this is her and Kitty Minky watching
Breakfast at Tiffany's with me in the rocking chair. See, she even has on kitten socks with tiny ears and
Friday senior homeroom was the sacred half hour during which the Constance Billard seniors sat
on the floor in the senior lounge a tiny, empty fifth-floor classroom drinking cappuccinos, trading
gossip, and exchanging personal opin-ions about their new clothing purchases. This Friday was Blair's
first day back at school since The Baby, so the half hour was given over to show-and-tell.
"And here she is sleeping in her little Moses basket."
"Aw," thirty girls chorused together.
"And where did she get that fantastic silver cow-jumping-over-the-moon mobile?" Laura Salmon
"It's from Tiffany. It was a gift."
From Nate, Serena added silently from where she sat on the outer edge of the group. Nate had
even called her from Tiffany so she could help him pick something out.
"The basket she's sleeping in is so precious," added Isabel Coates. "I love the way the pink
ribbon is woven into the handles."
Thanks, Serena thought to herself. She'd ordered tin basket from a baby boutique in southern
France and had it flown over especially. "It was hand woven by Alsatian monks from the branches of
willow trees," Serena blurted out. "It's supposed to stay in the family and become an heirloom."
Meaning that it was a gift to Blair, too.
Blair looked up from her digital camera. She and Serena hadn't spoken since their unfortunate
college-acceptance-letter opening party, and it was pretty obvious that the generous baby gifts Serena
and Nate had sent to her mom were meant as peace offerings. But Blair had never been one to forgive
and forget easily.
The first bell rang and the tightly packed group of girls moaned and began to dissipate, collecting
their books and pens and gum and hairbrushes and whatever else they'd need to make it through the day,
while still hanging around to lis-ten to Serena and Blair face off. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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