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By the time she reached the hallway, Julian was there to meet her.  It s worse in your
bedroom, he warned.  I left the light on. Stack whatever you can salvage near the door while I
call Pierre. It s a good thing you re not going to stay here.
 What? This is my apartment. she protested.
Julian grasped her chin in his hand.  Look at me.
When Danamara reluctantly obeyed, he said,  I understand. Truly I do. You ve endured
much upheaval in your life the last two weeks. But your survival is at risk if you stay here. This
was not a random attack.
Shivering as the reality of the situation flooded her, she nodded.
 I offer you the security of my home. When we can arrange a place of safety for you, I will
be the first one to lend my assistance with your move, if you still wish to leave. Julian shook his
head in clear impatience.  Go pack while I see to your interests.
With a shuddering sigh, she whispered,  Okay.
As Julian watched her trudge down the hall a hard knot of anger smoldered in his chest.
While she was distracted with the unexpected assault on her home, he reluctantly called Pierre
though he had planned to allow the other vampire more time to accept the changes in their
relationship. Sometimes even vampires couldn t arrange the future to meet their wishes.
 Hello. Over the scratchy connection, it was clear that Pierre was in a rage.
 Pull yourself together, Julian snapped.  We require your assistance.
 Fuck you.
 Perhaps another time. At the moment I have an emergency. Julian knew the exact
moment Pierre realized there was a serious problem.
 Where are you and what do you need?
With a sigh of relief, Julian s shoulders relaxed just a bit.  We re at Danamara s apartment.
Vampires have been here. Possibly some other breed of non-human was with them. In my quick
survey, I would say the destruction is pretty near total. Security is nil. It isn t possible for her to
live here.
 What is your solution?
Julian hesitated before delivering the final blow.  She has agreed to stay with me for now.
After a very long pause with nothing but static humming across the air, Pierre abruptly
said,  Someone will be there shortly to take care of things. I will meet with you tomorrow to
discuss the other decisions we must make.
 Thank you. Julian disconnected, knowing it was not possible for him to offer any
comfort to his friend. Every alpheli pairing he d ever heard of was a mutually exclusive one.
Though they were more or less on even footing now, there would never be any evening delights
with Pierre.
 Fuck tradition. Pierre threw the cell phone across the room where it shattered against
the stone fireplace in a shower of tiny pieces.
In the shadow of the doorway, Charlie watched with sympathetic eyes.  What
 Vampires destroyed the alpheli s apartment. Send someone to take care of the mess.
 That is not what put you in this new rage, Charlie observed.
Pierre spun to face him.  Nor is that any of your business.
Crossing his arms, Charlie leaned on the doorframe.  Of course it s my business. I told you
back when you engineered your hostile takeover that Julian would not be coerced. He would
walk into the sun before accepting a lover on any terms except his own. Well, now you are on
more even ground. What s the problem?
 He has an alpheli.
 And? You cannot convince me they already have a serious attachment. If you want him,
then court him, you fool. Charlie dug his phone from his pocket and punched in a number.
 Julian Taglio requires immediate assistance at his alpheli s apartment. I suggest you take boxes.
After rattling off the address, he closed the phone and stuffed it back in his pocket.  If you want
him, you must accept his alpheli wholeheartedly. In Julian s case the way to his heart is not
through his pocketbook or his dick. It s clearly through Danamara.
Shaking his finger at Charlie, Pierre protested,  You have the nerve to say I told you so?
You? You can t even manage your own love life. If you know so much about love, why did
Andros take off for Greece?
 Low blow, Pierre. I suppose I should have expected it. I believe I ll go out to help hunt
Rick. You know how to find me. Charlie walked away into the shadowy hallway.
Irritably, Pierre stomped over to the desk and jerked open the drawer where Charlie kept
the stash of programmed replacement phones. Poking through the collection, he chose a green
one and slammed the drawer shut. He d show Charlie. Court Julian? He d damn well romance
Julian so thoroughly he wouldn t be able to resist his advances. Punching in Gerard s number, he
summoned his lawyer to work on the alpheli contract. Danamara was going to be one of the
luckiest female vampires in the world.
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