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 How far is Woburn?
 Another twenty-five miles northwest.
 I have no better idea than to look there. We probably have three weeks to find
 That s naïve of you. We have until nightfall before he ruins her.
 Then we must press on, she said,  even if we are going in the wrong direction,
even if we are too late to prevent the worst, even if Emily does not want our help.
 In case she might. We should be there in a few hours. Could be dangerous.
She smiled finally and it made her face light up.  You are teaching me to love
danger and uncertainly.
 We ll have to change horses there.
 If you don t trust the stock there we can rent a carriage, she said as they brought
the horses up to a canter.
 Would you prefer that?
 No I would rather ride.
 I suspected as much.
Viscount for Hire
He urged his horse forward and Kate rode at his side. Once again he had the feeling
events were spinning out of control, not just regarding his errant sister but because his
hellion of a wife was always one step ahead of him. And yet she made more sense than
many men. Was she right this time, as well, that Em had gone willingly and that it
would be doing her a disservice to stop her wedding? He should be the one rescuing his
sister, but felt himself paralyzed by uncertainty now that Kate had planted doubt in his
They stopped at the Dolphin Inn at Woburn because it was on the main street, and
Kate went in to inquire about the couple while Dancy inspected the job horses and
asked after his father s coach. She was tempted to ask for tea but did not think she
would have time to drink it. Besides, the landlord was eyeing her and her lack of
servants and baggage suspiciously, so she went back outside just in time to see her
groom ride in.
 Joseph, how did you find us?
 Lord Dancy told us where you were bound. We found this in the library.
Kate ripped open the envelope and recognized Emily s elegant hand just as her
husband strode toward them leading two horses outfitted with their tack.  Dancy,
He grabbed the note and read it through.  So she does consider it an elopement.
 If only she gave some clue as to where they were bound, Kate said.
 We are on the right track. One of the ostlers saw Father s carriage pass. It s the
matched black team that drew his attention.
 How long ago?
 Half an hour.
 Shall I go with you, sir? Joseph asked.
Barbara Miller
Kate watched Dancy as he glanced at her, then at her groom, who suddenly seemed
to be asking for orders from him. That should not surprise her though it did hurt a little.
 No, you ve done well, Dancy said, passing some coins into his hand.  Stay here
overnight and rest the horses. Then take them home in the morning at an easy pace. We
should be able to catch Evers at Woolcroft Place.
She felt herself smiling. He wanted her to go with him on this adventure.
 Up you go, Kate. This time she let him lift her onto the horse and she thought it
might be nice to have a strong pair of arms at her disposal. There was nothing sensual
or romantic about his touch but she could dream.
* * * * *
When they arrived at the estate an hour later, the butler seemed inclined to deny
the presence of the owners, let alone the couple they sought. Dancy left Kate holding his
horse, pushed past the servant and interrupted dinner.
 Were they here? Dancy demanded of the elderly couple dining in lonely state.
 If you mean your hoyden of a sister and my son, yes they were here and I sent
them packing.
 How could you? Your own son?
 After all the scandal with your family, how was I to take the news that they
planned to fall in here and live with us until they can be married.
 I have no time to argue. Where did they go?
 I have no idea and I do not care.
 If I thought you knew I would shake the information out of you.
Dancy exited but Lady Woolcroft ran after him.
 Please do not hurt my son.
 That will all depend on when and where I find them. If you know where they
went say so.
Viscount for Hire
 You sister said they would go home.
 I assume so.
When he got back outside Kate was still mounted and holding the reins of his
horse.  Where to now?
 Winterhaven. Another twenty miles.
 We ll have to change horses again. These won t last as long as mine did.
 Any other woman would be booking a room at an inn. You just say we ll need
fresh horses.
 Well, we will. Which way?
 Across country will shave an hour and might let us get ahead of them. Come on.
* * * * *
They stopped to rest the horses on a rise over the road and she turned to Dancy.
 What are you going to do when we catch up to them?
 I seriously do not know.
A half-moon gave some light, but she did not like some of the coppices. There were
shapes in there that could be highwaymen. This was an absurd idea of Dancy s, but he
was her husband and she should defer to him. Another carriage came their way so she
edged her horse back into the hedge. But Dancy darted out and made the team rear in
his efforts to stop it. The head that poked outside the carriage was not Evers, and the
man ordered the driver to ride over Dancy. The cracking whip must have caught
Dancy s horse and made him rear and dump her husband in the road. God, if his
wound broke open he could be dead.
He waved for her to catch the horse and she had no difficulty doing so.  Are you
hurt? she asked as she led it back.
 No. I made sure that was Father s carriage and team.
Barbara Miller
 It s too dark to see. Let s just go there. If we are ahead of them we ll wait for
 If not& 
 If not we need to stop. You ve just taken a crashing fall.
 And you must be exhausted, he said as he mounted.
 I could go on, but if your fears are realized we may already be too late.
 Well I know it.
* * * * *
There were no lights at Winterhaven except in the kitchen. Dancy and Kate stabled
the horses themselves and then knocked on the kitchen door to be let in by the caretaker
and his wife.
 Have you seen anything of Em and my father s carriage?
 Bless me, no, said old Beamer.  Come in, come in.
 Let me present my wife, Kate.
 If only we had known you were coming on your wedding tour. We had word you
were to be married but no news of your visit.
 We should make up a fire in the drawing room and get the chambers ready, his
wife the housekeeper said.  I ll wake a maid. You get them something warm to drink.
We can lay a cold supper for you in a trice.
 No need for a fire, but we will have to stay here tonight, Dancy said.
Kate helped make the tea and lay out some bread and cheese while Mrs. Beamer
and the scullery maid got chambers ready for them. She almost said  we need only one
room but realized she d be speaking for herself. She had to learn to not be so
After a substantial meal, Mrs. Beamer led them up the stairs to a suite of rooms
connected by a dressing room.
Viscount for Hire
 I shall have Beamer go out for your luggage.
 I have it here, Kate said of the saddlebags. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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